Faculty and Professional Staff Handbook 
    Jul 26, 2024  
Faculty and Professional Staff Handbook

Chapter IV: Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Policies


The Academic Faculty

Academic Faculty

The Academic Faculty of the University of West Alabama consists of those individuals holding the rank of Instructor or higher, including academic administrators who hold professorial rank. Faculty members are assigned to a specific division and perform their duties within the chain of responsibility for the academic affairs of the University.

Full-Time Faculty

Most classes at the University of West Alabama are taught by full-time tenure-track or tenured faculty members. Such a faculty member generally teaches at least 12 credit hours per semester except as otherwise provided. These faculty are generally eligible to participate in the University's Tenure and Promotion process, except for special cases including faculty employed fully or in part from special grants and funds and faculty appointed on a year-by-year visiting basis.  Full-time faculty in the Online Program are eligible for promotion, but not tenure.


A lectureship is a full-time (12 semester-hour), nine-month, non-tenure-track appointment. The appointment operates on a one-year renewable contract with no limit on renewal. The lecturer's duties are generally limited to teaching and service on some departmental committees. The lecturer does not participate in the University's tenure and promotion process, and service in this capacity cannot be applied toward tenure in the event a person enters a tenure-track position. The compensation for lecturer is set at a flat rate and is not subject to the longevity, credentials, and rank categories of the Faculty Salary Schedule.

Part-Time Faculty

The University does, oftentime employs instructors on a part‑time basis. A part‑time faculty member is a member of the University of West Alabama's faculty who generally teaches less than a full teaching load per semester except as otherwise provided. Part‑time faculty are not eligible for tenure or benefits awarded full-time faculty.

Regular Part-Time Faculty

The University sometimes has one or more faculty members who are employed through a regular faculty contract on a part‑time basis. These faculty members are generally employed for the full academic year, and the percentage of full-time employment stipulated in their contracts determines the teaching loads they are expected to carry, the amount of other faculty responsibilities they are expected to assume, and the amount of salary they receive. To the extent possible, regular part‑time faculty are recruited and selected essentially in the same manner as full-time faculty. They are paid on the regular monthly payroll, but are not eligible for the University insurance programs unless they have previously been on full-time status and are expected to return to full-time status within a specified time. Eligibility of part‑time employees for retirement credits is determined by the Teachers' Retirement System.

Adjunct Faculty

The University employs some adjunct faculty on a semester-to-semester basis to teach specific courses as needed. Adjunct faculty generally have no responsibilities except for teaching the classes for which they are employed, together with other activities directly related to those classes, such as maintaining office hours.  They do not accumulate sick leave benefits or Teachers' Retirement System credits unless currently on retirement and are not included in the University insurance programs.

When the need arises for an adjunct faculty member to teach a specific course, it is the responsibility of the dean, in cooperation with the chairperson of the department in which the course is to be offered, to locate a qualified person for the specific teaching assignment. An adjunct faculty member must possess qualifications at least equal to the minimum requirements for a person who would be employed on a regular contract to teach the particular course or courses involved, although specialized training and/or relevant experience related to the specific course may be acceptable in some instances in lieu of an advanced degree.

Before employing an adjunct faculty member, the dean assembles an adjunct faculty file containing a completed "Adjunct Faculty Approval" form, official transcripts from all institutions from which degrees are held (and from any institution at which additional work was completed beyond the highest degree), and copies of any special certification documents related to the prospective teaching assignment. The dean completes the "Adjunct Faculty Approval" form and forwards it, together with the adjunct faculty file, to the Provost for approval. If the Provost approves employment of the adjunct faculty member, he/she retains a copy of the approval form, forwards a copy to the Financial Affairs Office, and returns a copy, along with the adjunct faculty file, to the dean. The dean then writes a letter to the adjunct faculty member stating the specific course or courses to be taught, the salary, and any other special terms of employment. The same procedure is followed each time an adjunct faculty member is employed to teach a course not previously approved.

Faculty Orientation

New faculty members are required each fall semester to attend an orientation meeting which is usually scheduled prior to the day on which the fall in‑service meetings for all faculty begin. Orientation sessions for new faculty are held by the Provost and in each college with the dean and each department chairperson within that college who has new faculty members in his/her department. At this time, information from the Handbook for Faculty and Professional Staff and other informational materials are distributed to new faculty members, as well as necessary forms for the Financial Affairs Office, the Provost's Office, and the dean's office. The Provost, dean and department chairperson discuss the role and scope of the institution and the mission statements of the University and of the college, as well as other topics of interest and concern to new faculty, and an opportunity is provided for questions and discussion regarding policies, procedures, and related matters.  New faculty are also assigned to a colleague who will serve as mentor during the first year.

When faculty are appointed at times other than the fall semester, orientation for them is handled by the dean and department chairperson through individual conferences.

Reappointment and Contracts

Each year members of the faculty are notified by March 15 of their status for the coming year, including such matters as reappointment, tenure, promotion, and other specific terms and conditions of employment. Ideally, this notification is accomplished through issuance of a contract signed by the President, but since there may be uncertainty about funding from the State or other sources (i.e., impacting on faculty on "soft" money), it is often necessary for the administration to inform faculty regarding appointments for the coming year through letters of intent. In this case, contracts are issued later when the budget for the coming year has been set. Ordinarily faculty contracts -except those specifically so stated-are in effect through the academic year or through the following summer semester.

The faculty member receives two copies of the contract or letter of intent. One is for his/her file, and the other is to be signed and returned to the President within thirty days. Failure to return the signed copy by the specified date is construed as rejection of the appointment. An appointment accepted for the succeeding academic year through the return of the signed letter of intent shall not be resigned after July 1 without the permission of, and upon conditions approved by, the President of the University. A faculty member who is aware of any disability or chronic illness that may interfere with the satisfactory performance of the duties belonging to his/her position shall disclose this information in writing to the President prior to the issuance of a contract.

Visiting Status

In order to recruit faculty from the largest possible pool of candidates, the University attempts to follow the national marketing cycle for hiring faculty. This generally involves advertising a position during the first half of the academic year and interviewing and hiring during the second half.

On occasions when circumstances of time preclude conducting a standard search, the University may fill a position temporarily on a visiting basis. Such occasions include a formal search that has been non-productive, an unexpected vacancy occurring late in the academic year, or a delay in filling a position due to funding uncertainties.

In hiring a visiting faculty member, the dean or the chair acting at the request of the dean will identify viable candidates through telephone, mail, or e-mail contacts with sources such as appropriate departments at colleges and universities in the region. A candidate or candidates will generally, as time allows, be invited to campus for interviews, and the chairperson and dean will make recommendations regarding the candidates to the Provost.

A faculty member will generally serve in a visiting capacity for a one-year period and may, if qualified, elect to apply for the permanent position when it is advertised and filled through the standard process. In special circumstances, a faculty member may serve in visiting status for an additional year, but in no circumstances will service in a visiting capacity exceed a two-year period.

Acting Status

On the occasion when an academic administrative position is vacated unexpectedly, the administrator at the level above the vacated position will, following consultation with the faculty of the unit, recommend to the Provost and/or President the appointment of a replacement on an acting basis. The appointee may serve in acting status until a formal internal or external search can be completed and/or the President names someone to the permanent position, generally within a year's time, with two years being the maximum for service in the acting capacity.

Faculty Contracts

Click here to view the Contract for Tenured Faculty Member .

Click here to view the Contract for Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Member .

Click here to view the Contract for Tenure-Track Faculty Member .

Faculty who have assignments related to Athletics are issued a similar contract containing the following statement:

The University of West Alabama is committed to strict compliance with any and all rules and regulations of the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the Gulf South Conference. Infraction by the Appointee of any rule or regulation of the National Collegiate Athletic Association or the Gulf South Conference will render the Appointee subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, immediate termination of employment. Infraction of any rule or regulation of the National Collegiate Athletic Association or the Gulf South Conference shall include any infraction whatsoever, whether intentional or unintentional.

Evaluation, Tenure, and Promotion of Faculty

Evaluation of Programs and Personnel

Members of the University of West Alabama faculty (and sometimes the professional staff) are asked to participate from time to time in the evaluation of University programs, personnel, and other aspects of the campus learning environment. Such evaluations may be made in response to accrediting associations, State or federal agencies, special task forces, or University committees or departments. Faculty members are also expected to participate regularly in evaluation procedures established cooperatively by the University Senate and the administration.

