Faculty and Professional Staff Handbook 
    Mar 06, 2025  
Faculty and Professional Staff Handbook

Chapter II: Organization and Administration


Board of Trustees

The University of West Alabama functions under a Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor of the State and approved by the State Senate. The Board is the policy-making body for the University, and its decisions are generally final; only the State Legislature can alter decisions or policies of the Board. The duties, responsibilities, and composition of the Board are described in the legislative acts cited above. The Board consists of two members from the Congressional district in which the institution is located, one member from each of the other Congressional districts in the State, five members at large, the State Superintendent of Education, and the Governor, who serves as ex-officio president of the Board. The trustees are appointed to terms of six years, and the Board is divided into three classes so that, as nearly as possible, one-third may be chosen quadrennially.

The Board meets quarterly on a regular basis and may meet more often upon call. In addition, the Board Committees meet to consider various aspects and functions of the University in more detail than is possible in meetings of the full Board. The Executive Committee is empowered to act for the Board between meetings when situations require immediate action. Other standing committees of the Board are:

Academic Affairs
University Facilities
Institutional Advancement
Student Affairs.

The President assigns principal administrative officers to provide liaison between the administration and the Board and has authorized these persons to work directly with the committees. Their responsibility is to keep him/her informed so that he/she personally may become involved in committee work as necessary and appropriate.

The By-Laws of the Board of Trustees define the Board as a policy-making body and leave the management of the University to the administration. Only the President reports to the Board, and he/she does so through both written and oral reports.

The Board meetings are open to the public, and any faculty member or other interested parties may ask that business matters or policy matters be placed on the agenda. Opportunities exist for communication with the Board throughout the institution. The President of the Student Government Association, the Chairperson of the Faculty Senate, the Chairperson of the Staff Senate, and the Chairperson of the Minority Faculty and Staff Association attend all Board meetings to represent the viewpoints of the students, faculty, and staff. To further ensure the free flow of communications between the Board and the rest of the University, the By-Laws of the Board provide several channels for Board-administration-faculty-staff communication.

Board of Trustees
The University of West Alabama



The Board of Trustees (hereinafter called the Board) is the governing body of the University of West Alabama (hereinafter called the University). It shall be the responsibility of the Board to establish institutional policy, secure the financial resources to support adequately the University's programs, select the President of the University (hereinafter called the University President), and approve the University budget.

Article I. The Board of Trustees

Section 1. Communication

The Board acts as a body politic, and no individual member of the Board shall have the authority to act for the Board or for the University. Board communications to the Board shall, therefore, be directed to the Board through the University President or Board President except as otherwise provided herein.

The Board and individual members thereof are entitled to information about the University, but shall be encouraged to request such information through the University President or Board President who will provide it except where prohibited by law.

Section 2. Compensation

Members of the Board of Trustees shall not receive compensation for their services as such, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses of attending Board meetings or conducting official business for the University.

Section 3. Meetings

Section 3a. Annual Meeting
The regular annual meeting of the Board shall be held on the first Monday in June at the University unless the Board shall in regular session determine to hold its meeting at some other time and place.

Section 3b. Quarterly Meetings
The Board shall hold quarterly meetings on the first Monday of each third month after the annual meeting at a place set by the Board, except that when that first Monday is a State of Alabama holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next Monday which is not a State holiday, unless the Board shall in regular session determine to hold its quarterly meeting at some other time or place. All meetings shall be held at a time designated by the Board President, except as designated by the Board.

Section 3 c. Recessed Meetings
The Board President may recess any lawful meeting of the Board to the "Call of the Board President." A meeting that is recessed to the Call of the Board President shall not be reconvened until the Board President has provided at least seven (7) days notice to the Board Members of the time and place that the recessed meeting will be reconvened.

Section 3 d. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Governor, who will issue written notice to each Trustee at least ten (10) days in advance of the date of such special meeting. Special meetings shall be called by the Governor upon request of the application in writing of any eight (8) members of the Board. The Governor shall call a special meeting of the Board, naming the time and place thereof and causing notice to be issued in writing to the members of the Board.

Section 4. Officers of the Board

Section 4 a. President
The Board shall elect a President pro tempore (herein called the Board President) from its membership at its annual meeting who will serve for a term of three (3) years, or until a successor shall have been elected, and who may not serve successive terms. In the absence of the Governor, who serves by law as President of the Board, the Board President shall preside over any regular or called meeting. The Board President, or other presiding officer, shall decide all questions of order subject to appeal to the Board and shall fulfill such other responsibilities as may be provided for by the Board.

Section 4 b. Vice President
The Board shall elect a Vice President pro tempore (herein called the Vice President) from its membership at an annual meeting who will serve for a term of three (3) years, or until a successor shall have been elected, and who may not serve successive terms. In the absence of both the Governor and the Board President, the Vice President shall assume their duties.

At any meeting at which a quorum is present and from which the Governor, Board President and Vice President are absent, the Board shall select one of its members to preside.

Section 4 c. Secretary
The Board shall elect a Secretary from its membership at an annual meeting who shall serve for a term of three (3) years, or until a successor shall have been elected, and who may not serve successive terms. The Secretary shall be responsible for assuring that accurate minutes are circulated within thirty (30) days following any meeting to the members of the Board and to the University President; shall provide certified copies of the minutes, resolutions and other official records of the Board as may be required; shall assure that the records of the Board are maintained in safe custody; and shall perform other duties usually required of the Secretary of the Board. The Board may, at its discretion, elect a member of the University staff to serve as Assistant Secretary, who may be elected at any regular meeting and who will serve at the pleasure of the Board.

Section 4 d. Treasurer
The Board shall elect a Treasurer from its membership at an annual meeting who shall serve for a term of three (3) years, or until a successor shall have been elected, and who may not successive terms. The responsibilities and duties of the Treasurer shall be those usual to the office.

Section 4 e. Corporate Officers of the Board
The Board President, Vice President and Secretary shall be corporate officers of the Board.

Section 4 f. Vacancies
In the event any of the above offices of the Board becomes vacant, the Board shall, at its next regular or special meeting, elect a successor for the unexpired portion of the term who may, thereafter, be eligible to be elected for one full term.

Section 5. Rules of Order

Unless otherwise provided to the contrary by a specific policy adopted by the Board, the latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall be followed in conducting the business of the Board.

Section 6. Quorum

Seven (7) members present at a meeting of the Board shall constitute a quorum as specified by law. Any action properly taken by such quorum shall be considered as the action of the Board. A smaller number of members may adjourn from day to day until a quorum is present.

Section 7. Agenda

The Board President, in consultation with the University President, shall determine the agenda for the Board meetings. The University President shall mail to each member of the Board notice of the time and place of any meeting, which shall include an agenda for the meeting, at least ten (10) days prior to the time of the meeting. Members of the Board desiring to place any item or items on the agenda for a forthcoming meeting shall inform the University President in writing not less than twelve (12) days prior to the meeting concerning such item or items, and the University President shall include the item or items in the agenda to be mailed to the members of the Board in accordance with the foregoing. Any item that was not included on the agenda mailed to members prior to the meeting may, however, be considered with the approval of a majority of the members present. The omission of an item from the agenda shall not invalidate otherwise valid actions by the Board.

Section 8. Public Admission to Meetings

All official meetings of the Board shall be open to the public provided, however, that the Board may go into executive session for reasons defined in and through the procedure prescribed by the Alabama Open Meetings Act. Formal official action by the Board resulting from any discussions during executive session shall be taken by the Board in an open meeting and made a part of the official minutes, which shall be available for public inspection upon request.

Article II. Board Committees

It shall be the purpose of all committees to assist the Board in carrying out its responsibilities and to support the University President, faculty, and staff of the University in carrying out their responsibilities. Committees may request any information necessary or appropriate to their deliberations, but all such requests shall be channeled through the University President unless he/she has delegated that responsibility to members of the faculty and staff.

All committee reports and recommendations shall be submitted to the full Board and to the University President, but they shall be deemed only advisory in nature until after they have been reviewed and confirmed by the full Board. If any committee deems a matter sufficiently urgent to require action before the next meeting of the full Board, it shall convey its recommendation to the Executive Committee. Any Board member may attend any committee meeting. The terms of office of committee members will terminate with the term of office of the Board President.

Section 1. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the four officers of the Board and the immediate Past President, with the Board President serving as Chair of the Executive Committee. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. The term of office of the members of the Executive Committee shall terminate with the term of the Board President.

The Executive Committee shall meet upon call of its Board President, the University President, or a majority of its members, except as otherwise provided for herein.

The Executive Committee shall have power to transact all business of the University in the interim of meetings and may perform all duties and transact all business necessary to the well-being of the University except to amend these Bylaws, remove the University President, transfer or convey real property, or as otherwise limited by the full Board. Minutes of the Executive Committee shall be submitted to the Board, in writing, at its next meeting. Any action taken by the Executive Committee shall be reported to all members of the Board within the next business day.

Section 2. Standing Committees

The Board President shall appoint the following committees. Each committee shall consist of at least three (3) and no more than five (5) members, all of whom are members of the Board, and a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of committee business.

Section 2 a. Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall review and study budget requests, income, and expenditures and recommend a comprehensive budget; review and study required audits and report on same; study and review the management of all funds held by the University and submit reports and recommendations regarding same; review the insurance programs of the University and submit reports and recommendations regarding same; and generally become familiar with any and all other matters relating to the fiscal affairs of the University and submit such reports and recommendations as it deems necessary and appropriate.

Section 2 b. Academic Affairs Committee
The Academic Affairs Committee shall study and review all matters directly relating to the curriculum and academic programs of the University and all matters relating to rights, responsibilities, and recommendations as it deems necessary and appropriate. In the fulfillment of its responsibilities, the Committee shall seek to encourage teaching and learning of the highest order.

Section 2 c. Athletic Committee
The Athletic Committee shall study and review all intercollegiate athletic programs in which the University sponsors participation by students and make such reports and recommendations to the Board as it deems necessary and appropriate. Such study and review shall encompass the costs of such programs and the income generated by them; compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, whether governmental or voluntary; levels of participation; and all other matters pertaining thereto.

Section 2 d. Institutional Advancement Committee
The Institutional Advancement Committee shall study and review all matters relating to University alumni programs, development, fund raising, and public relations and shall submit such reports and recommendations as it deems necessary and appropriate.

Section 2 e. Student Affairs Committee
The Student Affairs Committee shall study and review student recruiting policies, housing and housing policies, student organizations and activities, intramural athletic programs, financial aid, and other matters directly relating to student life at the University and shall submit such reports and recommendations as it deems necessary and appropriate.

Section 2 f. University Facilities Committee
The University Facilities Committee shall review all matters relating to property and facilities owned and maintained by the University; review plans for all new facilities and those renovations that require approval by the Board; supervise and inspect the physical plant of the University and the maintenance thereof; consider the location of new facilities; consider the long range development of the campus; review any request for the sale, lease, or use of property owned by the University; and consider all related matters, submitting reports and recommendations to the Board as necessary and appropriate.

Section 2 g. Nominating Committee
The Board President shall appoint a Nominating Committee at least twenty (20) days prior to any meeting at which the election of any officer will take place. The Committee shall consist of three (3) members whose duty it shall be to nominate persons to serve as officers of the Board.

Section 3. Ad Hoc Committees

From time to time, and after approval by the Board or its Executive Committee, the Board President may appoint ad hoc committees to consider and make recommendations on particular matters within the province of the Board of Trustees.

Section 4. Notice of Committee Meetings

The Board President and the University President shall receive notice of all committee meetings and may participate in all meetings but shall have no vote in the deliberations of any committee. Where a matter falls within the scope of more than one committee, joint meetings may be scheduled by mutual agreement of their chairs, or the Board President may assign responsibility for the matter to one of the committees.

It shall be the purpose of all committees to assist the Board in carrying out its responsibilities and to support the President, faculty, and staff of the University in carrying out their responsibilities. Committees may request any information necessary or appropriate to their deliberations, but all such requests shall be channeled through the University President unless he has delegated that responsibility to members of the faculty or staff.

All committee reports and recommendations shall be submitted to the full Board and to the University President, but they shall be deemed only advisory in nature until after they have been reviewed and confirmed by the full Board. If any committee deems a matter sufficiently urgent to require action before the next meeting of the full Board, it shall convey its recommendation to the Executive Committee. Any Board member may attend any committee meeting. The terms of office of committee members will terminate with the term of office of the Board President.

Article III. The President

Section 1. Election

The University President shall be elected by the Board of Trustees and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board, but he/she may be removed only by a vote of a majority of the full Board.

Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities

The University President shall be the chief educational and administrative officer of the University. He/she shall attend and participate in all meetings of the Board unless excused by the Board President, but without the privilege of voting and shall make such recommendations as he/she deems proper to the Board. He/she shall be responsible for the execution of the policies and directives of the Board and its Executive Committee, and it shall be his/her duty to perform and do all those things necessary to carry out the ends and purpose for which the University was established. The University President shall have all authority necessary to conduct the programs of the University and shall be empowered to delegate this authority among subordinates at his/her discretion and as is customary. The University's President's discretionary powers shall be broad enough to enable him/her to discharge these responsibilities.

