Tiger Paw Student Handbook 
    Apr 19, 2024  
Tiger Paw Student Handbook

Creating a New Club or Student Organization


Although many informal groups of students exist on campus, some students with similar interests choose to create official student organizations. The benefits of creating a student organization include the following:

  • Ability to reserve and use University facilities
  • Ability to sponsor public performances on campus 
  • Ability to distribute and post advertising materials on campus 
  • Assistance from the Student Life Office and the Office of Student Activities

There is a three-phase process for starting a student organization on the UWA campus. Students interested in starting a social fraternity or sorority must contact the Director of Student Life before taking any other action. Social fraternities and sororities (Greeks) follow a different approval process.

Phase One (Developing Stage)

  1. Meet with the Director of Student Life to discuss your proposed organization. If a similar organization already exists on campus, you will be given contact information so that you can join the existing group. You will not be permitted to create a student organization with a similar purpose or similar goals of an existing organization.
  2. Although developing groups may not schedule activities or reserve facilities on campus, developing groups may meet informally in public areas on campus to prepare for probationary status. Public areas include locations such as the seating area near the fireplace at the Student Union Building. 
  3. Fill out and return the “Intent to Organize Worksheet”. 
  4. Find an advisor. The advisor must be a full time faculty or staff member at the University of West Alabama. The advisor is subject to approval by the Director of Student Life. 
  5. Recruit at least five full-time UWA students. At least five members of the group must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA (or 18 ACT, if a first-semester freshman). 
  6. Develop a constitution. 
  7. Select officers. Your organization must have at least two officers. Each officer must have at least a 2.25 GPA (or 18 ACT, if a first-semester freshman). 
  8. Fill out a “New Student Organization Application”, available from the Director of Student Life. 
  9. Return the completed “New Student Organization Application” and a copy of your constitution to Richard Hester, Director of Student Life, SUB room 203B.

Your “New Student Organization Application” and constitution will be reviewed by the Director of Student Life. If your organization meets the requirements of the University, it will be approved as a probationary student organization.

Phase Two (Probationary Stage)

  1. Probationary organizations may reserve campus facilities for meetings and activities. However, probationary groups may not use "UWA" and/or "The University of West Alabama" in their names.
  2. Your organization’s president must meet with the Director of Student Life at least twice each semester to provide details of your organization’s activities. 
  3. Your organization may apply to the Director of Student Life for up to $225 per school year, to support your activities. 
  4. Your group must continue to recruit new members. Prior to Phase Three, your group must have at least eight members who are full-time UWA students with at least 2.0 cumulative GPAs (or 18 ACT, if a first-semester freshman). 
  5. After six months of probationary status, the president of your organization must schedule a meeting with the Director of Student Life. At the meeting, one of the following outcomes will occur:
    • Your organization will be given permission to petition to the SGA for official recognition. 
    • Your organization’s probationary status will be extended for up to six more months. 
    • Your probationary organization will be terminated.

Phase Three (Recognition Stage)

  1. Present a copy of your constitution to the Attorney General of the SGA. If your initial constitution has changed, you must also give an updated version to the Director of Student Life.
  2. Have an officer attend the SGA meeting when the organization is being considered for recognition. 
  3. Recognized groups may request funding from the SGA. 
  4. Recognized groups may use "UWA" and/or "The University of West Alabama" in their names. 
  5. After one semester, recognized groups may petition for a vote in the SGA, if desired. 
  6. Recognized groups must maintain at least eight members to continue recognized status on the UWA campus.