Course Evaluation

With encouragement of the University administration, the faculty has developed, through the University Faculty Senate, a course evaluation form and procedures for administering this form. This instrument is designed to provide a communication device between the department chairperson and the individual faculty member with the purpose of improving teaching effectiveness in the classroom. It ensures a uniform method of course evaluation among the four colleges and the Division of Nursing.

During the fall semester, the course evaluation form is administered to all classes except those being taught by special arrangement, independent study classes, student teaching, performing music groups, applied music, physical education activity classes, and any others with enrollments of fewer than five students. The course evaluation form is administered in team‑taught classes only at the discretion of the department chairperson. During the other semesters, the department chairperson sends to the Director of Institutional Effectiveness a list of the classes to be evaluated, essentially those which were not taught in the fall semester and those which were taught by different professors in the fall semester.

The chairperson is responsible for administering the evaluation form, but he/she may arrange for other faculty members or the departmental secretary to assist. The instructor of the class, however, will not be present while the form is being administered. In extension or evening classes, it may be necessary, in some cases, for the instructor to ask a responsible student to administer the evaluation. At the conclusion of each evaluation session, which normally takes about twenty to twenty-five minutes, the answer sheets and other materials are immediately sealed in an envelope and transmitted to the department chairperson, who returns them to the Institutional Effectiveness Office for scoring and analysis. The instructor is not to receive or review the forms prior to their submission to the department chairperson.

During the following semester the Institutional Effectiveness Office sends copies of a computer printout of the analysis for each class and of a composite analysis for each professor to the department chairperson (two copies), the dean, and the Provost. The chairperson gives one copy of the analysis to the individual faculty member and confers with him/her regarding the evaluation data. Other copies are kept on file in the departmental office and other administrative offices.

Complete instructions for administering the form are included in the packet for each class.

Evaluation of Faculty

Each year, early in the spring semester, every faculty member submits a Faculty Service Report to the department chairperson. This report, which covers the three preceding semesters (spring, summer, fall), details the faculty member's activities under the headings of Teaching Responsibilities, Academic Advising, Scholarly and Professional Activity, and Professional Service.

Using this and other available information, which may include knowledge gained from observing the faculty member's classes, the department chairperson completes a Faculty Evaluation Report on each faculty member. After completing the report, the department chairperson meets with the faculty member to discuss the evaluation, and the faculty member then signs the form and adds any appropriate comments. (The department chairperson submits his/her Faculty Service Report to the dean, and the dean completes the Faculty Evaluation Report on the chairperson and discusses it with him/her.) The completed Faculty Evaluation Report, signed by the faculty member and department chairperson, is then submitted to the dean, along with the Faculty Service Report. The dean reviews the Faculty Evaluation Report, adds any comments he/she feels are appropriate, and signs it. The dean, in turn, submits both reports to the Provost, who reviews them and also signs the Faculty Evaluation Report after making any additional comments.

During the spring semester, the Provost meets with each department chairperson and the appropriate dean to assess the contributions of each faculty member within the department-both full-time and part-time-during the past year. At this time, the three again review the Faculty Service Report and Faculty Evaluation Report for each faculty member and also consider other relevant information, including the Course Evaluation Reports on classes taught by the faculty member. Completed copies of the Faculty Evaluation Report, with comments, are then distributed to the faculty member, the department chairperson, and the dean, with the originals of both reports filed in the faculty member's official file in the Office of the Provost.

The primary purposes of this evaluation process are to assist the faculty member in objectively assessing his/her competency and performance and to guide the department chairperson in working with the faculty member to further develop the faculty member's professional competencies. In addition, however, the evaluation process provides important information for the department chairperson, dean, Provost, College Review Group, and University Review Group in making recommendations to the President on such decisions as retention, promotion, and tenure of faculty, and these matters are discussed at the annual evaluation conference each spring semester prior to the notification of the faculty member regarding his/her status for the coming year.

Adjunct faculty are also to be evaluated during this period and based chiefly on the quality of their teaching. Adjuncts are not required to submit a Faculty Service Report. 

Evaluation Procedures

This guide is designed for the purpose of bringing about improvements in the overall performance of the University of West Alabama faculty members. It is to be used by the Department Chairperson in working with members of the faculty under his/her immediate supervision and can be used by the individual professor in taking an objective look at his/her competencies and performance. This form should be completed by January 15 of each year and should cover professional responsibilities and assignments since the beginning of the previous spring semester. A conference will be held with the faculty member being evaluated and a copy of the evaluation form will be given to him/her before it is forwarded to the Dean.

Personnel completing the faculty evaluation instrument should remember the following:

  • Keep in mind that the chief purpose of completing the rating on a faculty member is to evaluate the actual performance in his/her present job assignment.
  • Be objective. Do not allow your rating to be influenced by personal considerations. Guard against allowing recent events or isolated cases to influence your rating unduly.
  • Do not score any item without sufficient information to make a valid judgment. To avoid penalizing the faculty member for items not scored, a percentage score is attained by dividing the total score of the items evaluated by the highest possible score for the items evaluated.

Steps followed in the evaluation process:

  • Before the evaluation form is completed, the faculty member is asked to submit a Faculty Service Report to his/her Chairperson.
  • Utilizing this and other available information, the Department Chairperson checks each applicable item on the evaluation form and adds the scores of each item evaluated. The total attained is divided by the highest possible score for the items evaluated to secure the faculty member's overall score. (The "highest possible score for the items evaluated" is attained by multiplying the number of items considered applicable by four.)
  • Once the form is completed, the Department Chairperson meets with the faculty member to discuss the evaluation. The faculty member then signs the form and adds appropriate comments. Additional pages of comments may be added at any point in the evaluation process.
  • The completed report form, signed by the faculty member and Department Chairperson, is submitted to the appropriate Dean.
  • The Dean reviews the report and concurs and/or comments further on the analysis.
  • In an annual conference, the Department Chairperson, the appropriate Dean, and the Provost review the report together.
  • Completed copies of the Faculty Evaluation Report and comments from the annual conference are distributed to the following: faculty member, Department Chairperson, Dean, and Provost.
  • A faculty member dissatisfied with the evaluation report may appeal by following the faculty grievance procedure listed in the Handbook for Faculty and Professional Staff.

Faculty Service Report

The Faculty Service Report assists the faculty member in identifying his/her work load in terms of each activity. This information is utilized by the chairperson in completing the annual Faculty Evaluation Report.

Each section of the report is to be completed in relation to the faculty member's position and professional responsibilities.

Material in each section should be listed in chronological order. Sections I and II are to be completed on the attached forms. Sections III-IX should be submitted on a separate page(s).

Section I. Teaching Responsibilities

List only assigned classes.

Section II. Academic Advising

List only assigned advisees for evaluation period.

Section III. Research, Contracts, Grants

List research projects, grants written, etc.

Section IV. Divisional Responsibilities and Duties

List any departmental administrative duties, coordinating programs or general education courses, advising departmental student organizations, serving on departmental committees, or working on departmental projects, etc.

Section V. Institutional Duties

List any duties for the institution, e.g., serving on University committees, administrative responsibilities, advising student organizations, etc.

Section VI. Institutional Service

List any institutional service, such as committee work for the Faculty Senate, involvement with faculty workshops held on or off campus, institutional functions specifically assigned as liaison with professional groups, service outside of departmental level.

Section VII. Public Service

List position-related activities outside of the institution such as consulting, public lectures, representation of the University at public functions or on municipal boards, etc.

Section VIII. Other Activities and Services

List responsibilities or activities not covered in above sections (could include creative and/or artistic endeavors, field trips to perfect techniques and/or skills, special workshops attended, etc.).

Section IX. Professional Affiliations

List professional organizations of which you are a current member for evaluation period, including offices held, meetings attended, and other activities related to organizations.

Evaluation of Administrative Officers

The Faculty Senate has developed a procedure for the evaluation of academic administrators for the purpose of improving administrative effectiveness. All faculty members are expected each year to complete evaluation forms on their department chairpersons, deans, and, when applicable, associate or assistant deans. These forms, which are submitted anonymously, are generally completed at the same time as the Faculty Service Reports, but they are sent directly to the Provost rather than to the department chairpersons. The individual forms are reviewed only by the Provost, who compiles the information for each administrator and shares it with the individual, including the written comments.

The Deans of the Division of Graduate Studies, and the Division of Online Programs are evaluation by staff members in their respective areas.  Evaluations are online and anonymous.  When submitted all evaluation forms have been completed, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness creates a report of the results for each Dean and sends the report to the Provost, who shares it with the individual administrator.