The University President shall make reports at each Board meeting to keep the Board apprised of the status and progress of the University. He/she shall provide the Board with all information necessary to enable it to fulfill its responsibilities.

The University President by virtue of his/her position shall preside over meetings of the faculty and/or staff and shall have the right to call meetings of the faculty or any of the councils, committees, or other agencies of the University.

Section 3. Appeal of Decisions

Any person for whom no appeal is otherwise specifically provided in University policies shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Trustees without prejudice. The appeal shall be made in writing to the Board President within thirty (30) days of the event or circumstance that is the basis of the complaint and at least ten (10) days before any meeting before the Board of Trustees in which it may be considered.

Section 4. Appointment of Faculty and Staff

The University President shall have the power and duty to appoint a corps of instructors who shall be styled faculty and such other instructors and officers as the interests of the University may require, to remove any such instructors or officers, to fix their salaries or compensation, and to define the authority or duty of such instructors or officers.

Section 5. University Organization

The University President shall have the right to regulate, alter, and modify the organization of the University, subject to review and concurrence of the Board. The University President shall further have the duty and authority to prescribe courses of instruction within academic programs that have been approved by the Board.

Article IV. Granting of Degrees

The Board delegates authority to the University President to confer degrees. The University President is authorized to confer such degrees upon recommendation by the faculty.

Article V. Corporate Officers of the University

The University President and Vice President for Financial Affairs and Treasurer shall be corporate officers of the University.

Article VI. Fidelity Bond

The University President, Treasurer, and all other officers or employees of the University charged with the handling of or accounting for funds shall be bonded in a corporate bonding company authorized to do business in the State of Alabama for the faithful performance and discharge of their duties and conditioned to protect the University from loss by reason of acts of commission or omission. Such bonds shall be in such sums and on such conditions as are deemed acceptable to the Board of Trustees or the Executive Committee, and the premium on said bonds shall be paid by the University.

Article VII. Audit

All University accounts and financial records shall be audited on an annual basis, unless otherwise provided by law, and copies of the audit report shall be presented to the Budget Committee.

Article VIII. Amendment of Bylaws

The Board shall have the power to make, amend, and repeal these Bylaws at any regular or special meeting of the Board, by a vote of a majority of the full Board, provided that the notice of any special meeting called for the purpose of amending, making, or repealing Bylaws shall state the purpose of such meeting.

Administrative Organization

The administrative organization of the University of West Alabama is designed to effectively coordinate the resources of the University. The administrative officers directly responsible to the President are the Provost, the Vice President for Financial Affairs, the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, the Vice President Student Affairs, the Director of Athletics, the Chief of Security, and Director of Emergency Preparedness. In addition, the Provost is empowered to act on behalf of the President in his absence. The primary responsibilities of the principal administrative officers are briefly described below, along with the functions of those directly responsible to them.

The University of West Alabama Administrative Organization   


The President, selected by the Board, is the chief executive and administrative officer of the University and is responsible to the Board for the supervision, management, and governance of the University in accordance with the bylaws, policies, and direction of the Board. The President shall devote his/her productive time, ability, and attention to the business of the University of West Alabama during his/her term of contract. The President shall have authority to take actions necessary for the day-to-day operation of the University, to formulate institutional policy, and to administer business in all respects as permitted by the University Charter and/or the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, or as directed by the Board. The President's discretionary powers shall be broad enough to discharge all responsibilities. All University employees are responsible, directly or through their respective supervisors, to the President.

Specific duties and responsibilities of the President are:


1.      To initiate, coordinate, and review the development and administration of University policy and procedure, and coordinate all activities of the institution directly or through designated representatives.

2.      To make reports to the Board and provide the Board with all information necessary to enable it to fulfill its responsibilities.

3.      To execute the policies and directives of the Board.

4.      To exercise appropriate administrative and fiscal control over the institution's intercollegiate athletics program.

5.      To control the institution's fundraising activities.

6.      To confer academic degrees and such honorary degrees as are usually awarded by institutions of similar character upon the recommendation of the faculty.

7.      To preside over meetings of the faculty and staff and to call meetings of the faculty or any of the councils, committees, or other agencies of the University.

8.      To provide a safe environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors and protect the property and grounds of the institution.

9.      To appoint a corps of instructors who shall be styled the faculty and such other instructors and officers as interest of the University may require, to define the authority or duty of such instructors and officers, and to fix their salaries and compensations.

10.  To remove any instructors or officers.

11.  To conduct the programs of the University and delegate authority among subordinates to discharge these responsibilities.

12.  To regulate, alter, and modify the organization of the University, subject to review and concurrence of the Board.

13.  To prescribe courses of instruction within academic programs approved by the Board.

14.  To do all things necessary to carry out the ends and purpose for which the University was established.

15.  To serve as the primary spokesperson for the University to alumni, the news media, and the general public, with special responsibility to the Governor, the State Legislature, and State agencies with which the University has dealings.


Those directly reporting to the President are the following:

Provost & Vice President For Academic Affairs

Vice President for Administration and Human Resources

Vice President for Economic and Workforce Development

Vice President for Financial Affairs

Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

Director of Athletics

Director of Campus Safety and Security

Director of Diversity and Inclusion

Director of Government and Community Affairs


As the chief academic officer of the University, the Provost has responsibility for the overall coordination and supervision of all matters relating to the undergraduate and graduate academic programs, including oversight of several supporting services. Specific responsibilities include the following:

  1. Coordination of, and direct participation in, curriculum changes, program development, and program evaluation.
  2. Coordination of class scheduling and of all matters relating to the process of instruction of students.
  3. Coordination of, and direct participation in, the planning and administration of the academic budget.
  4. Administrative oversight of the Julia Tutwiler Library, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning, the Office of Information Technology, the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research, and other activities as specifically assigned by the President.
  5. Responsibilities relating to appointment, retention, tenure, promotion, and evaluation of faculty, professional and clerical staff in the academic areas, including reviewing the deans' recommendations and submitting recommendations to the President.
  6. Maintenance of the official faculty personnel files.
  7. Preparation of a variety of internal and external reports and studies.
  8. Serving as the chief liaison person to the Academic Programs Committee of the Board of Trustees.
  9. Serving as a liaison person for academic matters to the Alabama Commission on Higher Education and to various State and national higher education agencies and organizations.
  10. Supervision of Career Services.


Those directly reporting to the Provost are the following:


The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts

The Dean of the College of Business

The Dean of the College of Education

The Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

The Chair of the Ira D. Pruitt Division of Nursing

The Chair of the Division of Technology

The Director of the Julia Tutwiler Library

The Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Retention

The Director of Information Technology

The Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research

The Coordinator of Career Services

(June, 2022)

Deans of the Colleges

The Deans of the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the College of Business, the College of Education and the Division of Nursing are responsible for all matters relating to the instructional programs within their respective colleges, including the various courses of study, the teaching faculty, class scheduling, student registration, and physical and financial resources. Each works in cooperation with the department chairpersons, the other Deans, the Provost, University committees and councils, and other members of the faculty and staff to meet these responsibilities. More specifically, within his/her respective area each dean

  1. Coordinates, and participates in, a continuing, systematic, and broad-based process of planning and evaluation of the educational activities of teaching, research, and public service.
  2. Coordinates the preparation of departmental budgets and supervises spending within the college, approving specific expenditures when required by State law or University policy.
  3. Coordinates the scheduling of the necessary courses, preparing class schedules each quarter and submitting them to the Provost, and supervises all instruction offered by the college, both on campus and off.
  4. Allots the space and other physical resources assigned to the college for the support of the instructional program, continuing education activities, and other approved purposes.
  5. Assigns advisors, maintains advising folders on students, and otherwise supervises the registration of all students in the college.  (performed by Associate Dean in the College of Education)
  6. Evaluates and approves official student records and requests, including transcripts of transfer students, applications for graduation, exceptional class schedules, and such special requests as those relating to transient student status, correspondence work, etc. (performed by Associate Dean in the College of Education)
  7. Supervises the recruitment of faculty and academic staff, accepting applications, receiving recommendations from department chairpersons and search committees, and making recommendations to the Provost.
  8. Provides orientation for new faculty and continuing opportunities for faculty development through in-service meetings, consultants, counseling, travel, etc.
  9. Participates in the ongoing evaluation of faculty for purposes of development, promotion and tenure decisions, and re-appointment.
  10. Maintains records on faculty qualifications, faculty workloads, faculty absences, and related matters and, as required, submits to the appropriate administrative offices the necessary forms and reports relating to faculty, such as faculty evaluation documents, annual sick leave records, payroll forms, travel requests, etc.
  11. Coordinates, with the department chairperson, the employment of adjunct faculty.
  12. Coordinates the annual review of the Statement of Purpose for the college and, if necessary, prepares revisions for consideration by the Strategic Planning Council and approval by the Board of Trustees.
  13. Submits each year to the Provost a corrected and updated copy of the appropriate section of the General Catalogue.
  14. Provides a means of communication between the faculty and the central administration and Board of Trustees.
  15. Coordinates continuing education and community service programs, workshops, conferences, and related activities within the college.
  16. Provides liaison with the public and with the higher education community, serving as a University representative to appropriate professional groups within the State and elsewhere.
  17. Performs other duties as requested by the Provost and the President.

In addition to these general duties, the dean of each college has been assigned certain specific responsibilities related to the unique functions of the respective college. Thus, the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts also

  1. Coordinates and supervises the Freshman Studies Program.
  2. Coordinates and supervises the University Honors Program.
  3. Coordinates and supervises the Written English Proficiency Program.

In addition to his/her general responsibilities, the Dean of the College of Business

  1. Coordinates and supervises the work of the Center for Business and Economic Services and other research and public service activities undertaken by the College in support of area business, industry, and government.
  2. Coordinates the activities of the Small Business Development Center in providing assistance to area business and industries.

In addition to his/her general responsibilities, the Dean of the College of Education

  1. Supervises the process for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  2. Supervises the submission of teacher certification credentials for UWA graduates to the State Department of Education.
  3. Provides certain testing services related to professional teacher education and certification.

In addition to his/her general responsibilities, the Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

  1. Coordinates and provides administrative oversight for the activities of the West Alabama Environmental Services Center.
  2. Provides general coordination of the University greenhouses, nature trails, wildflower gardens, and museum and herbarium collections.

Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies is responsible for setting and maintaining the standards for graduate education at the University and, thus, provides general supervision of the various graduate programs and of the academic progress of the students in these programs. His/her responsibilities embrace all academic disciplines in which graduate courses are offered. Since all graduate courses are provided by the academic departments and are taught by faculty members assigned to the four colleges, the Graduate Dean works in close cooperation with the deans and with the department chairpersons. Specifically, the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

  1. Serves as Chairperson of the Graduate Council.
  2. Coordinates the development, revision, and evaluation of graduate programs, utilizing the established processes for program development and curriculum change, with the active participation of the Graduate Council.
  3. Refers for consideration to the Graduate Appeals Committee all student requests which cannot be handled routinely and other matters which require exceptional treatment.
  4. Advises with the Deans regarding appointments to the graduate faculty and makes recommendations to the Graduate Council.
  5. Coordinates the development and execution of the strategic plan for the School of Graduate Studies. 
  6. Coordinates the annual revision of the Graduate Catalogue for submission.
  7. Ensures that wide publicity is given to graduate programs and to both campus and off-campus graduate course offerings.
  8. Serves as a University representative to appropriate professional groups within the State and elsewhere.
  9. Performs other duties as requested by the Provost and the President.


Dean of Online Programs

The Dean of the Division of Online Programs is responsible for matters relating to the functioning of online programs, including course development, online advisors, marketing, scheduling, student registration, and physical and financial resources. The Dean works in cooperation with department chairpersons, other Deans, the Provost, University committees and councils, and other members of the faculty and staff to meet these responsibilities.

Associate/Assistant Deans


An associate or assistant dean may, as deemed advisable, be appointed by the President to assist the dean in carrying out his/her responsibilities. An associate or assistant dean is generally a member of the teaching faculty who serves an administrative function. Although an associate or assistant dean may provide general assistance, he/she is usually assigned responsibility for specific activities within the unit.

Duties of the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies

  1. Plans and coordinates the graduate course offerings (on-campus, off-campus, and online) in cooperation with the other Deans and the Department Chairpersons.
  2. Admits students to the various graduate programs, assigns advisors to all students, and provides for regular screening to the academic progress of all students.
  3. Acts upon routine matters relating to students in the graduate programs, including evaluation of courses presented for transfer credit, approval of applications for candidacy and for the degree, clearance of students to write the comprehensive examinations, and such special requests as those relating to transient student status, correspondence work, etc.
  4. Receives applications for graduate assistantships, secures recommendations from Department Chairpersons (and, where relevant, the Athletic Director), makes recommendations on appointments to the Provost, shares in the supervision and evaluation of graduate assistants, and submits documentation regarding payment of graduate assistants each semester.     
  5. Performs other duties as requested by appropriate administrators.