Evaluation of Academic Administrators

Procedures for Evaluation of Academic Deans and Departmental Chairpersons

Each spring semester, faculty members will complete the appropriate forms for the evaluation of their respective deans and departmental chairpersons. These forms will be sent to the Provost by February 1 of each year.

The Provost will compile the information from these forms and arrange for a meeting with the appropriate dean and chairperson to discuss the evaluation. All data from the forms will be regarded with strict confidentiality to assure anonymity of the individual faculty member involved in the process. Only a compilation of the data is to be presented to the deans or chairpersons. The original copies of the evaluation forms are to be used only by the Provost.

Guidelines for Completion of Form

Keep in mind that the chief purpose of completing the rating on the dean and department chairperson is to evaluate the actual performance in the present job assignment.

Be objective. Do not allow your rating to be influenced by personal considerations. Guard against allowing recent events or isolated cases to influence rating unduly.

In the process of evaluating the job performance of the dean and departmental chairperson, only those criteria which are appropriate should be considered. The numerical scale listed and/or a narrative response may be used. A form must be submitted by each faculty member. If a faculty member does not feel qualified to answer a specific question or if the criterion does not apply or is unknown, so indicate by placing N in the appropriate blank.

Academic Freedom and Tenure

Statement of Policy on Academic Freedom and Tenure

Statement of Principles

As members of the University of West Alabama faculty, professors are expected to be effective teachers and scholars. To this end, they should be guaranteed academic freedom, which is essential to the traditional function of a university-namely, the pursuit of truth and the advancement of knowledge for its own sake.

Professors are entitled to freedom in the classroom in teaching and discussing their subjects; they should not, however, introduce into their teaching controversial matter which has no relation to their own disciplines. As teachers, professors should adhere to their proper role of stimulating intellectual growth of students and evaluating their efforts in an impartial manner, always with the view of recognizing and encouraging true merit.

To fulfill their obligation to their profession, to their students, and to themselves, professors should continually devote their energies toward developing and improving their scholarly competence. As scholars, professors are entitled to the freedom to engage in research and to publish the results, consonant with the appropriate performance of other academic duties. Engaging in research or consulting work for pecuniary return should be undertaken only after an understanding with the administration of the University.

As members of their community, professors have the rights and obligations of all other citizens. When they speak or act as private citizens, they should avoid creating the impression that they speak or act for the University. A professor's position in the community imposes a special obligation to be at all times accurate, to exercise due restraint in all utterances, and to show respect for the opinions of others.

The granting of tenure is a means of providing the proper environment for academic freedom. Tenure should not be construed to mean that teachers have the right to unlimited employment if they become for any reason incompetent, negligent, or unable to perform their full duties. The concept of academic freedom and tenure should be accompanied by an equally demanding concept of responsibility, both within the classroom and without. Tenure does assure, however, that teachers cannot be arbitrarily dismissed without the privilege of appearing before a committee of the faculty and possible subsequent appeal to the Board of Trustees.

A faculty member who feels his or her academic freedom has been violated may appeal by following the faculty grievance procedure listed in the Handbook for Faculty and Professional Staff.

Statement of Terms of Appointment

Each faculty member of the University of West Alabama shall have the terms and conditions of his/her appointment stated and confirmed in writing, and a copy of the appointment document shall be supplied to the faculty member. Each year, the faculty member shall be informed, in writing, of his/her appointment and matters relative to eligibility for tenure by March 15. Failure to receive this document by March 15 does not infer or imply that either tenure or a contract has been granted.

No officer or employee of the University (including any department chairperson, dean, vice president, or department head) other than its President has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, to make any representation regarding employment, or to make any agreement contrary to this Statement of Policy.

Academic Tenure

  1. After the expiration of a probationary period of from three to five consecutive years of full-time teaching at the University of West Alabama, a person holding a tenure-track appointment and full-time faculty status above the rank of Instructor shall be eligible for permanent or continuous tenure. A person with extensive teaching experience, however, who had tenured status at his/her last previous institution of employment and/or is employed at the University of West Alabama initially with the rank of Professor may, at the President's discretion, be granted tenure upon employment or otherwise prior to the expiration of a three‑year period of service at the University of West Alabama. An appointment for which the salary is paid from other than State funds (e.g., a federal grant or funding from any other agency) shall be on a year‑to‑year basis, and the period of such appointment shall not apply toward tenure, except that when a full-time faculty member on such an appointment is later transferred to a tenure‑track position, up to three years of such service may, at the President's discretion, be counted toward tenure. A faculty member who accrues years of service on a full-time visiting basis and then assumes a tenure-track position has the option to count or not to count visiting service toward tenure. Administrators shall not have tenure, except that an administrator who has achieved tenure as a full-time faculty member prior to appointment to an administrative position shall retain his/her professorial rank and tenure as a faculty member but shall have no tenure as an administrator. These restrictions shall apply to all administrative positions, except that department chairpersons and deans shall be considered full-time faculty members for the purpose of qualifying for tenure as faculty members, although they shall not have tenure as chairpersons and deans. A full-time employee who has part‑time faculty status (for example, a coach or other staff member who has limited part‑time instructional duties) is not eligible for tenure. Neither part‑time faculty members nor non‑tenured full-time faculty members may appeal the non‑renewal of their contracts under this section.*
  2. A faculty member who holds a rank above that of Instructor shall be eligible for tenure after serving three consecutive years. An eligible faculty member who chooses to apply for tenure consideration shall follow those procedures described in the official University of West Alabama Promotion and Tenure Process and will be evaluated and informed of his/her status in the manner specified in that process.

Reasons for Termination and/or Loss of Tenure

The University may terminate a faculty member's contract or may choose not to renew the contract of a tenured faculty member for any of the following reasons, any one of which shall be sufficient cause:

  1. Incompetence
  2. Absence from post of duty without proper release
  3. Lack of moral integrity as demonstrated in not keeping within the expected social and professional norms
  4. Insubordination
  5. Manifest behavior specifically designed to disrupt normal orderly functions of the University
  6. Unethical activities and/or unprofessional activities
  7. Physical or mental incapacity which substantially impairs the ability to perform legitimately assigned duties normally expected of a faculty member.
  8. Revocation of licensure required for employment within a specific discipline.

Procedure Concerning Possible Termination or Suspension of a Tenured Faculty Member or a Faculty Member Under Contract

(NOTE: Non-tenured faculty members whose contracts are not renewed may appeal through the "General Grievance Procedure" in Chapter IV of this handbook.)

  1. Upon the notification to the President from the Provost of the charges placed against a faculty member under contract or tenure, the President will set up a personal conference with the faculty member, his/her department chairperson, his/her dean, and the Provost. The purpose of this conference will be to attempt to settle the matter by mutual consent.
  2. If a matter is not settled by mutual consent, the President will notify the professor in writing of the following:
    • the specific charges that have been made against him/her,
    • that he/she is entitled to a hearing by a faculty committee,
    • that he/she has the right to request a record of the hearing,
    • that he/she must respond in writing to the charges within fifteen days and request in writing a hearing,
    • that he/she has the right to be represented at his/her own expense by legal counsel at the hearing and to confront, cross‑examine, and rebut evidence in his/her own behalf.
  3. The hearing committee will be composed of seven members of the tenured faculty whose names shall be drawn by lot. The administration and the professor may strike two names each; thus, the drawing of eleven names could be required.
  4. The hearing will be open only to the participants involved.
  5. The hearing committee will elect its own chairperson, who will preside at the hearing.
  6. The hearing committee will listen to the charges made against the faculty member, as well as the faculty member's rebuttal, in order to determine only whether the charges against the faculty member are valid or invalid. The chairperson of the hearing committee will report its decision in writing to the faculty member and to the President of the University forthwith.
    • Non-tenured faculty members may appeal the non-renewal of their contracts through the General Grievance Procedure. The availability of the General Grievance Procedure, however, shall not create any requirement that a decision not to renew the contract of a non-tenured faculty member be based upon cause and shall not create any expectation of continued employment or be viewed as a promise of future employment, tenure, or promotion.
  (March 10, 1972: Revised April 17, 1972; March 7, 1977; September 24, 1990; October 20, 1995)


The University of West Alabama Criteria for Appointment and Promotion to Academic Rank, listed below, which were developed by the faculty through the Faculty Senate in cooperation with the administration, have been approved by the Board of Trustees and constitute official University policy.

The "Criteria" document stipulates specific minimum requirements in terms of academic training and/or experience for the ranks of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Instructor. In general, no faculty member is appointed to a rank for which he/she does not meet these minimum requirements, except that the President may make such appointments in highly specialized fields when particular training or other experiences compensate for the lack of teaching experience and/or higher degrees. An advanced degree is not recognized as meeting the minimum requirements unless it is an earned degree from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association and is in the specific teaching field for which the faculty member has been employed.

Each year, faculty members eligible for promotion consideration may submit their credentials and be reviewed as specified in the official University of West Alabama Promotion and Tenure Process. Final decisions about promotion in rank are made by the President of the University upon consideration of the recommendations made to him in accordance with the published procedures for promotion, along with other relevant factors. Those being considered for promotion are notified in the manner specified by the Promotion and Tenure Process, and promotions are generally effective with the beginning of the following academic year (September), although resultant salary changes are not effective until the beginning of the fiscal year (October).

No faculty member is recommended for promotion unless he/she meets the minimum requirements stipulated for the higher rank, but promotions are not given merely because such minimum requirements have been met. In addition to teaching/advising excellence, candidates for promotion must have demonstrated achievement in scholarly/creative activity as well as leadership/service appropriate for the rank in question.

In the case of full-time employees with part‑time faculty status (e.g., certain coaches), teaching experience is counted on a pro rata basis, considering the percentage of time the person is involved directly in instructional duties.

NOTE: A faculty member shall comply with the criteria and guidelines for promotion at the time his/her original contract is signed. The faculty member may petition to comply with revised guidelines for promotion published in a later edition of the Handbook for Faculty and Professional Staff. This request must be in writing and addressed to the Provost, who will review it and forward it with recommendations to the President for approval or disapproval.

Criteria for Appointment and Promotion to Academic Ranks

In keeping with the University of West Alabama's mission as a teaching institution, the primary requirement for appointment or promotion to a specific academic rank is demonstrated excellence in teaching or the reasonable anticipation of teaching excellence.

In addition, appointments or promotions to specific academic ranks shall be made only to persons fulfilling at least the minimum requirements in education and experience enumerated below. (NOTE: Exceptions may be made by the President in highly specialized fields when particular training or other experiences compensate for the lack of teaching experience and/or higher degrees.) All specified requirements shall be considered as minimum standards only and in no case shall be assumed by themselves to qualify an appointee for appointment or promotion to a specific rank. A faculty member must have completed the minimal number of years specified for a given rank the year previous to become eligible to stand for promotion.  In addition to the minimum requirements in education and experience, decisions upon rank in initial appointments and promotions shall be based upon the needs of the University and equity among all segments of the University academic community.

Minimum Criteria for Individual Ranks for Faculty Hired September 1990 or Later, or Faculty Hired Prior to September 1990 Who Petition to Comply with Later Criteria.


  1. Academic Qualifications: the earned doctorate or the terminal degree appropriate for the discipline.
  2. Experience: a minimum of twelve years of successful full-time teaching at the college or university level (five years of the required twelve must be at the associate professor level).
  3. Demonstrated achievement appropriate for this rank in teaching/advising, scholarly/creative activity, and leadership/service.
  4. In exceptional cases, for a person not holding a terminal degree, the President of the University may grant an appointment as Professor in recognition of outstanding competence and performance as a teacher and scholar over an extended period of dedicated service at the University of West Alabama of not less than twenty years. The President may, at his discretion, promote those Associate Professors with fewer than twenty years service who have announced their retirement before the beginning of their final year.

Associate Professor

  1. Academic Qualifications: the earned doctorate or the terminal degree appropriate for the discipline.
  2. Experience: a minimum of six years of successful full-time teaching at the college or university level (three years of the required six must be at the assistant professor level).
  3. Demonstrated achievement appropriate for this rank in teaching/advising, scholarly/creative activity, and leadership/service.
  4. In exceptional cases, for a person not holding a terminal degree, the President of the University may grant an appointment as Associate Professor in recognition of outstanding competence and performance as a teacher and scholar over an extended period of dedicated service at the University of West Alabama of not less than ten years.

Assistant Professor

  1. Academic Qualifications: the earned doctorate or the terminal degree appropriate for the discipline, all requirements for the doctorate except the dissertation, or the master's degree appropriate for the discipline supported by three years of successful full-time teaching at the college or university level.
  2. Demonstrated achievement appropriate for this rank in teaching/advising, scholarly/creative activity, and leadership/service.


  1. Academic Qualifications: the master's degree appropriate for the discipline or possession of demonstrated competency in the specialized teaching area for which the appointment is made.

Minimum Criteria for Individual Ranks for Faculty Hired Before September 1990 Who Do Not Petition to Comply with Later Criteria.


  1. The earned doctorate or the terminal degree appropriate for the discipline
  2. A minimum of nine years of successful full-time teaching at the college or university level.
  3. Demonstrated achievement appropriate for this rank in teaching/advising, scholarly/creative activities, and leadership/service.
  4. In exceptional cases, for a person not holding a terminal degree in the teaching area: Have demonstrated outstanding competence and performance as a teacher and a scholar over an extended period of dedicated service at the University of West Alabama.

Associate Professor

  1. The earned doctorate or the terminal degree appropriate for the discipline and at least four years of successful full-time teaching experience at the college or university level, or,
  2. Completion of all work for the terminal degree appropriate for the discipline except the dissertation and at least seven years of successful full-time teaching experience at the college or university level, or,
  3. The master's degree appropriate for the discipline and at least nine years of successful full-time teaching experience at the college or university level.
  4. Demonstrated achievement appropriate for this rank in teaching/advising, scholarly/creative activities, and leadership/service.

Assistant Professor

  1. The earned doctorate or terminal degree appropriate for the discipline, or,
  2. The master's degree appropriate for the discipline and at least thirty semester hours of academic credit in the discipline beyond the master's degree, or,
  3. A master's degree appropriate for the discipline and at least two years of successful full-time teaching experience at the college or university level.
  4. Demonstrated achievement appropriate for this rank in teaching/advising, scholarly/creative activities, and leadership/service.


  1. A master's degree appropriate for the discipline, or,
  2. A demonstrated competency in the specialized teaching area for which the appointment is made.

Promotion in Rank

The President of the University shall determine the faculty members who are to be promoted each year and shall notify them in accordance with the Promotion and Tenure Process. In determining the promotion of faculty members, the President shall consider the recommendation presented to him in accordance with the published procedures for promotion in rank, along with such other relevant factors as University needs and overall contribution of the faculty member to the University. A list of all faculty members promoted in a given year will be circulated to all faculty members in the form of a memorandum from the Provost.

All promotions to any rank at the University of West Alabama must be based first on excellence in teaching. Teaching excellence shall be reflected in the yearly faculty evaluations and shall include, but not be based primarily on, student evaluations. Faculty members will be kept informed, in writing, of judgments by their chairpersons relative to their teaching performance. Such assessments shall include the yearly evaluation and, as warranted, may include additional written evaluations. Should a faculty member feel that his/her teaching performance is being judged unfairly, he/she may appeal through the general grievance procedure outlined in the Handbook for Faculty and Professional Staff.

In addition to teaching/advising excellence, candidates for promotion must have demonstrated achievement in scholarly/creative activity and leadership/service appropriate for the rank in question. "Demonstrated achievement" for each rank shall be determined by a committee made up of the senior faculty (whenever possible, Associate Professors and above) in each department and submitted to the dean of the college, the Provost, and the Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure for approval. A copy of the "demonstrated achievement" requirements will be given to each faculty member in the appropriate discipline. A copy of all "demonstrated achievement" requirements will be kept on file in the Office of the Provost and the Office of the President and will be open to all faculty members. The "demonstrated achievement" requirements may be changed by petition of the majority of senior faculty in the discipline. Changes must be approved by the dean of the college, the Provost, and the Faculty Committee on Promotion and Tenure. These requirements shall undergo mandatory review every three years.

(September, 1990)

Definition of Terminal Degree

The terminal academic degree for faculty teaching on the baccalaureate or graduate level in a given discipline is typically the highest academic degree in the field of specialty or a justified related field.

Accepted terminal degrees for each college or division within the University are defined in the unit's Demonstrated Achievement Criteria, the criteria on which decisions on promotion and tenure are based.

In most instances, the terminal degree is a doctoral level degree. However, there are exceptions in the Department of Fine Arts, where the Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) is accepted as the terminal degree in art and theatre, and in the Julia Tutwiler Library, where the terminal degree is the Master of Library Science (M.L.S.), the Master of Science in Library Science (M.S.L.S.), or the Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.S.).