The Director of the Julia Tutwiler Library

The Director of the Library is responsible for Library operations, collections, and services. The Director is responsible for personnel; the development of programs, plans, and goals for the Library; administering the Library budget; day-to-day supervision; and other assigned duties.

Department Chairpersons


A department chairperson is a member of the teaching faculty who also serves an administrative function (the Chairperson of the Division of Nursing carries out the duties of both dean and chairperson within that Division). In the latter role, he/she supervises the day-to-day operations of the department, including class instruction, instructional support services, and other departmental activities. More specifically, a department chairperson

  1. Works closely with the faculty and with the dean in a continuing, systematic, and broad-based process of planning and evaluation of the educational activities of teaching, research, and service. The chairperson submits curriculum proposals approved by the department to the dean.
  2. Assigns faculty to classes and to other departmental responsibilities and submits class schedules to the dean each semester.
  3. Prepares annual budget requests relating to both personnel needs and departmental operating expenses, confers with the dean and with other administrators (as necessary) as the final budget is being prepared, and then administers the approved budget, including authorizing all departmental expenditures and submitting expenditure requests to the dean and/or others when required by University policy.
  4. Is responsible for all departmental equipment, ensuring that it is used only by authorized persons in accordance with University policy, that it is properly serviced and cared for, and that an accurate inventory of all departmental equipment is maintained in cooperation with the Property Control Director.
  5. Participates in the recruitment of new faculty members within the department as designated in the policies and procedures for recruitment of faculty.
  6. Coordinates, with the dean, the employment of adjunct faculty.
  7. Supervises and assists the faculty in all their responsibilities within the department by participating with the dean in the orientation of new faculty, supervising class instruction, conducting departmental meetings, counseling with individual faculty members as appropriate, providing faculty development opportunities within the department, approving professional travel of faculty, keeping faculty members informed about matters of general concern, and maintaining and forwarding to the dean accurate records of faculty absences.
  8. Actively participates in the process of faculty evaluation including responsibility for administering the course evaluations each quarter and completing the Faculty Evaluation Report each year--and makes recommendations to the dean on re-appointment, tenure, promotion, etc.
  9. Supervises and maintains records on all non-faculty employees within the department clerical and technical personnel, graduate assistants, and/or other student employees and submits required documentation to the appropriate administrative offices.
  10. Coordinates the adoption of textbooks within the department and submits to the dean each quarter, within the established time frame, a textbook order to be forwarded to the University Bookstore.
  11. Cooperates with the Admissions Office in the recruitment of students for programs offered within the department.
  12. Assures that open channels of communication are maintained between the department, the administration, and other areas of the University by sending copies of the minutes of all departmental meetings to the President, Provost, Vice President for Financial Affairs, all deans, and other department chairpersons within the college; by ensuring that routine reports from faculty (e.g., grade reports, freshman deficiency reports, writing proficiency reports, etc.) are submitted in a timely manner; by providing other information to appropriate offices as requested; and, in general, by maintaining an effective working relationship with other departments and administrative offices.
  13. Teaches part-time with appropriate load reductions determined by the number of full-time faculty in the department.
  14. Performs other duties as requested by the dean, the Provost, and the President.

The Academic Faculty of the University of West Alabama consists of those individuals holding the rank of Instructor or higher, including academic administrators who hold professorial rank. Faculty members are assigned to a specific department and perform their duties within the chain of responsibility for the Academic Affairs Division of the University.

Vice President for Financial Affairs and Treasurer

As the chief financial officer of the University, the Vice President for Financial Affairs and Treasurer has responsibility for the overall coordination and control of all matters relating to the fiscal and financial affairs of the institution. Specific responsibilities include the following:


  1. Supervision of the comptroller's office, accounting services, purchasing, and property control.
  2. Supervision of the operation and maintenance of the physical plant.
  3. Supervision of in-house auxiliary services (printing, vending operations, and mail services)
  4. Responsibility for budget preparation and control.
  5. Responsibility for bank relations and investments.
  6. Serving as the chief liaison person to the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees.
  7. Supervision of the telecommunications department.


Those responsible to the Vice President for Financial Affairs are the following:


The Comptroller is responsible for general supervision of record-keeping and accounting for all financial transactions, for administering loans and special funds and grants, and for administering the institution's budget. Also, he/she is responsible for the collection and accounting for income from all sources and for checking all accounts and records for accuracy and adherence to established management policies. He/she also prepares reports on receipts and expenditures of funds, audits the accounting transactions, approves changes in budgetary allocations, and issues periodic budget reports to budget administrators.

The Director of Purchasing/Property Control is the person authorized to purchase supplies and/or services on behalf of the University of West Alabama. Any purchasing obligation made by persons other than the Director will not be honored by the University of West Alabama. He/she is responsible for purchasing supplies and equipment from funds allocated in approved budgets for all departments at the University of West Alabama and for keeping records of purchases and of suppliers and vendors. The Director of Purchasing/Property Control is also responsible for maintaining a central warehouse, which stocks items used in daily operations, and he/she implements and maintains the plant property system, which records and establishes the value of all property owned by the University of West Alabama.

The Director of the Physical Plant is responsible for the management of the physical plant (including buildings, equipment, grounds, and utilities). He/she supervises engineering, construction, alterations, maintenance, and all functions of plant operations.

The Director of Printing is responsible for all printed materials (booklets, brochures, forms, papers, letterheads, envelopes, etc.) produced internally for use at the University of West Alabama. He/she supervises the mimeographing, photocopying, printing, and other duplicating operations for all departments requesting such services.

Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management


The Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management has responsibility for the overall administrative functions relating to student life, student housing, ADA services, financial aid, registrar, international programs, admissions, counseling, student support services, upward bound. Enrollment Management responsibilities include the creation and implementation of institutional goals related to recruitment, retention and student success. Those responsible to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management are the following:

The Dean of International Programs is charged with the development of a strategic vision for the Office of International Programs, the Director works closely with Admissions, Registrar, Housing, Financial Aid, Deans and Department Chairs to coordinate the functions required to address the needs of international programs. He/she develops strategies for recruiting international students and providing student orientation and assists with necessary travel documents such as VISA applications.

The Director of Student Life & Support will serve as the liaison for the students of the University of West Alabama and is accountable for helping students in their adjustment to campus life. The Director is responsible for providing leadership for all aspects of student life and student engagement as well as developing key strategic partnerships across the campus for creating an environment where all students feel welcomed. The Director will cultivate relationships and collaborations with key partners across campus within Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Institutional Advancement, and other constituencies to spur institution-wide support for the importance of student success. The Director of Student Life & Support has oversight of student conduct, Title IX, student government, student involvement, fraternity and sororities, cheerleading, and the student grievance process.

The Director of Admissions is responsible for the overall planning, management, and administration of the Office of Admissions and on-campus undergraduate student recruitment. He/she is responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive recruitment plan. He/she maintains collaborative relationships with Vice Presidents, Deans, department chairpersons, faculty, staff, and students and works closely with the Offices of the Registrar, Institutional Effectiveness, Information Technology, Marketing, Housing, and Financial Aid.

The Director for Retention and Institutional Research will provide oversight and supervision to retention initiatives, including supervision of the CARES (Center for Achievement, Retention and Enrichment Services) staff and all departmental grant activities and outcomes. The Director provides leadership and strategic direction for using data to advance institutional priorities, enrollment management goals, and student success.

The Director of Upward Bound is responsible for the administration of this federally funded TRIO program which prepares low-income, potential first-generation, or disabled high school students for postsecondary educational success. Through its academic year and six-week summer programs, Upward Bound provides tutoring, academic instruction, cultural enrichment, and counseling services to fifty students recruited from nine target high schools in Choctaw, Sumter, and Marengo counties. The Director also prepares grant proposals and other documents necessary for the continuation of grant funding.

The Director of Student Support Services is responsible for the administration of this federally funded TRIO program that provides limited income, first generation, and disabled college students with academic support services which are designed to increase retention and graduation rates. The program provides an interconnected series of academic support services: study skill development through workshops and classes to achieve academic success, peer tutoring to master course content, intrusive academic and personal counseling to build confidence, and career and graduate exploration activities to increase awareness of the range of career options. The Director is responsible also for preparing continuation and renewal grant proposals for the program.

The Registrar maintains all official student records, plans and supervises student registration, processes all admission materials and transcripts, prepares and reports statistical data to the University administration and appropriate external agencies (e.g., Credit-Hour Production Reports to the Alabama Commission on Higher Education), serves as coordinator of the Veterans Affairs program on campus, and maintains records relative to athletic eligibility.

The Director of Housing and Residence Life is responsible for the overall administration of the University residence hall system. He/she oversees the day-to-day operations of the Housing Office and manages the departmental budgets. In addition, the Director of Housing coordinates repairs and cleaning of the residence hall facilities with the Physical Plant staff. He/she supervises the housing and residential life staff and oversees the selection and training of the hall directors. The Director of Housing also coordinates the marketing plan for the residence halls and makes room assignments.

The Director of Financial Aid is responsible for the management of all student financial aid, including both federal and campus-based programs.

The Director of Student Advocacy & Parent Support provides supervision over the Counseling Center (this will partner his ADA duties with the ADA responsibilities within the Counseling Center), informal Student Complaints, and Parent Support.   

The Director of Student Activities is responsible for student events coordinated by the Campus Activities Board, Fitness Center and the Cinema.  He also provides supervision over the Director of Bands.  He also serves as the building manager for the Student Union Building (SUB).


Vice President for Institutional Advancement

The Vice President for Institutional Advancement is responsible for the University's fund-raising activities, alumni activities, services and programs, and University public relations. Specific responsibilities include the following:

  1. Serving as liaison officer with local, state, and federal governments to ensure that the University of West Alabama receives equitable treatment in the appropriations process.
  2. Supervision of all fund-raising activities and solicitation, including the Annual Fund Campaign, capital campaigns, athletic fund-raising and any special solicitation of alumni, faculty, staff, friends, business and industry.
  3. Supervision of all alumni activities, services, and programs.
  4. Supervision of University public relations, excluding athletics and Online Programs.
  5. Serving as the Executive Secretary for the University of West Alabama Foundation

Those responsible to the Vice President for Institutional Advancement are the following:

The Director of Development is responsible for planning and managing fundraising and related programs to attract private support from alumni, friends, corporations, and foundations to meet University needs as identified by the UWA Board of Trustees, Foundation Board, University President, and Vice President for Institutional Advancement. The Director will support, as needed, the Vice President for Institutional Advancement in governmental affairs efforts such as tracking local, state, and national legislation, attending legislative sessions and hearings, and developing support for the University's position on relevant legislation.

The Director of University Relations is responsible for all University news releases, campus-wide e-mail announcements, and photographs, excluding any athletic related items, and University publications, including the UWA Today. The Director also serves as the chairperson of the Marketing and Image Committee.

The Director of Alumni Relations organizes and attends alumni chapter and area functions; markets and implements alumni programs and services; plans and executes special alumni events and programs, including Homecoming, reunions, and camps; coordinates and prepares alumni scholarship applications and notifications. The Director is responsible for the maintenance of the alumni and donor data base, and the editing of the alumni magazine or newspaper and other publications for the alumni.

The Executive Director of Planned and Major Gifts is responsible for locating and soliciting planned and/or estate gifts and major gifts from alumni, friends, corporations and foundations. The Executive Director will also assist the Director of Development with other fundraising and related programs to attract private support to assist in meeting the University's needs as identified by the Vice President for Institutional Advancement and the Director of Development.

The Development Officer(s) is responsible for assisting the Director of Development in the planning and execution of the University's capital campaigns and annual giving. The Development Officer also assists the Vice President for Institutional Advancement and the Director of the Development in the day-to-day operations of the University of West Alabama Foundation, Inc., and with the planning and management of fundraising and related programs to attract private support to meet University needs as identified by the Vice President for Institutional Advancement and the Director of Development. A Development Officer will also serve as a liaison between the Department of Athletics and Institutional Advancement to coordinate all athletic fundraising.

The Accounting Specialist is responsible for the management and documentation of all aspects of the UWA Foundation's financial records and minutes. The Accounting Specialist is also responsible for identifying, classifying, reporting, maintaining, and recording transactions as well as generating receipts and disbursing checks for the UWA Foundation accounts. Other duties include representation at major events and functions; database maintenance; and providing financial statements, schedules, information, and support to the Foundation Board, alumni representatives, development staff, auditors, and investment managers.

The Operations Manager is responsible for recording and posting gifts and pledges in the University's financial database, drafting acknowledgement letters for gifts received and creating pledge reminders to constituents. The Operations Manager will create mailing lists for Annual Fund and planned giving mailings, keep records of money raised by the development staff and create contact reports for solicitations made by the development staff.

All University Fund Raising, from private sources, whether it be from the Annual Fund Campaign, any capital campaigns, athletic fund-raising through the UWA Tiger Club, or other special solicitations, should be coordinated, tracked, receipted, and reported through the Office of Institutional Advancement by way of the University of West Alabama Foundation, a non-profit tax-exempt corporation whose sole purpose is to promote the University of West Alabama. Annual Reports are prepared through the UWA Foundation with regular audits conducted by an independent CPA firm.


Vice President for Administration and Human Resources

The Vice President for Administration and Human Resources has responsibility for the overall administrative functions of the University and specifically on all matters relating to the operations of human resources, risk management, payroll, insurance and personnel, policies and procedures, and employee benefits of the institution. Specific responsibilities include the following:


  1. Supervision of the University's offices of Payroll, Insurance and Personnel, and Employee Benefits.
  2. Coordinate all human resources and risk management functions of the University.
  3. Supervision of switchboard/telecommunications operations.
  4. Oversee University policies and procedures.
  5. Serve as the chief liaison to and oversee contractual relationship with University's external dining services operator.
  6. Serve as the chief liaison to and oversee contractual relationship with University's external bookstore operator.

Those responsible to the Vice President for Administration and Human Resources are the following:


The Payroll Supervisor is responsible for the preparation of all University payrolls, government reporting, and payment of withheld taxes and matching liability. He/she is responsible for reporting and paying state taxes and unemployment to multiple states. He/she is responsible for ACA compliance and reporting, including 1095's. He/she is responsible for quarterly reporting and the form 941. He/she is responsible for salary reports for budgeting the fiscal year.


The Payroll Assistant is responsible for processing the biweekly, monthly and work-study payrolls. He/she is responsible for processing new employee paperwork including benefits, deductions and taxes. He/she is responsible for processing EFT's, E-verify new employees and completing new hire forms. He/she is responsible for monthly invoices for payroll deductions.


The Switchboard Supervisor is responsible for the switchboard/telecommunications operations, including answering, transferring, and routing calls made into the switchboard from both outside and within the University.


Vice President for the Division of Economic and Workforce Development

The Vice President (VP) Economic and Workforce Development will play a strategic leadership role at the University of  West Alabama, reports to the President and serves as a member of the President's Council The VP will help set the strategic direction and establish the foundational operating infrastructure for a long-term inclusive economic and workforce development strategy for UWA's service region.  In addition, the VP will support economic vibrancy and vitality that fosters the creation of a public-private network that connects opportunities and needs within the region and supports the overall mission of the institution.

In addition, the VP will will coordinate, assist, and supervise all the roles and activities of programs administrated by DEWD with the overall mission of UWA; provide recommendations to the President dealing with budget preparation, staff selection, approval processes, purchasing and administration of any other operational procedures.

Managing Outreach Initiatives and Teams:

  • Provide strategic leadership and administrative oversight to the operations, planning, and implementation of workforce and economic development efforts on behalf of the University.
  • Work closely with the President's Cabinet and Provost to align in-demand, competency-based and for-credit programs and services to advance prosperity in the West Alabama region, while operationalizing and realizing the university's strategic goals.
  • Develop strategic collaborations with partners such as the Delta Regional Commission, Alabama's Workforce Councils (especially regions 3, 5 and 7) and other workforce/economic development entities.
  • Oversees community development resources and initiatives through the Center for the Study of the Black Belt and the Black Belt Museum. 
  • Support and connect external outreach with academic programs and personnel to include grant-seeking activity in service to workforce and economic development in a rural environment.
  • Partner closely with rural communities, especially those identified as persistent poverty, to solve local problems through the engagement of UWA's resources and expertise.

Develop and Manage Key Relationships:

  • Create and advance relationships that support the mission of the university. Work to further establish UWA's role in the economic prosperity of the state, but especially that of West Alabama and Alabama's Black Belt.
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with Alabaama state and business leaders, and with key agencies such as Alabama's Department of Commerce, Alabama Department of Labor, Chambers of Commerce, etc.
  • Work closely with other institutions of higher education, including the Alabama Community College System. Collaborate with these entities on strategic efforts and needs for the state.
  • Build strong relationships with academic units and leaders across UWA to understand academic offerings, research expertise, applied learning opportunities and other aspects of the institution so that opportunities can be identified to position UWA as a key partner and strategic leader for workforce and economic development.
  • Work closely with key leaders and innovators at UWA, and across the state, to support the needs of the region and state.
  • Work in unison with the Government Affairs team to be aware of their priorities and goals. Provide support through meeting workforce needs.
  • Continue to advance relationships with K-12 and youth-serving organizations to create meaningful initiatives and pipelines into UWA.

Aligning Workforce and Economic Development Efforts with the Academic Mission

  • Partner with the Provost and academic leaders to innovate and create programs, such as micro credentials and competency-based offerings, to meet workforce needs of the state outside of traditional program and course offerings.
  • Support and advance initiatives in emerging academic areas in partnership with the Provost and Office of Academic Affairs.
  • Work with College Deans to connect faculty and students with experiential learning opportunities such as class projects, internships, co-ops and practicums.
  • Work with state partners to increase capacity to stand up new initiatives and create a pathway for sustainability.
  • Represent UWA in local, state, and national professional organizations and establish linkages with appropriate local, regional, and state resources and agencies, and public groups.
  • Serve on committees as assigned.
  • Other duties as assigned by the President.


Those responsible to the Vice President for the Division of Economic and Workforce Development are the following:

Director of Economic Development - The Director is responsible for carrying out activities and services directly related to economic development within the primary service area of West Alabama, East Mississippi, and the Alabama Black Belt Region.  

Director of Black Belt Museum - The Director is responsible for overseeing collection development, exhibits, partnership development and program development for the Museum and its role of promoting the story of Alabama's Black Belt in coordination with the Center for they Study of the Black Belt and the Black Belt Heritage Area. 

Director of WIOA Youth Career Pathways Program - The Director is responsible for carrying out all activities and services related to UWA'a WIOA-funded youth programs as defined by Alabama's Region 3 WIOA-board and Workforce Council.

Coordinator of Camps and Events/ LINCS placement coordinator - The coordinator provides logistical support in maximizing space efficiency for university and works directly with VP and workforce development coordinator in workshop and trainings schedule.    


Athletic Director

The Athletic Director provides general supervision for all intercollegiate athletic programs. In this role, he/she has responsibility for the operation of the athletic programs within guidelines established by the Board of Trustees and the University President. Specific responsibilities include the following:


  1. Supervision of all operating budgets within the intercollegiate athletic programs.
  2. Making recommendations to the President regarding the hiring of Athletic Department personnel within guidelines established for joint appointments with academic departments.
  3. Supervision of the maintenance and inventory of all athletic facilities and equipment.
  4. Coordination of scheduling for all athletic contests.
  5. Responsibility for the operation of the athletic program within guidelines established by the Gulf South Conference, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, and the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association.
  6. Coordinator of athletic fundraising activities (in cooperation with the Vice President for Institutional Advancement) with the UWA Tiger Club, alumni groups, and other organizations.
  7. Coordination of the insurance and medical protection programs for student athletes and athletic personnel in cooperation with the Director of Sports Medicine.
  8. Coordination of the athletic training program with the Director of Sports Medicine.
  9. Oversight of Sports Information, which promotes the University of West Alabama's athletic program through new stories, social media, web sites, athletic publications, maintenance of statistics and records, and coordination of radio and television productions.
  10. Scheduling and supervision of athletic facilities for all purposes other than the instructional program.
  11. Serving as a liaison person to the Athletic Committee of the Board of Trustees.
  12. Serving as a member of the President's Council.


The Athletic Director is responsible for the following activity:


The persons reporting to the Athletic Director include the Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches for all sports in which the University engages in intercollegiate competition as well as the following administrative and professional staff:  Head Athletic Trainer and all Assistant Athletic Trainers, Director of Sports Information, Associate Athletic Director, Associate Athletic Director for Compliance, Athletic Academic Advisor, Special Assistant to the Athletic Director and Director of Sports Marketing and Sponsorships..


Director of Emergency Preparedness

The Director of Emergency Preparedness works closely with the Campus Chief of Police in the development of emergency plans pertaining to the University community. He/she directs and administers a comprehensive and emergency preparedness program for all faculty, staff, students, and facilities. The Director develops and implements all University workplace hazard policies and programs to ensure compliance with regulations and guidelines issued by federal and state authorities.

Director of Safety and Security and Chief of Campus Police

Primary responsibilities are to ensure the safety of faculty, staff, students, and visitors of the University through the enforcement of applicable laws, statutes, University policies, regulations and practices. In this role, he/she ensures mandatory training for all security personnel, directs criminal investigations, develops rules and regulations for parking and traffic management, and provides security for student housing, special events and for the campus in general. With coordination with the Director of Emergency Preparedness, the Director of Safety and Security manages the University's overall emergency operations plans, including those for emergency response, inclement weather, pandemic influenza, and other emergency plans as needed.

Advisory Groups

President's Council

The Council provides a forum to discuss matters that encompass more than one unit of the University and to give input, advice, and recommendations to the President on decisions that affect the University as a whole.

Members are the Provost, the Vice President of Administration and Human Resources, the Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development, the Vice President of Financial Affairs, the Vice President of Institutional Advancement, the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, the Director of Athletics, the Director of Campus Safety and Security/Chief of Police, the Chief Diversity Officer, and the Executive Assistant to the President.

Deans' Council

The Deans' Council provides a forum for discussing matters that encompass more than one college, division, or unit in the Academic Affairs division of the University. Its purpose is to give input, advice, and recommendations to the Provost on decisions that affect Academic Affairs or the University as a whole.

The members of the Deans' Council are the Provost, the deans of the colleges and the Chairperson of Nursing, the Dean of Graduate School, the Director of the Julia Tutwiler Library, the Director of Institutional Effectiveness, and the President of the Faculty Senate. The Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (or his/her designee) serves as an ex-officio member.

University Faculty Senate

The University Faculty Senate is advisory to the President and is concerned with keeping the University faculty informed and involved about matters affecting the University community. The Senate seeks to improve understanding and cooperation among faculty, staff, and administration in their endeavors to promote the objectives of the institution.

Representatives to the Faculty Senate, elected by their colleagues, include one from each formal academic department, and one non-voting member from Student Affairs. Senate representatives are elected in the spring semester to serve two-year terms beginning September 1 and ending August 31, with half of them being elected each year. They may serve no more than two consecutive terms except when no one else in the department can fill the position.




The University of West Alabama Faculty Senate is established with the belief that all individuals of the University have a devotion to the education of students and the advancement of truth and knowledge. The Faculty Senate will encourage a unity of purpose, improve the understanding and cooperation of the administration, the faculty, and the staff in their endeavors to promote the objectives of the institution. The Senate believes that it should preserve and enhance the positions of the individual members of the University community while encouraging them to feel a sense of personal responsibility and common involvement.

The name of this organization shall be The University of West Alabama Faculty Senate.

The University of West Alabama Faculty Senate is advisory to the President and shall be concerned with keeping the University faculty informed and involved in the University community, particularly in the following areas:

  1. Academic standards
  2. Academic curricula
  3. Academic publications: the catalogues, calendar, and faculty handbook
  4. The professional growth of the faculty
  5. The membership of University committees
  6. The dissemination of information about University financial affairs and physical facilities
  7. The University Library
  8. Student-faculty-staff relations
  9. Comparative status of the University with other similar universities



Section 1. Scope. The University of West Alabama Faculty Senate is an organization representing the academic faculty of the University established by the consent of the President and the Board of Trustees of The University of West Alabama.

Section 2. Composition. The Faculty Senate shall consist of an elected representative from each of the following academic units: the Department of Behavioral Sciences, the Department of Fine Arts, the Department of Languages and Literature, the Department of History and Social Sciences, the Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics, the Department of Business Administration, Management, and Marketing, the Department of Computer Information Systems and Technology, the Department of Instructional Leadership and Support, the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the Department of Physical Education and Athletic Training, the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, the Department of Mathematics, the Department of Physical Sciences, the Division of Nursing, and the professional library staff. The Senate shall also include one elected representative from Student Affairs who will exercise all duties of Senate membership except voting.

Section 3. Representatives. Elections for representatives shall be held in each academic unit between April 22 and May 1. Elections shall be coordinated by the Rules Committee and results reported by the Secretary of the Senate. The representatives' term of office shall be for two years, from August 16 through August 15. One half of the representatives, those from the Department of Fine Arts, the Department of Languages and Literature, the Department of Business Administration, Management and Marketing, the Department of Computer Information Systems and Technology, the Department of Physical Education and Athletic Training, and the Division of Nursing, will be elected in even-numbered years. The other half, those from the Department of History and Social Sciences, the Department of Instructional Leadership and Support, the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, the Department of Physical Sciences, the Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics, the Department of Mathematics, and the professional library staff, will be elected in odd-numbered years.