In the Associate of Science in Nursing Program, the terminal degree is defined as the Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.).

The University of West Alabama Promotion and Tenure Process

(As Revised by the University Review Group on February 20, 1998, and February 22, 1999)

1In all places where "College" and "Dean" appear in this document, the Division of Nursing and its Chair and the Library and its Director are included.

    1. We at the University of West Alabama are committed to supporting the educational mission of the institution.
    2. Excellence in teaching and advising is paramount to the faculty, but the members are also committed to providing leadership and fostering positive growth throughout West Alabama through research and public service, with primary emphasis on that which meets the educational, social, cultural, and economic needs of the region. The policy statements, guidelines, and procedures set forth in this document contribute to the fulfillment of this mission.
    3. Candidates for tenure or promotion as well as University and College1 Review Groups, Chairs, Deans, and the Provost must understand that tenure and promotion decisions are based on judgments. These guidelines are designed to inform those judgments.
    4. A faculty member is evaluated in the areas of teaching/advising, scholarly/creative activities, and leadership/service. For faculty being considered for tenure, the evaluation covers the time period from the initial date of employment at UWA to the present and may include previous experience elsewhere. For faculty being considered for promotion, the evaluation covers the time period from the last promotion to the present.
    5. The appeals procedure described in this document is intended to supplement, not replace, the procedures outlined in the Handbook for Faculty and Professional Staff. A faculty member who is still dissatisfied with the disposition of the case at the conclusion of the cycle may follow the procedure outlined in the section in the Handbook for Faculty and Professional Staff entitled "General Grievance Procedure."
    6. Eligible Faculty: For purposes of this document, faculty eligible to serve on the CRG or URG are defined as tenured Associate Professors and tenured Professors. However, in the event that a unit's pool of available faculty who fall into these categories is depleted, the unit may fill remaining slots on the CRG or URG from the ranks of tenured Assistant Professors. In the absence of available faculty in this category, the unit may elect eligible faculty from outside the unit.
    7. In the event that a faculty member elected to the College Review Group, the University Review Group, or the Committee on Promotion and Tenure Appeals is unable to serve, a new representative will be elected.
    8. Each person in the review and evaluation process has a professional responsibility to treat as confidential information that evaluates another's work.
  1. By March 1 of each year, the Provost will establish the calendar for the promotion and tenure decision cycle for the next academic year, to be sent to each member of the faculty and to be posted in each department.
  2. The calendar will include the following approximate key dates:
    March 1 Publication of calendar
    April 1 Candidates notify Chair of intent to apply
    April 15 Chair validates eligibility and sends a copy of form to the Dean
    September 1 Submission of Portfolios by candidates
    October 1 Chair submits candidate's Portfolio and Tracking Forms to the CRG and Dean
    November 1 Completion of CRG's and Dean's action on candidates recommendations submitted to the Provost)
    December 1 Completion of URG's and Provost's action on candidates (recommendations submitted to the President)
    February 1 Candidates notified of President's actions
    1. The following eligibility criteria are specified in the Faculty Handbook:
      1. Tenure:
        1. Tenure-track faculty members at UWA holding full-time faculty status above the rank of Instructor are eligible for tenure after a probationary period of three to five consecutive years at UWA. Service at other institutions is generally not counted as time toward tenure at UWA, except that a person with extensive teaching experience who had tenured status at the previous institution and/or is employed at UWA at the rank of Professor may, at the President's discretion, be granted tenure upon employment or otherwise prior to completing three years of service at UWA. (In general, service at UWA, in order to be counted toward tenure, must include three to five consecutive years, but the University does not consider that a leave taken specifically for the benefit of the University-for example, a leave for advanced study-constitutes an interruption of the years counted toward tenure, although the period of the leave is not counted toward the required number of years.)
        2. A faculty member may request an extension of the tenure probationary period for any of the following reasons:
               1. Birth of a child or adoption of a child, when the faculty member is the primary caregiver or co-caregiver of the child;
               2. Serious illness, injury, or debilitating condition of the faculty member or an immediate family member;
               3. Approved leave of absence without pay.
          To request an extension, a faculty member files an application for an extension with the Chairperson, in writing and with appropriate documentation. The Chairperson adds his or her recommendation and forwards the application to the Dean within ten days, who in turn adds his or her recommendation and forwards the application to the Provost within ten days. The Provost then renders a final decision within ten days.
          Application for an extension should be made no later than April 5 of the fourth year of the probationary period. A maximum extension of one year is allowed.
        3. Persons employed fully or in part from special grants or funds are not eligible for tenure, and the period of time during which they are so employed is not counted as service toward tenure unless they are later transferred to a tenure-track position, in which case up to three years of such service may, at the request of the faculty member and the approval of the President, be counted toward tenure. When faculty on a tenure-track position transfer to a special grant position, the years served under special funds may count toward tenure at the discretion of the President.
        4. A faculty member who accrues years of service on a full-time visiting basis and then assumes a tenure-track position has the option to count or not to count visiting service toward tenure.
        5. A faculty member who accrues years of service at the rank of full- time Instructor has the option to count or not to count this service toward tenure.
        6. Part-time faculty members, including full-time employees with only part-time faculty status, are not eligible for tenure. In accordance with accrediting agency recommendations, however, full-time professional librarians are classified as full-time faculty for purposes of appointment, salary schedule, promotion, and tenure.
        7. Once a faculty member has served the minimum probationary period at UWA, a statement as to whether or not tenure has been granted is included in his/her contract for the coming year.
        8. Final decisions on tenure and the renewal of the contract of non- tenured faculty members are made by the President of the University.
        9. The University may fail to renew the contract of a tenured faculty member only for the reasons listed in the Statement of Policy on Academic Freedom and Tenure in the Faculty Handbook and by following the procedures specified there. The same policies apply in case of the dismissal of a non-tenured faculty member during the term of his/her contract but not to the non-renewal of a non- tenured faculty member's contract at the conclusion of the contract year.
        10. Neither part-time faculty members nor non-tenured full-time faculty members may appeal the non-renewal of their contracts under the Statement of Policy on Academic Freedom and Tenure, but non-tenured faculty members may appeal the non-renewal of their contract through the General Grievance Procedure.
        11. The availability of the General Grievance Procedure shall not create any requirement that a decision not to renew the contract of a non-tenured faculty member be based upon cause and shall not create any expectation of continued employment or be viewed as a promise of future employment, tenure, or promotion.
      2. Promotion: In all cases, promotions are based on judgments of professional achievements. Certain broad principles of eligibility are generally observed in the promotion process:
        1. The granting of tenure and promotion are two separate and distinct actions.
        2. All specified requirements are considered as minimum standards only and in no case are assumed by themselves to qualify an appointee for appointment or promotion to a specific rank.
        3. A faculty member must comply with the University criteria and guidelines for promotion at the time his/her original contract of the current term is signed and with the Department or College criteria at the time of his/her most recent promotion. The faculty member may petition to comply with revised guidelines for promotion published in a later edition of the Handbook for Faculty and Professional Staff. This request must be in writing and addressed to the Provost, who will review it and forward it with recommendations to the President for approval or disapproval.
    2. Each faculty member is responsible for submitting the required information in a timely fashion. The candidate may seek assistance from the Department Chair in preparing the supporting documents, organizing the materials, and determining relevant materials.
    3. It is the eligible faculty member's responsibility to notify the Department Chair in writing of his/her intention to be considered (Form A, Intent to Apply). Faculty failing to exercise this responsibility by April 1 will be considered to have forfeited consideration.
    4. A faculty member being considered for promotion and/or tenure must complete and submit to the Department Chair his/her Portfolio (described in 4.3 below) on or before September 15. The faculty member may submit additional supporting material during the period up to and including the formal meeting of the CRG. Any additional documentation should be labeled and dated.
  The following table illustrates the written notification process concerning re-employment and tenure status for a faculty member above the rank of Instructor:
(for faculty hired before September 9, 2002)
  Year of Service   Nature of Notification
  1. That he/she will be employed for the fourth year with tenure, or
  2. That he/she will be employed for the fourth year without tenure (a fourth probationary year), or
  3. That he/she will be employed for the fourth year on a terminal contract.
  1. That he/she will be employed for the fifth year with tenure, or
  2. That he/she will be employed for the fifth year without tenure (a fifth probationary year), or
  3. That he/she will be employed for the fifth year on a terminal contract.
  1. That he/she will be employed for the sixth year with tenure, or
  2. That he/she will be employed for the sixth year on a terminal contract.