To be eligible for selection as a representative, a member of the faculty must hold academic rank and have been on faculty appointment for at least two semesters prior to his/her election. No representative shall serve more than two consecutive terms unless no one else from his/her academic unit can fill the position. If a representative is absent from three consecutive Senate meetings, his/her name shall be removed from the Senate roles and his/her academic unit notified by the Secretary that its representative's position is vacant. An elected representative may be granted a leave of absence by the Rules Committee in which case his/her name remains on the Senate rolls and that representative shall resume his/her duties at the end of the period of absence.

Section 4. Substitutes. Each unit having an elected representative shall make arrangements for one of its members to substitute for its elected representative at any Senate meeting the elected representative is unable to attend. During the meeting the designated substitute shall have all rights and privileges of the representative he/she is replacing.

Section 5. If any academic unit's representative seat becomes vacant, that unit shall elect a new representative to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the uncompleted term and report that change to the Secretary of the Senate. A person elected to such a partial term shall still be eligible to serve two successive full terms as representative, provided that his/her total consecutive time in office does not exceed five years.

Section 6. Meetings. The Faculty Senate shall meet the third week of every month. The time of the meeting will be voted on by the Senate during the first meeting on the third Tuesday of the first month of the academic year.


Section 1. Officers. The officers of the Faculty Senate shall be the President, the Vice-President, and the Secretary. The immediate past President of the Senate shall serve as a non-voting ex officio member of the Senate and a voting member of the Rules Committee. These officers will be elected from the full-time academic faculty-at-large. No person may serve as an elected representative of an academic unit or designated substitute while serving as an officer or member of the Rules Committee. If a Senate representative is elected to a Senate office, that representative's academic unit shall be notified that its representative's seat will be vacant as soon as that person assumes his/her Senate office. No officer shall have a vote in the Senate, except that the presiding officer at each meeting may vote in cases of ties.

Section 2. Election and Term of Office. Officers shall be elected in the spring of each odd numbered year and shall serve two-year terms from August 16 after election until August 15. No person may serve two consecutive full terms in the same office. Election of officers will be conducted in the following manner:

a. The Senate shall meet the third Tuesday of March in each odd-numbered year to nominate persons for office. Any elected representative shall be eligible to nominate a person for office, provided that the person so nominated is contacted and agrees to serve.
b. From the list of persons so nominated, the Senate shall choose two names to be placed on the ballot for each office.
c. Ballots containing the two nominees for each office shall be prepared by the Secretary and distributed by April 1 to all full-time academic faculty, who shall cast their vote for one of the two names proposed for each office. Senate representatives shall be responsible for collecting the ballots from their particular academic units and returning said ballots to the Rules Committee by April 7.
d. The Rules Committee shall count the ballots and report the results at a meeting of the Faculty Senate held the third Tuesday of April. The ballots shall be retained until this meeting and in case of any challenges shall be recounted in the presence of the full Senate at this meeting. Should the ballots be equally divided between the two names nominated, the Senate shall choose by secret ballot between the two persons nominated.

Section 3. Duties of Officers.

a. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Senate and shall be responsible for the agenda of the meeting. He/she shall serve as Chairperson of the Rules Committee and as an ex officio member of all Senate committees. He/she shall represent the faculty at all meetings of the Board of Trustees of The University of West Alabama.
b. The Vice-President shall act for the President in his/her absence and serve as the Chairperson of the Faculty Affairs Committee.
c. The Secretary shall keep minutes of each Senate meeting, maintain the official roll of the Senate, and distribute Senate notices and materials as directed by the Chairperson. He/she shall maintain permanent files of all records of the Senate and turn over those files to his/her successor.

Section 4. Vacancies. Should any office become vacant, the Senate shall elect a person to fill that vacancy at its first meeting after the occurrence of the vacancy. The person so elected shall hold that office until the next scheduled election of officers. A person elected to serve such a partial term of office shall be eligible for re-election to that office, provided that his/her total consecutive service in that office shall not exceed three years.


Section 1. Standing Committees. The standing committees established by the Faculty Senate shall be the Rules Committee, the University Scholars Committee, the Faculty Affairs Committee, the Financial Affairs Committee, the Faculty Information Committee, and the Faculty/Staff Liaison Committee.

Section 2. Other Committees. The Senate may form other committees as necessary, either standing or ad hoc. Membership of any special committee created by the Senate shall be chosen by the Senate.

Section 3. Committee Procedures. All Faculty Senate committees will meet at least once a semester (excluding summer). All Senate committees shall keep minutes and made semester reports to the Senate. It is the responsibility of the Chairperson of each committee to pass all records maintained by that committee on to his/her successor.

Section 4. Rules Committee. The Rules Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the Senate and the immediate past President of the Senate. Their responsibility is to help set the agenda for each Faculty Senate meeting. This Committee shall serve as the Committee on Committees. All questions concerning Senate procedures shall be referred to this committee and it shall recommend to the Senate the disposition to be made of any disputes concerning the operation of the Senate. The Rules Committee shall ensure that unit representatives are duly elected, and that no unit of the University is denied representation to which it is entitled under these Articles. It shall conduct the election of committee members, and vacancies on any Senate Committee will be filled by the Rules Committee. It is the responsibility of the Rules Committee to see that all Senate records are properly maintained and turned over to the next Rules Committee following a change in Senate officers.

Section 5. University Scholars Committee. This committee shall consist of one faculty member elected from each college and the Division of Nursing, one member of the Senate appointed by the Rules Committee to serve as Chairperson, and the Provost of the University. The deans, the Chairperson of the Division of Nursing, the Registrar, and the Director of Student Affairs shall serve as ex officio members. This committee is responsible for selecting those academically superior students to be recognized as "University Scholars" each year.

Section 6. Faculty Affairs Committee. This committee shall consist of one faculty member elected from each college and the Division of Nursing and the Vice-Chairperson of the Senate who shall serve as Chairperson of this committee. The committee shall make recommendations concerning policies (except those specifically reserved to other committees) such as qualifications for promotion, rank and salary schedules, tenure, academic freedom, research, teaching loads, extracurricular assignments, summer employment, non-University employment, leaves of absence, sabbatical leaves, travel, and all related policies which affect faculty welfare and morale.

Section 7. Financial Affairs Committee. This committee shall consist of one faculty member elected from each college and the Division of Nursing, two members appointed by the President from the faculty/staff-at-large, two staff members appointed by the Staff Senate, and one member of the Faculty Senate appointed by the Rules Committee to serve as Chairperson. This committee shall review the financial and physical resources of the University as they relate to the development of a quality educational program. It shall request through the President information of a financial nature from any academic or administrative officer of the University or meetings with those officers as it deems necessary to carry out its responsibilities.

Section 8. Faculty/Staff Liaison Committee. This committee shall be University-wide in nature with its membership composed of four members of the Faculty Senate and four members of the Staff Senate. The committee shall be chaired by the Chairpersons of each senate serving in alternate years. The committee shall be a means of communication and coordination between the two Senate bodies. It shall regularly review the minutes of both bodies and coordinate visits, upon invitation, of representatives from one body to the other to deal with issues pertaining to the University as a whole. This committee will be in charge of activities and policy recommendations that will help to raise morale and promote unity between the two bodies.

Section 9. Faculty Information Committee. This committee shall consist of one faculty member elected from each college and the Division of Nursing. The chair shall be elected from among its members. The committee shall gather data on a yearly basis regarding faculty loads, faculty compensation, University programs, and other data requested by the Faculty Senate from similar universities in the region. They shall present this information to the Faculty Senate on a yearly basis. The due dates of these reports are to be decided by the Faculty Senate President.


Section 1. Quorum. A quorum for the conduct of Senate business shall consist of a majority of the elected representatives. Designated substitutes shall be counted toward filling a quorum.

Section 2. Voting. Voting on all questions before the Senate shall be by academic unit, each academic unit receiving the number of votes equivalent to the full-time faculty members in that academic unit. The Secretary shall be responsible for conducting a roll call and recording the number of votes.

Section 3. Voice Voting. The President may suspend Section 2 and call for a voice vote unless one member objects.

Section 4. Polling of Departments. A poll of Departments may be called for by a motion supported by one-third of the members present. Should a poll be called, the Senate will assemble one week from the date of the call in a special session to cast ballots. Only the motion or motions in questions can be considered in such special meetings.

Section 5. Changes in Titles or Positions. When a title of a University unit or position referred to in these articles is changed, the corresponding changes in these articles shall be performed unless an objection is made by the Rules Committee or by the President of the University.

Section 6. Amendments. These articles may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of all full-time academic faculty casting ballots at the instruction of the Senate and approval of the President of the University, except that any change to Article V, Section 8 (Faculty/Staff Liaison Committee) must also be approved by the Staff Senate.

Section 7. By Laws. The Senate shall establish a set of by-laws for the conduct of Senate business and may amend those by-laws by majority vote of the representatives present, provided that such by-laws must conform to the rules and principles of these articles.

Section 8. Referendum. The academic faculty of The University of West Alabama may review actions taken by the Senate through referendum. Two types of referendum shall be recognized:

a. Referendum by Senate Call: Any representative or designated substitute attending a Senate meeting may call for a referendum on any action of the Senate. If one-half of the voting members present concur, the issue will be presented to the faculty-at-large in the following manner: Within three days of the call for referendum, the Senate President and/or Secretary shall distribute to each elected representative ballots equal to the number of full-time faculty members represented in that academic area. The representatives shall distribute said ballots to the members of their academic area, who will mark and return them in a manner to be prescribed by the Senate. The Senate Rules Committee will count the returned ballots in the presence of witnesses and report the results to the Senate at its next meeting following the counting. The results of the total vote of all full-time faculty-at-large shall be binding on the Senate and shall be appended to the minutes for the Senate meeting at which the referendum was called.
b. Referendum by Petition. By presenting a petition signed by twenty percent of the full-time faculty of The University of West Alabama to the President and notice to the President of the Senate, any vote of the Senate shall be submitted to the academic faculty at a meeting called for that purpose within twenty days after the time of the Senate vote. The results of the referendum shall be binding on the Senate and shall be appended to the minutes for the Senate meeting at which the referred vote was taken.

Section 10. Ratification. This constitution shall become effective after the passage of these articles by a majority of the full-time faculty voting and the approval of the President and Board of Trustees of The University of West Alabama.

   (Approved by Board of Trustees, September 12, 1994)
(Approved by Board of Trustees, 1999)

University Staff Senate

The University Staff Senate is advisory to the President and is concerned with keeping the University staff informed and involved about matters affecting the University community. The Senate seeks to improve understanding and cooperation among faculty, staff, and administration in their endeavors to promote the objectives of the institution.



The University of West Alabama Staff Senate is established with the belief that individuals of the University have a devotion to the education of students and the advancement of truth and knowledge. It is intended that the Senate, with a unity of purpose, improves the understanding and cooperation of the administration, the faculty, and the staff in their endeavors to promote the objectives of the institution. The Senate believes that it should preserve and enhance the positions of the individual members of the University community while encouraging them to feel a sense of personal responsibility and common involvement.


The name of this organization shall be The University of West Alabama Staff Senate.


The University Staff Senate is advisory to the President and shall be concerned with keeping the University staff informed and involved in the University community, particularly in the following areas:

  1. University publications: the catalog, calendar, and faculty/staff handbook
  2. The professional growth of our staff
  3. The membership of University committees
  4. The dissemination of information about University financial affairs and our physical facilities
  5. Improving student-faculty-administration-staff relations
  6. Improving the staff's knowledge of benefits, retirement, leave, and the grievance policies of the University


Section 1. The University Staff Senate is an organization representing all full-time non-academic employees of The University of West Alabama established by the consent of the President of the University and Board of Trustees.

Section 2. Composition. The Staff Senate shall consist of elected representatives from each non-academic division, as follows, where "O" stand for "odd year elections" and "E" stands for "even year elections":

  Year of Election  

Financial Affairs
Student Affairs 
Combined Others:


Small Business Development Center
Education Certification Office
Institutional Advancement
Information Systems
Institutional Effectiveness
Student Support Services
Center for the Study of the Black Belt
Miscellaneous Others

Composition: The Staff Senate shall consist of elected representatives from each non-academic division. Representatives shall be apportioned among the non-academic divisions according to their respective numbers. Each division having 25 or less members at the time of elections will elect one representative and one alternate. Each division having 26 to 50 members at the time of elections will elect two representatives and two alternates. Each division having more than 50 members at the time of elections will elect three representatives and three alternates.

If a division fails to elect all representatives for their division, the staff senate president shall appoint a staff member from any division to fill the vacant position on the Staff Senate.

If at any time any of the above departments are changed to be under the administration of another department, the Staff Senate shall automatically revise its constitution to adhere to the new department composition.

Section 3. Representatives. The election of each representative shall be conducted by each unit, as stated above, with results reported to the Secretary of the Senate between April 1 and April 15. One-half of the representatives will be elected in even-numbered years. The representatives' terms of office shall be two years from September 1 through August 31. The representative must be a full-time non-academic employee of the University and must have been employed for at least one calendar year prior to his/her election. No representative shall serve more than two consecutive terms unless no one else in his/her department or area can fill this position. If a representative is absent from three consecutive senate meetings, his/her name shall be removed from the Senate roll and his/her unit notified by the secretary that its representative position is vacant. An elected representative may be granted a leave of absence by the Rules Committee, in which case his/her name remains on the Senate roll and he/she shall resume his/her duties at the end of the period of absence. Should a representative position become vacant for any reason the first alternate becomes the official representative for that unit. The second alternate becomes the first alternate. An election will be held within that unit to elect a second alternate.

Section 4. Alternates. Each unit having an elected representative shall make arrangements for one of its members to attend for its representatives at any
Senate meeting the elected representative is unable to attend. Absences of an elected representative covered by an alternate still count as an absence as far as his continuation on the Senate roll is concerned. An ex-officio member not able to attend may send an alternate by notifying the President of the Senate. During any meeting, the alternate shall have all rights and privileges of the member he/she is replacing. No person can be an alternate for more than one member at any meeting and no member of the Senate can serve as alternate for another member.


Section 1. Senate Officers. The officers of the Senate shall be the President, Vice President, and Secretary.

Section 2. Election of Officers. The officers shall be elected by a special session of the new Senate chaired by the outgoing President on the first Monday after May 1 of odd numbered years.

a) Vice President (President-Elect), and Secretary. The officers may be elected from the Staff Senate representatives or from the staff-at-large. If the officer is a member of the Senate, the unit which he/she represents will replace the representative according to Article III, Section3. No officer shall have a vote, except in the case of a tie and then only the presiding officer shall cast a deciding vote.

b) In the event an officer of the Staff Senate is not able to fulfill his duties for the duration of his/her term, and resigns from that position, such vacancy will be filled at a special session of the Senate, with nominations being taken from the floor of the representatives to be voted on by secret ballot. All nominees must be current Staff Senate officers or representatives.

c) The consent of all candidates must be obtained prior to their nomination.

d) The new Senate members shall cast secret ballots for each office, and the names of the new officers shall be communicated to the University community by the outgoing President.

Section 3. Duties of Officers

a) President. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Senate. He/she shall be responsible for the agenda for each meeting, in accordance with the by-laws. He/she shall send the agenda to each member of the University Staff Senate at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. He/she shall serve as chairperson of the Rules Committee and as an ex-officio member of all Senate committees.

b) Vice President. The Vice President shall act for the President in his/her absence. The Vice President shall also have the title, President-Elect of the Staff Senate. The President-elect shall succeed the President at the end of his/her term.

c) Secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes of each Senate meeting. He/she shall maintain the official roll of the Staff Senate and distribute Senate notices and materials, as directed by the President. He/she shall maintain the permanent files of the Senate, which he/she shall turn over to his/her successor.


Section1. Standing Committees. The standing committees established by the University Senate shall be the Rules Committee; the Staff Affairs Committee; and the Faculty/Staff Liaison Committee.

Section 2. Other Committees. The Senate may form any other committees necessary, either standing or ad-hoc. Membership of any special committees created by the Senate shall be chosen by the Senate.

Section 3. Committee Procedures. All Senate committees shall keep minutes and make quarterly reports to the Senate. Committees may be called before the Senate for review purposes.

Section 4. Rules Committee. The Rules Committee shall consist of the President of the Senate who will serve as chairperson, the Vice President, the immediate past President, and the Secretary. This Committee shall serve as the Committee on Committees. All questions concerning Senate procedures shall be referred to this Committee, and it shall recommend to the Senate the disposition to be made of any disputes concerning the operation of the Senate. The Rules Committee shall ensure that unit representatives are duly elected, and that no unit of the University is denied representation, to which it is entitled under these Articles. It shall conduct the election of committee members; and vacancies on any Senate committee will be filled by the Rules Committee. It is the responsibility of the Rules Committee to maintain all records of the Senate (i.e. minutes, correspondence, resolutions, recommendations, etc.), and to pass these documents to the next Rules Committee following elections, as required by these Articles.

Section 5. Staff Affairs Committee. This committee shall consist of the Vice President of the Senate, as chairperson, and four members from the Senate membership appointed by the Rules Committee. The committee shall make recommendations concerning policies (except those specifically reserved to other committees), such as qualifications for promotion, title and salary schedules, retirement, extra-curricular assignments, non-University employment, eaves of absence, travel, benefits, insurance, grievance of employment reviews, and all related policies which affect staff welfare and morale.

Section 6. Faculty/Staff Liaison Committee. This committee shall be University-wide in nature, with its membership composed of four members from the Faculty Senate and four members from the Staff Senate appointed by the Staff Senate Rules Committee. The committee shall be chaired by the President of each Senate, serving in alternating years. The committee shall be a means of communication and coordination between the two Senate bodies. It shall regularly review the minutes of both bodies and coordinate visits, upon invitation, of representatives from one body tot eh other to deal with issues pertaining to the University as a whole. This committee will be in charge of activities and policy recommendations that will help to raise moral and promote unity between the two bodies.



Section 1. Quorum. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Senate. Alternates shall be counted toward filling a quorum.

Section 2. Title of Positions. When a title of a University unit or position referred to in these Articles is changed, the corresponding changes in these articles shall be performed unless an objection is made by the Rules Committee or by the President of the University.

Section 3. Amendments. These Articles may be amended by two-thirds of those staff voting upon instruction of the Senate and approval of the President of the University.

Section 4. Ratification. This constitution shall become effective, after the passage of these Articles, by a majority of the full-time staff voting and the approval of the President and Board of Trustees of The University of West Alabama. The University of West Alabama Staff Senate herein created, together with the corresponding University of West Alabama Faculty Senate, shall supersede the former Livingston University Senate.

Section 5. Referendum. The staff of The University of West Alabama may review decisions made by the University Staff Senate. A petition signed by twenty percent of the staff may be presented to the president of the University, with notice to the president of the Staff Senate. The vote of the Senate shall be submitted to the staff at a meeting called for that purpose within twenty academic days after the time of the Senate vote.

Section 6. First Senate. The first University Staff Senate of The University of West Alabama may be established by elections held on the unit level and coordinated by the staff representatives of the former University Senate. Notice shall be sent to the President of the University of the newly elected representatives. A caucus of the new representatives shall be held two weeks from the President's announcement in the Webb Hall Conference room (229) where officers shall be chosen by the first University Staff Senate. Hereafter, elections will conform to these Articles.

October 11, 1997; Rev. May 2003; August 2007, August 2009; March 2011



The Senate shall have one meeting each term during the months of September through August, with the summer sessions counting as one term, as scheduled by the Rules Committee. These regular meetings must be scheduled at least thirty days in advance. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson of the Senate at the request of the Rules Committee. A special meeting shall be called by the Chairperson within five academic days after receiving a petition signed by at least forty percent of the members of the Senate or twenty percent of the University community. A notice listing agenda shall be sent by the Chairperson at least twenty-four hours before each meeting to each Senate member. It is the responsibility of each representative to make available a copy of the minutes and agenda of Senate meeting for his review.


Section 1. The Senate meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, except that a two-thirds majority vote shall be required to table a motion.

Section 2. Agenda. The agenda for each meeting shall contain (a) those matters requested by the Rules Committee; (b) any motion governed by Section I of this Article; and (c) items requested by any committee of the Senate. Items in (a) and (b) will be listed ahead of items in (c). The order that the items appear on any agenda may be changed by a majority vote of the Senate.

Section 3. Recommendations Noting by Senate. Representatives can vote, pass, and recommend any guidelines, policies, resolutions, etc. that pertain to non-academic employees of the University. The membership cannot vote or recommend policies, statements, etc. concerning policies affecting the faculty or the faculty/staff as a whole without the express consent of the Faculty Senate. Any recommendations passed by the Staff Senate will be sent to the President of the University for review and approval, and passed by him/her on to the Board of Trustees. All recommendations shall be made public by the publishing of the minutes, with copies to each representative to be viewed by that representative's unit.

Section 4. Alternates. The minutes of each meeting shall list those absent and names of the Alternates.

Section 5. Referendum. The staff of the University of West Alabama may review decisions made by the University Staff Senate by presenting a petition signed by twenty percent of the staff to the President of the University with notice to the Chairperson of the Senate. The vote of the Senate shall be submitted to the staff at a meeting called for that purpose within twenty academic days after the time of the Senate vote.

Section 6. First Senate. The first University Staff Senate of the University of West Alabama may be established by elections held on the unit level and coordinated by the staff representatives of the former University Senate. Notice shall be sent to the President of the University of the newly elected representatives. A caucus of the new representatives shall be held two weeks from the President's announcement in the Webb Hall Conference Room (229), where officers shall be chosen by the first University Staff Senate. Hereafter, elections will conform to these Articles.

   (June 19, 1996; Revised October 11, 1997; Spring 2000)

University Councils and Committees

Both standing and ad hoc University committees make recommendations to the President and others regarding basic policies and procedures of the institution. Minutes are kept of all University committee meetings, and copies of the minutes are distributed to all members of the committee and to the President and the Provost. As relevant, copies of minutes should also be sent to other members of the faculty, staff, and administration who have official responsibilities related to the work of a committee. The Office of the Provost serves as repository for the minutes of all academic committees and councils. For all other committees, the chairperson is responsible for maintaining the repository of minutes. The standing University committees appointed by the President are as follows (NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, the chairperson is designated by the President):

Academic Councils

The College Academic Councils consist of the Dean, who serves as Chairperson, the Department Chairpersons, and one faculty member from each department elected by their colleagues in the college. The Academic Council of the Division of Nursing consists of all faculty in the Division and is chaired by the Division Chairperson. A college may elect to add ex-officio members to its Academic Council. The Academic Councils make recommendations on curriculum changes and other matters related to the academic programs of the college/division and annually review the catalogues and other published materials to ensure that they accurately reflect these programs.

The University Academic Council consists of the College Deans, the Dean of Graduate Studies, the Dean of Online Programs, the Dean of Educational Outreach, the Division of Nursing Chair, the Department Chairs, and the two faculty members from each college/division Academic Council elected by the college/division. It is co-chaired by the Faculty Senate President and the Provost, with the latter serving as ex-officio. Also serving as ex-officio members are the Director of the Library, the Registrar, and the University Certification Officer. The Council considers proposals for curriculum changes and makes recommendations regarding academic policies.

The Academic Integrity Committee consists of a Dean of one of the Colleges who serves as Chair (the Chairpersonship being rotated on a two-year basis), one faculty member from each college or division, the Dean of the Division of Online Programs (ex-officio), one graduate student, and one undergraduate student This committee is charged with adjudicating cases of academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism, cheating, assisting in plagiarism or cheating, theft of exams, and other types of academic fraud. The committee serves as the body to which a student charged with academic dishonesty may be referred by a faculty member or staff member and also as the body to which a student may appeal a charge of academic dishonesty.

The ADA Compliance Committee membership includes the University ADA Coordinator, the ADA Compliance Officer, a Special Education representative, a Student Success Center representative, a Physical Plant representative, a Personnel Department representative, an Admissions representative, a Student Life representative, a faculty representative from each college and the Division of Nursing, and two student representatives. Additional faculty or staff representatives may be added as deemed desirable. This committee serves as monitor for the University to ensure that the guidelines of the ADA are followed.

The Admissions and Appeals Committee membership includes the Registrar (Chair), the College Deans, and the Vice President for Student Affairs. This committee considers appeals from undergraduate students who do not fully meet admission requirements or who are on suspension.

The Athletic Committee membership includes the Faculty Athletic Representative (Chair), the Director of Athletics, the Associate Director of Athletics/Senior Women's Administrator, the Vice President for Financial Affairs, the Registrar, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Chair of Physical Education and Athletic Training, the Dean of Graduate Studies, four faculty members, and two students. This committee, which meets at least twice a year, recommends policies and rules governing competitive intercollegiate athletics and sets standards for participation therein; advises the Faculty Athletic Representative on the recommendation of students for recognition for athletic achievements; advises the Faculty Representative and the Athletic Director on matters relating to University, Conference and NCAA rules; aids in the address of athletic concerns; assists the President in regards to athletics as he/she deems necessary; educates the University community regarding athletics. In addition, members of this committee are selected by the President to comprise search committees for all head coaching positions.

The Benevolence Committee is composed of faculty and staff members from various areas of the campus. The function of this committee is to remember a faculty or staff member during a time of serious personal illness (including major surgery) or following a death in his/her immediate family. Since State law prohibits the use of institutional funds for these purposes, the gifts and flowers are financed through voluntary contributions solicited each fall semester.

The Bibb Graves Auditorium Oversight Committee consists of the Chairperson of the Department of Fine Arts (Chair), the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, the Fine Arts Technical Director, the Chairperson of the Commencement Committee, the Director of Emergency Preparedness and Safety, Physical Plant Safety Officer, and additional faculty and staff and students. This committee is responsible for overseeing the long-range plan for maintaining and updating Bibb Graves Auditorium and for recommending new policies or revisions of current policies governing the use of the auditorium and its contents, including the Steinway piano.