(for faculty hired after September 9, 2002)
  Year of Service   Nature of Notification
  1. That he/she will be employed for the fifth year with tenure, or
  2. That he/she will be employed for the fifth year without tenure (a fifth probationary year), or
  3. That he/she will be employed for the fifth year on a terminal contract.
  1. That he/she will be employed for the sixth year with tenure, or
  2. That he/she will be employed for the sixth year on a terminal contract.

A faculty member may request an extension of the tenure probationary period for any of the following reasons:

  1. Birth of a child or adoption of a child, when the faculty member is the primary caregiver or co-caregiver of the child;
  2. Serious illness, injury, or debilitating condition of the faculty member or an immediate faculty member;
  3. Approved leave of absence without pay.

To request an extension, a faculty member files an application for an extensiion with the Chairperson, in writing and with appropriate documentation.  The Chairperson adds his or her recommendation and forwards the application to the Dean within ten days, who in turn adds his or her recommendation and forwards the application to the Provost within ten days.  The Provost then renders a final decision within then days.

Application for an extension should be made no later than April 5 of the fourth year of the probationary period.  A maximum extension of one year is allowed.

    1. Candidates for promotion and/or tenure must provide appropriate documentation required for evaluation of teaching/advising, scholarly/creative activities, and leadership/service. Each Department or College establishes criteria to define each of these areas. Definition of effective performance in each of these areas is provided to the faculty member during his or her orientation process.
    2. Each Department or College has specific criteria for teaching/advising, scholarly/creative activities, and leadership/service. The criteria are approved by the CRG, the Dean, the Provost, and the URG.
    3. Documentation is contained in a Portfolio which the faculty member is responsible for maintaining in a current condition. The Portfolio must include:
      1. Review Information Form (Form B)
      2. Faculty essay (maximum of ten pages, typed, double-spaced) that addresses teaching/advising, scholarly/creative activities, and leadership/service
      3. Annual Service Reports covering the period under consideration
      4. Service Report covering the period since the last full Service Report
      5. Annual Faculty Evaluation Reports covering the period under consideration
      6. All Course Evaluations covering the period under consideration
      7. Appropriate documentation/evaluations of reported activities/achievements (Form C, Candidate Evaluation, must be used if the candidate wishes to include letters of support).

        Note: Faculty should be judicious in the inclusion and organization of materials in the Portfolio and are responsible for ensuring the accuracy, completeness, and integrity of all materials.
    4. Evaluation of Activities
      1. The candidate's teaching/advising activities must be evaluated by the Department Chair and may be evaluated by colleagues and students. The candidate must provide substantial evidence of sustained teaching effectiveness and must give special care to the documentation of claims of teaching excellence.
      2. The candidate's scholarly/creative activities must be evaluated, preferably outside the University. For example, this may be done through the submission of scholarly/creative work to refereed journals, juried exhibits or invited performances. The candidate must provide evidence of achievement in the Portfolio and, where appropriate, submit the actual works or reproductions thereof.
      3. The candidate's public or institutional leadership/service must be evaluated by colleagues and/or others familiar with the contribution. The candidate must provide substantial evidence of sustained quality service.
    1. The senior faculty (tenured associate professors and tenured professors) and Chair are responsible for the development, annual review, and distribution to all faculty of the Department's or College's criteria for promotion and tenure. The criteria must reflect the quality of the performance expected of the faculty. Explanations of the Department's or College's application of the University evaluation system, including expectations as to terminal degrees, must be provided. Departments must determine the appropriate terminal degree in each area as defined by the accrediting agencies or the recognized professional organizations in the field or as reflected by general practice in the discipline with concurrence of the Dean, the Provost, and the URG. In the event the criteria are changed, then the Chair/Dean is responsible for forwarding these changes.
    2. The Department Chair is responsible for reviewing and obtaining approval from the Dean, Provost, and URG of the Department's criteria and the application of the University evaluation system and criteria in order to provide guidance to the faculty. In the event that senior faculty fail to develop approved criteria, the Chair is expected to do so.
    3. The three major areas of teaching/advising, scholarly/creative activities, and leadership/service must be included in the Department's or College's evaluation criteria with the primary emphasis generally being placed on teaching.
    4. The Chair validates eligibility for promotion or tenure and submits the candidate's Tracking Form(s) (Forms D and E) to the Dean.
    5. The Chair verifies that all information concerning each candidate is correct and forwards the Portfolios of the candidates to the Dean.
    6. The Chair submits in a separate folder a copy of the Department's evaluation system and criteria to the Dean.
    7. The Chair reviews each candidate's Portfolio, indicates his/her recommendation on the Chair's Recommendation Form (Form F), and provides a narrative that supports that recommendation. The narrative should describe the candidate from an overall viewpoint and show how he/she relates to the needs and goals of the Department. The Chair's Recommendation Form is presented at the CRG meeting in which action is taken on applications.
    8. The Chair also has responsibilities on the CRG (see Section 6).
      1. The Dean, a non-voting member, chairs the meetings of the College Review Group (CRG); additionally, he/she reviews the portfolios independently and formulates a recommendation to the Provost on each candidate.
      2. The CRG is composed of one elected faculty member from each Department (see "eligible faculty" in 1.6), the Department Chairs, one outside eligible faculty, one outside Dean or Chair, and the Dean of the College. Departmental faculty members serve staggered three-year terms, with the initial length of the terms to be determined by the CRG. Elected CRG representatives are not eligible to serve on the URG during the same year. A faculty member cannot actively serve on the CRG during a year in which he/she is being considered for promotion. In the instance where the faculty member is also a Chair, the Dean appoints a senior faculty member to serve in place of the Chair. In cases where the Chair or Director and Dean serve as one, two elected faculty members serve for that Department.
      3. The outside faculty member and the outside Dean or Chair are appointed by the Provost at the recommendation of the Dean. They serve for a one-year term and may be re-appointed.
      4. The Dean is responsible for the security of the files.
      5. Members of the CRG should consider each candidate's credentials from an objective perspective, and all discussion of the candidacy should be confidential.
      6. Recommendation forms submitted by the CRG and the Dean should be clear, brief, and unambiguous in terms of intent.
      7. The CRG is responsible for the annual review of the promotion and tenure process up through the CRG level and of any proposed changes in the College or Departmental Criteria. Any recommendations from this review will be forwarded to the URG in February.
  1. The Dean may call for an organizational meeting at which time the process is described and responsibilities assigned or may convey the necessary information through a memorandum to the CRG members.
  2. The Dean makes the Portfolios and all documentation available to members of the CRG for evaluation prior to the formal CRG meeting. Copies of each Department's or College's criteria are also made available for review.
  3. Members of the CRG review the Portfolios prior to the formal meeting(s).
  4. At the conclusion of discussion of each category (promotion or tenure), the CRG votes by secret ballot approval or disapproval of each of the candidates in that category. Members vote on the basis of the Department or College standards.
  5. The Dean tallies the votes and announces the results. In the event of a tie, the Portfolio is forwarded to the URG.
  6. Following action on all candidates, any member of the CRG may request a re-hearing and re-vote for a candidate. If a two-thirds majority of the voting members agree, the re-hearing and re-vote are held.
  7. A member of the CRG is designated by the Dean to enter the results of the voting, along with any pertinent comments, on the College Review Group Recommendation Form (Form H). In cases involving promotion, written justification for the voting must also be provided on the form. In the event the vote is not unanimous, the justification shall reflect both the expressed majority and minority positions.
  8. The Dean indicates approval or disapproval of each candidate on the Dean's Recommendation Form (Form I) and adds comments. The Dean informs the College Review Group of his/her recommendations, giving explanations, as appropriate.
  9. The Dean forwards a completed College Summary Sheet for Promotion (Form J) and College Summary Sheet for Tenure (Form K) and the Portfolios of the approved candidates to the Provost.
  10. Within three working days of the completion of action by the CRG and the Dean, each candidate is notified by the Dean of the status of his/her application for tenure and/or promotion. The types of notification and the consequences are summarized below:
    Recommended by both CRG
and Dean
Written Application forwarded to URG and Provost
    Recommended by either CRG
or Dean
Written, specifying whether CRG or
Dean recommended disapproval
Application forwarded to URG and Provost
    Not recommended for
promotion by
Written Application denied unless timely appeal is filed both CRG and Dean
    Not recommended for tenure
Written Provost notified on Summary Sheet both CRG and Dean
  1. CRG forms that are not forwarded are retained in the Office of the Dean for three years.
  1. The URG is composed of one elected faculty member from each of the Colleges (see "eligible faculty" in 1.6), the Deans, the Vice-President of the Faculty Senate, and the Provost, who is a non-voting member.
  2. Faculty members are elected by a vote of the faculty at the first College faculty meeting in the fall. They serve alternating two-year terms.
  3. An elected faculty member serving on the CRG is not eligible to serve on the URG during the same year.
  4. The Provost is responsible for the security of the files.
  5. Members of the URG should consider each candidate's credentials from an objective perspective, and all discussion of the candidacy should be confidential.
  6. Recommendation forms submitted by the URG should be clear, brief, and unambiguous in terms of intent.
  7. The Provost, who chairs the URG, may call an organizational meeting at which time the process is described and responsibilities assigned, or may convey the necessary information through a memorandum to the URG members.
  8. The Provost makes the Portfolios and all documentation available to members of the URG for evaluation prior to the formal URG meeting(s). Copies of each Department's or College's criteria are also made available for review.
  9. Members of the URG review the Portfolios prior to the formal meeting(s).
  10. At the conclusion of discussion of each category (promotion or tenure), the URG votes by secret ballot approval or disapproval of each of the candidates in that category. Members vote on the basis of the Department's or College's standards.
  11. The Provost tallies the votes and announces the results. In the event of a tie, the Portfolio is forwarded to the President.
  12. Following consideration of all candidates, any member of the URG may request a re-hearing and re-vote for a candidate. If a two-thirds majority of the voting members agree, the re-hearing and re-vote are held.
  13. The Provost designates a member of the URG to enter the results of the voting, along with any pertinent comments, on the University Review Group Recommendation Form (Form M). In cases involving promotion, written justification for the voting must also be provided on the form. In the event the vote is not unanimous, the justification must reflect both the expressed majority and minority positions.
  14. The Provost indicates approval or disapproval of each candidate on the Provost's Recommendation Form (Form N), and adds comments. The Provost informs the URG of his/her recommendation, giving explanations as appropriate.
  15. The Provost forwards a completed University Summary Sheet for Promotion (Form O) and University Summary Sheet for Tenure (Form P) and the Portfolios of the approved candidates to the President.
  16. Within three working days of the completion of action by the URG and the Provost, each candidate is notified by the Provost of the status of his/her application for tenure and/or promotion. The types of notification and the consequences are summarized below:
    Recommended by both URG
and Provost
Written Application forwarded to President
    Recommended by either URG
or Provost
Written, specifying whether URG or
Provost recommended disapproval
Application forwarded to President
    Not recommended for promotion by both URG and Provost Written Application denied unless timely appeal is filed
    Not recommended for tenure by
both URG and Provost
Written President notified on Summary Sheet
  1. The URG is responsible for approving exceptions to this process and for the annual review of the promotion and tenure process and of this document and approval of any updating of the College or Departmental Criteria.
    1. The President considers the recommendation of the preceding reviewers and makes the final decision on the candidates.
    2. A list of the candidates approved by the President is published following the conclusion of the cycle and the individual notification of the candidates. The Office of University Relations is supplied with the list to be used in news releases at its discretion.
    1. At the end of the year, all candidates for promotion or tenure will meet with their immediate supervisor to discuss the review of their performance and outline strategies to address any identified areas of weakness.
    2. Non-tenured faculty members who are notified that their application for tenure has been denied are not entitled to a statement of the reason upon which the decision is based; however, the faculty member, during his/her probationary period, should seek guidance from the Chair and senior faculty members in developing the required skills and professional competencies as he/she moves toward achieving tenure.
    3. The votes of the various review groups must remain confidential, but the reasons advanced at each level for denial of promotion should be communicated by the responsible administration (the chair, the dean, the Provost) for the purpose of providing direction to faculty seeking promotion.
    1. Committee on Promotion and Tenure Appeals (CPTA)
      1. The CPTA hears only appeals that address alleged procedural violations. The burden of proof of a violation rests with the faculty member making the appeal. Split review recommendations (e.g., when the CRG and the Dean disagree) are not subject to appeal, since the application remains under active consideration in spite of a split recommendation. When an appeal is filed, the CPTA notifies, in writing, the next review group with a copy to the charged group (e.g., CRG/Dean, URG/Provost, President) of the nature and extent of the appeal.
      2. The CPTA consists of five members of the senior faculty (tenured associate professors and tenured professors), drawn by lot, with the name of those who served in the CRG that acted upon the candidate who has appealed or on the URG during that cycle excluded. The faculty member who is appealing and the administration may strike two names each, so the drawing of more names will be required.
      3. The CPTA Chair is responsible for scheduling hearings as necessary, for assuring that the correct procedures are carried out, and for submitting the results of each hearing to the Provost within two working days of the hearing.
    2. Procedure
      1. Within three working days following receipt of notification of action by either review group, candidates whose names will not be forwarded to the next level are notified in writing by the Dean or Provost.
      2. A candidate wishing to appeal should contact the CPTA Chair to request a hearing no more than seven working days after notification has been sent by the Dean or Provost.
      3. The CPTA Chair sets a time for the appeal hearing convenient to the committee members and to the candidate, but in all cases this date is prior to the meeting of the review group next in line to review the candidate's Portfolio.
      4. The CPTA members review the completed Portfolio prior to the hearing.
      5. The faculty member requesting the appeal and/or his/her representative may be present at the hearing and make a brief presentation of the case. The University attorney also may be present.
      6. The CPTA may call witnesses.
      7. After the presentation by the candidate and other invited participants, the CPTA meets in closed session to discuss the appeal and to decide if there is cause for further action.
      8. If the CPTA decides that there is merit in the appeal, the candidate's Portfolio is forwarded to the next level for consideration, and the candidate is notified in writing on the same day, with a copy to the Dean and Provost. The Chair of the CPTA ensures that the credentials are submitted with comments to the appropriate person at the next level of review.
      9. If the CPTA decides that there is not sufficient cause for further action, the Chair notifies the candidate immediately by telephone, if possible. In any event, the Chair notifies the candidate in writing on the same day, with a copy to the Dean and Provost.
    3. Scope of the Appeals Procedure
      The appeals procedure is in effect only while the promotion and tenure cycle is underway. A faculty member who is dissatisfied with the disposition of the case at the conclusion of the cycle may follow the procedure outlined in the section entitled "General Grievance Procedure" in the Handbook for Faculty and Professional Staff.
  (Revised February 20, 1998; February 22, 1999; February 23, 2009; November 8, 2011)


Faculty Personnel Files and Payroll Policies

Faculty Personnel File

An official personnel file for each member of the faculty is maintained in the Office of the Provost. This file includes the faculty member's application materials, official transcripts of all college work, letters of appointment and other contractual agreements, and official documents relating to faculty evaluation, salary, promotion, tenure, and related matters.

It is the responsibility of each faculty member, immediately upon employment, to have official transcripts of all college work sent directly to the Provost. A faculty member, however, must have official transcripts sent of any work taken after receipt of the last degree. If all official transcripts as stipulated above have not been received within three months of employment, the faculty member will be considered as negligent unless a reasonable explanation is provided. Continuing faculty members are also expected to have updated official transcripts sent directly to the Provost when additional credit is earned. In order for increased credentials to be reflected in a faculty member's salary for the coming fiscal year (as established in the salary schedule), official transcripts must be received by September 1.

Faculty members are encouraged to send copies of published articles, etc., to the Archivist at the Julia Tutwiler Library for inclusion in the University Archives.

During the annual faculty evaluation process, each full-time faculty member must complete a Faculty Service Report and submit it to his/her Chairperson.  Upon receiving the Faculty Service Report, the Chairperson will complete the Faculty Evaluation Report and set up a conference with the faculty member to discuss the evaluation.

Faculty who wish to report significant achievements during an academic year are encouraged to prepare a Faculty Achievement Report.  Reports are submitted to the Chairperson and forwarded to the Deans, along with a Summary of Significant Departmental Achievement.  Deans submit a summary report of Significant Achievements of faculty, departments, and colleges to the Provost.  Achievements are complied and published online and are announced at the General Meeting held each August and at a Board of Trustees meeting.

Departure of Faculty Members

Faculty members are expected to return their contracts or letters of intent by April 15 indicating whether or not they intend to continue on the faculty. They are allowed to resign their appointments for the succeeding year, however, at any time before July 1, but may not resign after that date except with the permission of the President, and upon conditions approved by him. Faculty members are encouraged, however, to notify the University as early as possible if they plan to retire, to resign, or not to accept the contract for the coming year, so that the process of recruitment and selection of a replacement may proceed as quickly as possible. Letters regarding retirement or resignation should be addressed to the President and copies sent to the Provost, the dean, and the department chairperson.