The Campus Parking and Traffic Committee membership consists of the UWA Chief of Police and Director of Campus Security, members from Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Business Affairs, and Athletics, and at least one student. This committee is charged with the annual review of parking and traffic rules and regulations and analysis of the flow of traffic (automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian). It makes recommendations to the President's Council.

The Campus School Steering Committee consists of the Dean of the College of Education (Chair), the Campus School Director, two school administrators, four educators, two community agency representatives, and other faculty, staff, and students. This committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Provost concerning the operation of the Campus School.

The Commencement Committee membership includes the Provost, the Deans and Chair of Nursing, the President's Administrative Assistant and Secretary, the Director of the Physical Plant, the Chief of Police, the Media Technicians, the Grounds/Moving Supervisor, the Director of Dining Services, the Director of Bands, the Director of Choral Activities, a representative from the SGA, and various members of the faculty and staff. This committee plans and implements Commencement exercises and associated activities.

The Committee on Preservation of University History membership includes the President, faculty, staff, administrators, and students appointed by the President. This committee is charged with overseeing the University archives.

The Communications Council consists of the Director of Marketing and Public Relations for Online Programs, Senior Director of Marketing, Director of Public Relations, Director of Sports Information, Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management, Director of Alumni Affairs, Director of Student Activities, University Webmaster, Public Relations Specialist in the Division of Educational Outreach, and the student newspaper advisor. The council, which reports to the President's Council, brings together personnel engaged in University communications, marketing, and public relations for networking, idea generation, information and resource sharing, and collaboration.

The Counseling Advisory Committee consists of the Director of Counseling (Chair), various members of the faculty and staff, three students and select members of the community. This committee serves as an advisory group on development and implementation of programs and services to best meet needs for academic success and personal and professional growth of students, faculty and staff. Committee members act as liaisons with their respective unit or organization to identify needs and innovative ideas to enhance services provided by this office.

The Distinguished Professorship Committee consists of the Deans of the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the College of Business, the College of Education and the Chairperson of Nursing, and two former or current distinguished professors. The committee is responsible for selecting faculty members worthy of the honorary title of Distinguished Professor.

The Employee Benefits Committee is composed of the Presidents of the Faculty Senate and the Staff Senate, a representative from each college and the Division of Nursing, and other faculty and staff. This committee monitors the various benefits that the University provides its employees, including insurance, and makes recommendations as necessary, polls the faculty/staff at regular intervals on such matters, and produces an annual newsletter on benefits-related topics. The committee meets at least once a year.

The Emergency Preparedness and Safety Committee membership includes the Director of Emergency Preparedness and Safety, the Chief of the Police and Director of Security, and at least one member from the Physical Plant, Information Technology, Department of Physical Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Athletic Training, the Wellness Center, and the Student Government Association, as well as other faculty and staff. Representatives from the emergency medical services and the county emergency management agency serve as ex-officio members. This committee has five primary functions: to assist the President in meeting his obligations for emergency preparedness and safety as the chief executive officer of the University; to review safety-related matters and formulate recommendations to the administration regarding action to be taken; to act as an advisory body to the University community on matters of emergency preparedness and safety; to develop and distribute a written comprehensive emergency preparedness and safety program; and to provide an annual program review to the administration, which includes a summary of the committee's activities for the previous fiscal year, a description of the current state of the program, and recommendations for changes and improvements. The committee meets each semester.

The Faculty Colloquium Committee consists of the President of Phi Kappa Phi, the Dean of Graduate Studies, and other faculty. This committee coordinates all aspects of the Faculty Colloquium, including setting policies, choosing speakers, and promoting the program.

The Freshman Studies Committee includes the Provost, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the College Deans, the Chair of Nursing, the Director of the Honors Program, three faculty members associated with the Freshman Studies Program, a representative of Admissions, the Director of Student Support Services, the Director of Counseling, the Coordinator of Planning and Assessment, the Coordinator of Service Learning and two students (usually sophomore students who have just completed the program), with the Director of Institutional Effectiveness as an ex-officio member. This committee makes recommendations relating to all aspects of the Freshman Studies Program--screening and placement, registration, developmental and other special courses, etc. The committee is also responsible for assessment of the basic curriculum program.

The Graduate Council consists of the Dean of Graduate Studies (Chair), the Deans, a faculty representative from each major area in which graduate work is offered (Physical Education, Elementary Education, Educational Foundations, Special Education, Library Media, School Counseling, Education Leadership, Mathematics, Biology, Science, History, English Language Arts, and Psychology), and two graduate students. The Provost, the University Certification Officer, and the Registrar serve as ex-officio members. The Graduate Council makes recommendations concerning policies and procedures in the graduate program, changes in graduate curricula, and appointments to the graduate faculty. A standing committee, the Graduate Appeals Committee, serves as an appeals board for students.

The Health and Wellness Committee includes the Chairperson of Nursing, the Chairperson of Behavioral Sciences, the Director of Counseling, the Director of University Relations, the Wellness Center Fitness Director, the Fitness and Aquatic Coordinator, a representative from Physical Education and Athletic Training, Sponsored Programs, Housing, a representative from the Student Government Association, and other faculty, staff and students. The Health and Wellness committee supports and promotes health awareness by providing wellness policies, educational opportunities, events, resources and access to facilities.

The Homecoming Committee includes the Director of Alumni Relations (Chair), the President, the Vice President of Institutional Advancement, the Vice President of Student Affairs, the Athletic Director, the Director of Development, the Director of Student Activities, the Director of Campus Dining, the Director of Bands, the Director of Public Relations, the Chief of Police, the Bell Conference Center Facilities Manager, a Physical Plant representative, the College Deans, the Division of Nursing Chair, the SGA President, and other faculty and staff.
The Homecoming Committee plans the Homecoming weekend and associated activities.

The Honors Day Committee includes the Provost, the President, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Administrative Assistants and Secretaries to the President, Provost, and Vice President for Student Affairs, the Chief of Police, the Director of Public Relations, a representative of the Honors Program, the Director of Campus Dining, the Bell Conference Center Facility Manager, the Director of Choral Activities, the Director of the Physical Plant, the Grounds/Moving Supervisor, the Media Technicians, the Coordinator for Admission Services, and various members of the faculty and staff. The committee plans and implements Honors Day Convocation and associated activities.

The Honors Program Committee includes the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts (Chair), the Director of the Honors Program, a representative from Admissions, and at least one honors faculty member from each of the colleges and Nursing, the Director of International Programs and two honors students, with the Registrar as an ex-officio member. This committee oversees all aspects of the Honors Program, including planning, setting policies, assessing, and budgeting.

The Information Technology Committee includes the Director of Information Technology, the Systems Administrator, Media Technician, one member from each college and the Division of Nursing, the Library, Financial Affairs, Student Affairs, Institutional Advancement, Institutional Effectiveness, and Sponsored Programs, and Educational Outreach and a representative from the SGA. The committee is responsible for promoting the use of technology on the UWA campus, reviewing policies and procedures for the acquisition of hardware and software, reviewing microcomputer technical support functions, reviewing user training programs, reviewing computing systems currently operating on campus; determining the need for the expansion and upgrading of information technology resources and systems, and making recommendations to the Deans' Council in the preceding areas.

The Institutional Effectiveness Council consists of the President (Chair), the Provost, the Vice Presidents for Financial Affairs, Student Affairs, and Institutional Advancement, the Directors of Institutional Effectiveness, Outreach Services, and Campus Security, Coordinator of Planning and Assessment and one representative from each of the four colleges and the Division of Nursing, the Graduate School, the Division of Online Programs, the Division of Educational Outreach, the Library, Information Technology, and Athletics. The Presidents of the Faculty Senate and the Staff Senate serve as ex-officio members of the council. This council provides oversight to the planning and assessment process for the University. Drawing upon input from all units of the University, the council is the major planning group for the institution.

The Institutional Review Board includes the Office of Sponsored Programs Associate Director (Chair) and a representative from each college and various departments from the University. The Director of Institutional Effectiveness serves as ex-officio member. This committee provides oversight for all research proposals involving human subjects as mandated by Code of Federal Regulations Title 45. All research involving human subjects (faculty, staff, or students) must be approved by the Institutional Review Board.

The International Programs Committee consists of the Director of International Programs, the International Student Advisor, the Registrar, and other faculty, staff, and students, with at least two international student members. The committee makes recommendations to the Deans' Council regarding all aspects of the University's international studies programs, including special efforts to recruit international students, programs to serve international students on campus, and international exchange programs for both students and faculty.

The Library Committee consists of a faculty member as Chair, the Director of the Library, one faculty member elected from each college and the Division of Nursing, three faculty members and four students (two undergraduate, two graduates). The Provost serves as an ex-officio member. This committee makes recommendations on the allocation of library funds among the academic areas and the establishment of policies, services, and programs of the Julia Tutwiler Library. It also provides oversight of information access issues and technology issues as the issues relate to academic and/or intellectual freedom.

The Loraine McIlwain Bell Trustee Awards Committee is composed of representatives from the three selection areas. A faculty representative and an alternate from each college and the Division of Nursing comprise the faculty subcommittee. A staff representative and an alternate from Academic Affairs, Financial Affairs, Student Affairs, and Institutional Advancement form the professional staff group. The Staff Senate President, Staff Senate Secretary and three other staff members comprise the support staff group. The previous year's winners serve in their respective areas. Names are advanced to the Board for approval. This committee is responsible for recommending to the Board of Trustees candidates for the annual professor, professional staff, and support staff excellence awards. Upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the recipients are recognized at a Board meeting.

The Marketing and Image Committee consists of the Director of Public Relations, the Senior Director of Marketing and Communications, the Director of Marketing for Online Programs, the Public Relations Specialists, the Director of Information Technology, the Director of Admissions, the Director of Athletics, the Director of Sports Information, the Director of Printing, the Director of Auxiliary Services, faculty and staff members, and two students. The President, the Provost, and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement serve as ex-officio members. The University Webmaster serves as an ex-officio member of the Web Page Subcommittee. The committee reviews and makes recommendations on the University's integrated marketing campaign, including advertising, public relations, and direct marketing, and on all aspects of the University's web pages. The committee oversees and provides policies concerning the quality, character, and consistency of official University publications and apparel to establish consistency between UWA marketing strategies and marketing done by individuals, departments, and other groups. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, official publications such as advertising, brochures, booklets, web pages, stationery, envelopes, business cards, athletic publications, newsletters, and apparel such as UWA branded clothing and athletic uniforms. The committee is also responsible for guidelines to be followed by faculty and staff in the use of the University's official symbols, slogans, colors, logos, seals, and mascots. The Web Page Subcommittee is a part of this committee. The committee reports to the President's Council.

The Nellie Rose McCrory Service Excellence Award Committee is responsible for selecting the recipient of the annual McCrory Service Excellence Award based on the established criteria. The McCrory Service Excellence Award Committee is composed of representatives from each of the colleges and the Division of Nursing.

The Online Advisory Committee is chaired by the Dean of the Division of Online Programs and includes the Director of Online Marketing and Public Relations, College Deans and Graduate Dean and two Online Liaisons. The Provost and the Director of Information Technology serves as ex-officio members. This committee serves as an advisory group on the development of policies and procedures related to online operations in regards to academic programs, online course development, online faculty and marketing of online programs. Its members act as liaisons with their respective units to identify innovative ideas, programmatic ideas, and critical needs. Committee recommendations are presented to the Deans' Council.

The Online Logistical Policies and Procedures Committee is chaired by the Director of Information Technology and includes the Dean of the Division of Online Programs, the UWA Webmaster, and a representative from the Registrar's Office, the Business Office, Financial Aid, and an Online Liaison, and other faculty and staff. This committee is responsible for recommending to the Deans' Council procedures and policies related to various technologies used by UWA faculty, staff, and students to ensure efficient operations. Additionally, the committee researches hardware and software options available for improving operations and makes recommendations accordingly. The committee works with all departments involved with online programs to ensure adequate communication.

The Orientation Committee membership includes the Provost (Chair), President, Vice President for Student Affairs, College Deans, Chair of Nursing, Director of Student Success and TRIO, Student Success Coordinators, a representative from Admissions, Registrar, Director of Financial Aid, Director of Athletics, Director of Information Technology, Director of Honors Program, Director of Counseling, the Chair of the Freshman Studies Committee, the College and Division of Nursing secretaries, and other faculty and staff. This committee oversees all aspects of summer orientation for beginning freshmen and transfer students.

The Parking and Appeals Committee consists of a chairperson from the faculty or staff, other faculty and staff members, and one student. One alternate is appointed from the faculty and one from the staff.  The Parking and Appeals Committee is an impartial body that makes determinations on appeals of parking violations. The Committee has the authority to sustain appeals or reduce fines based on cogent evidence. The Committee is responsible for submitting final decisions regarding appeals to the Chief of Police.