Any person who leaves the faculty of the University of West Alabama by retirement, resignation, termination, or for any other cause has certain responsibilities which must be taken care of before his/her departure. These include:

  1. Turning in all final grades to the Registrar.
  2. Turning in to the department chairperson all grade books and other records of individual grades and class attendance.
  3. Leaving with the department chairperson all test papers and other graded materials which have been retained in the file for the last three semesters the faculty member has taught.
  4. Returning to the department chairperson any departmental materials or equipment which the faculty member may have had in his custody.
  5. Returning all library materials to the University Library and the Curriculum Laboratory.
  6. Turning in all University keys to the Key Control Clerk at the Physical Plant.
  7. Clearing any financial obligations to the University.
  8. Providing the Supervisor of Payrolls, Insurance, and Personnel with an accurate forwarding address and any necessary information regarding insurance options, etc.

The departing faculty member must complete a "Departing Faculty Clearance Form" signed by the department chairperson, the Key Control Clerk, and the Vice President for Financial Affairs. The form is then sent or brought to the Office of the Provost. This form must be received in the Payroll Office before the faculty member's final salary check is released.

Emeritus Status

Upon officially retiring from the University of West Alabama, a full-time faculty member may be eligible to be named as Emeritus Professor in his/her discipline and continue to be listed in the University Catalogue. Nominees for emeritus/emerita status should meet the following criteria:

  1. They should hold academic rank;
  2. They should have achieved tenure status at the University;
  3. They should have served a minimum of ten years in a full-time capacity with the University; and
  4. They should be eligible to retire under the current provisions of the Alabama Teachers' Retirement System.

Nominations shall be made by the retiree's chair or dean in the academic unit in which he/she is completing service. The following achievements should be considered in preparing the nominee's recommendation: recognition as a scholar in his/her discipline, demonstrated excellence in teaching, notable contributions in advising and counseling of students, and commendable public and university service. A vita containing sufficient information on which to make a decision and write a citation should be included with the nomination.

Nominations for emeritus/emerita status shall be presented to the Provost by March 15 of each year for presentation at the April meeting of the Deans' Council for review and recommendations. Approved nominations shall be presented to the President for final action. By April 15, the President shall notify the Provost and the Commencement Committee Chairperson of those individuals who will be given emeritus/emerita status at Commencement.

Faculty awarded this status shall have the same privileges of using University facilities as active faculty.

When judged appropriate, the Deans' Council may nominate a retired President, Provost, or Vice President, without academic rank, for emeritus status.

General Grievance Procedure

Except in those circumstances in which specific processes have been established for specific grievances (see "Grievance and Appeal Procedures" in the index), all faculty members-full‑time and part‑time-have access to the general grievance procedure of the University, including non‑tenured faculty members whose contracts are not renewed. This grievance procedure is as follows:

  1. A faculty member should first consult with his/her department chairperson about any grievance, specifying as factually as possible the nature of the grievance and the basis for it. The department chairperson may require that the grievance be in written form. The department chairperson shall consider the matter and investigate it as appropriate or necessary, and no later than ten working days after the first consultation, advise the faculty member what action he/she proposes to take.
  2. A faculty member not satisfied by the outcome of the above consultation may within ten working days consult the dean of his/her college in a similar manner. The dean, after consulting with the department chairperson and otherwise pursuing the matter, shall also advise the faculty member of his/her conclusions no later than ten working days after the dean's initial consultation with the faculty member.
  3. A faculty member not satisfied by the outcome of this further consultation with the dean may then appeal to the Provost within ten working days of the consultation with the dean, who, after conferring with the dean and department chairperson, shall advise the faculty member of his/her decision within ten additional working days.
  4. A faculty member not satisfied by the outcome of the above may within ten working days of the Provost's decision:
    • Consult as above with the President of the University, in which case he/she will submit in writing a brief summary of the grievance, the factual basis of it, and the outcome of the above consultations; or
    • Utilize an ad hoc committee of three senior faculty members (Associate Professor and above) appointed by the Faculty Senate Rules Committee, in which case he/she will submit in writing a summary of the grievance, the factual basis of the grievance, and a release of all pertinent confidential documents, with the results of that process subject to review by the President of the University. In either case, the President or the ad hoc committee shall advise the faculty member of the decision made within twenty additional working days.
  5. All grievances must be processed in writing within 30 days of the event(s) or circumstance(s) that is the basis of the grievance as provided by the Handbook. Any grievance not processed as provided by the Handbook within 30 days of the occurrence of the event(s) or circumstance(s) shall be deemed waived as a failure to exhaust the administrative remedies as provided by the Grievance Procedures established by the Handbook.
  6. The outcome of the consultation with, or review by, the President shall be considered final.

It should be understood that if a particular grievance involves individuals or matters in another department, the department chairperson shall not act but shall submit the matter to the dean. If it involves personnel or matters within another college or within a non‑academic area, the dean, in turn, shall submit it to the Provost, who shall immediately contact the dean or department head concerned and seek to resolve the matter.

  (Revised March 13, 2006; May 18, 2009)

Payroll Policies

The Financial Affairs Office issues monthly payroll checks on the last working day of each month. A "working day" is a day on which the administrative offices of the University are officially open, whether or not classes are in session. Each faculty member should pick up his/her check at the Financial Affairs Office. If a faculty member cannot do so, he/she should leave specific instructions with the Financial Affairs Office for disposition of the check. The Financial Affairs Office will deposit the check for a faculty member during a break between semesters if arrangements are made in advance and a deposit slip showing the account number is provided. Any questions regarding payroll checks should be referred to the Supervisor of Payrolls, Insurance, and Personnel.

Since the University's fiscal year is October 1-September 30, all payroll matters-including changes in salary-are based upon this period of time. A faculty member employed for twelve months receives his/her contracted twelve‑month salary in twelve equal payments from October through September. In the event a twelve‑month faculty member does not return for the new academic year in the following September, he/she receives a total salary during the period October-August of eight‑ninths of the nine‑month salary, plus the established summer salary for the position.

A faculty member employed on a nine‑month contract has the option of receiving his/her total contracted salary for the fiscal year in nine equal payments (October‑May, September) or in twelve equal payments (October‑September). If a faculty member does not return the following September for the new academic year, the total amount of remuneration he/she receives is eight‑ninths of the contracted salary.  Each October, faculty members on nine‑month contracts are asked to complete a form stating whether they desire to receive their salaries in nine or twelve payments.

Salary Schedule

The University of West Alabama's faculty salary schedule has been developed cooperatively by the Faculty Senate and the administration. The salary scale sets minimum nine‑month salaries based upon academic rank (Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor), level of education (Bachelor's, Master's, one year beyond the Master's, Master of Fine Arts or ABD status, Doctorate), and length of service. It also sets specific administrative supplements for department chairpersons. This schedule sets minimum salaries, but the President has the authority to exceed the salary scale for faculty members in highly specialized or highly competitive fields or in other special circumstances.

"Length of service" generally means length of service as a full-time faculty member (as defined in Chapter III, Section I.C, of this Handbook) at the University of West Alabama, except that full-time college‑level teaching in comparable programs at other institutions, up to a maximum of eight years, is counted in calculating the length of service to be applied to the salary schedule. Also, up to four years credit is counted for related work experience when such experience is a prerequisite for employment in the position at the University of West Alabama as reflected in the job description. Credit for related work experience cannot be counted toward years of service for eligibility for promotion in rank. Length of service is computed solely on the basis of employment for nine months per year, and no additional credit is given for summer employment.

The salary schedule is adjusted from time to time. A copy of it is given to all new faculty members and is distributed to all faculty with their contracts.

Summer Employment

All faculty members below the rank of dean are employed on nine‑month contracts except for those who are specifically employed for twelve months under the terms of a federal or other special grant and certain full-time employees with part‑time faculty status, such as certain coaches. The contracts of some faculty members, however, are extended through the summer semester, dependent upon the needs of the instructional program, and other faculty may be given the opportunity to teach a class or classes during the summer as need dictates, receiving a stipend for each class (which is pro-rated for classes that do not meet minimal enrollment standards).

Leave Policies

See Chapter III  for policies governing annual leave or vacation time, holidays, sick leave, personal leave, leave for professional development, military leave, and sabbatical leave.