The Research Grants Committee consists of the Provost (Chair) and at least four faculty members. This committee is charged with supporting faculty research at the University by soliciting, evaluating, and funding grant proposals from faculty members.

The Scholarship and Student Assistance Committee includes the Director of Alumni Affairs (Chair), the Provost, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management, the Director of Financial Aid, the Director of Athletics, the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and other faculty and staff. This committee recommends guidelines for scholarships and the Jobship Program.

The Service Learning Committee consists of the Director of the Center for the Study of the Black Belt (Chair), the Service Learning Coordinator, the Director of the Honors Program, the Director of Student Success, the Dean of the Division of Educational Outreach, the Vice President for Student Affairs, representatives from the Division of Outreach Services and the Office of Sponsored Programs, other faculty members, and at least two students. The committee is charged with oversight of the University's service learning program, including assisting the Service Learning Coordinator in developing projects and in encouraging and promoting participation among faculty, staff, and students. The committee reports to the Deans' Council.

The Social Committee includes representatives from the President's Office, the Business Office, and the Physical Plant and other faculty and staff members. This committee cooperates in planning and carrying out receptions, teas, and other social occasions within the University community.

The Sponsored Programs Advisory Committee consists of the Director of Sponsored Programs and various faculty and staff members. The Provost and the Director of Institutional Effectiveness serve as ex-officio members. This committee serves as an advisory group on the development of external funding initiatives at UWA. Its members act as liaisons with their respective units to identify innovative ideas, programmatic ideas, and critical needs and to encourage grant development in general. The committee also recommends procedures required to assure eligibility and non-duplication of applications and efficient reporting systems. The committee meets monthly.

The Staff Salary Equity Committee consists of the President of the Staff Senate (Chair), the Provost, the Vice President for Financial Affairs, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, the immediate Past President of the Staff Senate, the Vice President of the Staff Senate, and (non-voting) the Director of Information Technology. The Staff Salary Equity Committee, which meets at least once a year, is charged with establishing a market value for all full-time staff positions and reviewing requests to change market values.

The Student Life Committee includes the Director of Housing and Campus Life, the Registrar, various faculty and staff representatives, the President of the SGA (or his/her designated representative), two other students, and a Recording Secretary. The Director of Student Life and the Chief of Campus Police serve as ex-officio members. Alternate members may be appointed. This committee makes recommendations on policies and activities that directly relate to normal student life functions of the University. These activities include student conduct, security, supervision of the drug free workplace, schools and communities, educational compliance programs and serving as the appeals body in instances where nonacademic grievances have been filed by students on matters involving the University. The committee makes recommendations on other pertinent matters regarding general student welfare. This committee also serves as the campus compliance team for the Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act and the standing NCAA Appeals Committee.

The Student Media Committee includes the Dean of Liberal Arts, (Chair), Chair of the Department of Languages and Literature, the advisors of student media, the student media editor and director, and other faculty or staff members. The Vice President for Student Affairs and the Purchasing Agent serve as ex-officio members. This committee makes recommendations on policies, procedures, and personnel related to student media.

The Student Success Committee membership includes the Director of Student Success Center (Chair), the five Student Success Coordinators, the Director of Counseling, the Academic Advisor to Athletics, one representative from Student Affairs and the Business Office, and other faculty and staff, and two students. Student Success Coordinators may invite their Deans or other representatives from their area to attend meetings as needed. This committee provides a structure and forum for the ongoing review and evaluation of all programs, services, policies, procedures, and behaviors that affect retention. The functions of the committee are the following: to develop, monitor, and adjust the annual retention plan; to design, conduct, analyze, and disseminate retention-related studies and research; to initiate a process for identifying and eliminating problems that interfere with providing quality service to students; and to establish a communication plan designed to inform campus personnel about retention issues.

The Teaching Excellence Grants Committee membership includes the Provost (Chair) and at least four faculty members. The Teaching Excellence Grants Committee is charged with supporting excellence in teaching at UWA by soliciting, evaluating, and funding grant proposals from faculty members.

The University Council on Teacher Education includes the Dean of Education (Chair), the Dean of Liberal Arts, the Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the University Certification Officer, the Dean of Graduate Studies, representatives of each certification area (Elementary, Early Childhood, Special Education, Physical Education, School Counseling, Library Media, Education Leadership, Biology, General Science, Chemistry, English Language Arts, History, and General Social Science), a representative from Foundations of Education, two Superintendents from partnership schools, two non-administrative educators from partnership schools, one graduate student, and one undergraduate student. The Provost and the Dean of Business serve as ex-officio members. The council serves as a conduit of communication among the various colleges involved in teacher education programs and makes recommendations concerning these programs.

The University Surveillance Oversight Committee oversees implementatioin of the University's Video Surveillance Policy, revises the policy as needed, and grants authorization to personnel to access video.  Membership includes the Chief of Police, the Provost, the Vice President of Student Affairs, the Director of Information Technology, the Director of Emergency Preparedness, and a representative from the Physical Plant and the SGA.

The Written English Proficiency Committee has nine voting members, one of whom serves as chairperson. Membership includes at least one faculty member from each of the undergraduate colleges and from the Division of Nursing. In addition, the Director of the Writing Laboratory serves as an ex-officio member of the committee. This committee evaluates the writing of undergraduate students who have been referred by faculty members through the Written English Proficiency Report each semester. It makes recommendations regarding students who are required to complete additional work in written English and evaluates the writing of students in the referral program each semester until the established requirements are met. The committee also recommends changes in policies and procedures relating to the Written English Referral Program, as needed.

Planning and Assessment

The process at the University of West Alabama begins at the unit level, then moves to the Dean/Vice President level, next to the Institutional Effectiveness Council for further prioritization, and culminates at the President's Council, where the direction and budget is set for the upcoming year. It is a continuous process designed to involve all areas of the institution and maintain comprehensive participation. Planning and assessment in WEAVEonline require units to work in a general-to-specific approach when planning objectives and assessing actual outcomes.

By the end of May, all units complete the planning portion of the process for the upcoming academic year. This process includes developing, reviewing, and/or updating objectives that link to specific University goals and determining expected results to form a comprehensive assessment plan. This plan is designed to guide academic units in assessing the quality of academic programs or the operations/services of non-academic units. The planning process is done collectively, allowing all vested individuals a voice in the process by the end of September, all units perform a self-study to analyze the results of assessment activities from the previous year. Using the self-study results, all units develop strategic action plans and note any resources needed to accomplish set outcomes/objectives. This process allows each unit to determine which parts of their current comprehensive assessment plan are working well and/or which areas need improvement. When the self-study process is complete at the unit level, all planning and assessment documents are forwarded to the Dean/Vice President. Documents are then reviewed and approved by the Dean/Vice President by the end of October. During the Spring Semester, the Dean's Council and President's Council are convened. Each unit's key accomplishments (noted on faculty and staff service reports) budget requests are reviewed by the Dean's Council members. The Council works to integrate the planning statements with budget requests and establish institutional priorities. The planning priorities established at the Dean's Council serve to guide final budget prioritization and budget recommendations to the President's Council. The President's Council considers the recommendations of the Dean's Council as a University Plan is developed that determines the direction the University will take, which plans are to be supported and implemented immediately, and available and needed resources. Final budget proposals are then presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. At the conclusion of this cycle, the process begins anew, with units making needed changes in mission statements, objectives, assessment activities, and strategic plans based on the assessment findings, unit/college/University strategic plans, etc.

Strategic Plans

Strategic planning is very important to UWA. It not only occurs at the University level every five years, but also in the unit level annually in short-range strategic plans. Drawing upon both the annual plan and the self-study, units develop short-range strategic plans and describe the resources required for implementation. Short-range strategic plans address any areas the self-study indicates are necessary, but may take more than a year to accomplish. Each unit's annual plan is linked to a University Strategic Plan goal in order to show congruency in annual planning.

Review and Approval

After the planning and assessment process is complete on the unit level, all documents are forwarded to upper-level administration for review and approval. Documents for academic units are approved by Deans and the Provost and documents for non-academic units are approved by the Vice President responsible for that area. Key accomplishments from each unit (noted on the faculty and staff service reports) and budget requests are presented at the Dean's Council and President's Council.

Grant Development and Restricted Funding

The University of West Alabama encourages faculty and staff to apply for or solicit external funding from state, Federal, and private sources for individual, departmental or institutional programs. External funding is important to the development of new programs, education, community outreach, and research on the campus. The University's grant development operational procedures and policies are delineated in the Office of Sponsored Programs Manual available on the OSP website, OSP office, and the Office of the Provost. External funding through the development of grant proposals is essential to the enhancement of new and innovative ideas and fostering the mission of the University. To assure the University remains eligible and compliant with guidelines and regulations for Federal, State, and Foundation funding; operational procedures address five areas of the grant process.

  1. Proposal Development
  2. Award Procedures
  3. Financial Management
  4. Reporting Procedures
  5. Human Subjects Policy

Proposal Development outlines the step-by-step process for faculty members and teams to follow during preparation and submission of grant applications. The routing procedure and appropriate forms are available on the OSP Website. The process assures the proposal has been approved by the respective dean and meets eligibility criteria by funding agency and the University thus avoiding duplication. The grant development process includes the writing of the grant and completion of the submission process. The staff of the Office of Sponsored Programs provides direct assistance throughout the process.

The award procedures provide a framework for implementing grant awards. Grant awards must operate within the mission and policies of the University while following the appropriate grant guidelines. The University is the responsible entity, thus oversight of the requirements, negotiations, and execution of award documents are required. The principal investigator for each award is responsible for seeking approval through Sponsored Programs prior to acceptance of award. Once an award is approved, training prior and during the implementation process is provided for all team members. Management plans must meet agency guidelines and serve as the basis for implementing the grant. Revisions during the process are developed by the implementation team and require approval of Sponsored Programs and the funding agency.

Financial Management is mandated by the University Financial Affairs using generally accepted accounting procedures. Grant awards follow the purchasing and budgeting procedures of the University while meeting the regulations of the U.S. Office of Management and Budgets. Principal Investigators and/or program directors must coordinate expenditures with award budgets assisted by Sponsored Programs. The University has a negotiated indirect rate of 21.3 % for campus and 10.3 % off-campus of direct costs. This rate is required if allowable under grant guidelines. Policies related to indirect are available in Office of Sponsored Programs. In addition, OMB Circular 21 for Higher Education and EDGAR are used for guidelines related to approved expenditures and computational methods. Procedures for reporting time effort and budgetary expenses are delineated in the OSP Manual. The Office of Sponsored Program is responsible for providing guidance, negotiating federally sponsored agreements related to indirect costs consistent with A-21, and providing principal investigators/directors with needed information related to preparation of budgets.

Reporting procedures for all grants are required on an annual basis unless otherwise specified by the funding agency. The University requires the principal investigator/director to maintain constant oversight of activities and budget correlated with the approved management plan. Technical training is provided by OSP to principal investigators/directors of specific procedures in the collection and maintenance of data and utilization of milestones and timelines to determine progress of projects. Revisions and improvements of projects require the approval of OSP and the implementation team.

The University of West Alabama's Institutional Review Board is responsible for reviewing all research projects involving human subjects. All research involving human subjects conducted by faculty, staff, students, or unaffiliated investigators must be approved by the Institutional Review Board before human subjects can be involved. The University of West Alabama also recognizes students as legitimate research participants. The following principles will be followed when using students as research participants:

  1. Informed Consent will be required to ensure the minimal amount of coercion or undue influence.

  2. The students will be assured that participate is voluntary, that non-participation will not involve penalties, that participation can be terminated at any time, and individual results will remain confidential.

The Office of Sponsored Programs serves as the primary facilitator of grant development on the campus of UWA. The office provides professional development for faculty in grant writing, budget development, and implementation procedures. From the beginning of the grant process, the office serves as facilitator, technical expert, and funding research guide. The mission of the office is to enhance educational opportunities for the students through increased external funding.

UWA Foundation

The UWA Foundation is a private foundation incorporated in 1992 with a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service. Its primary efforts are to attract, receive, invest, manage and expend gifts and other resources designated for support of programs of the University and for service to the West Alabama area. The Foundation is managed out of the Office of Institutional Advancement and is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of sixteen members with the Vice President of Institutional Advancement serving as its Executive Secretary.

All expenditures from monies deposited into the Foundation that are restricted to a certain University program or activity require an official Foundation Expenditure Form. All advance purchases should be made by the individual account head and have a Foundation Purchase Order form completed to ensure that the account has sufficient funds. The Foundation is not responsible for purchases made without the proper forms and signatures required.

Account balances and reports can be obtained by account heads by contacting the Office of Institutional Advancement.

National Alumni Association

The UWA National Alumni Association membership includes all former students of the University, current faculty and staff, and special individuals designated by the National Council. The Association complements the University by attracting potential donors through public information, events, and programs. The Office of Alumni Relations is the official liaison with the alumni of UWA. The Executive Council is comprised of the National Alumni Association officers and the Presidents of all chartered alumni chapters. The annual meeting of the Council is in the summer with the general body meeting at Homecoming.