2013 - 2014 General Catalogue 
    Jan 15, 2025  
2013 - 2014 General Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Graduate Studies | 10

School of Graduate Studies

The School of Graduate Studies provides advanced study leading to the degrees of Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Education, Master of Science in Continuing Education, and Education Specialist. This school offers a fifth year of training for teachers in the areas of early childhood education, elementary education, high school education, pre-school through grade twelve (P-12) education and special education. The school also provides opportunities for instructional support personnel to pursue master’s degree programs in library media, school counseling and instructional leadership. In addition, graduate courses are offered on-campus and off-campus for students who wish to renew certification, add a new certification area or update their knowledge and skills to advance their careers.

The degree of Master of Arts in Teaching (Certification) is designed for students who are already certified at the Class B level and wish to pursue a master’s degree program and certification in the same field. They have the opportunity to work in a single field of concentration, including biology, history, English language arts, mathematics, physical education, science and social science.

The degree program leading to the Master of Arts in Teaching (Non-Certification) is available to those students who hold a non-teaching bachelor’s degree and would like to prepare more thoroughly in a specialized academic area. This degree is oriented toward the preparation of students who plan to teach in the junior and community colleges or pursue advanced studies beyond the master’s level. Specialized areas are offered in biology, English, environmental science, history, language arts, physical education and social science.

The Master of Education and/or Master of Arts in Teaching degrees are also offered for non-traditional students in early childhood education/elementary education, secondary education and P-12 education (physical education and special education). The Alternative A Program is designed to serve those students who have completed a non-teaching baccalaureate degree and would like to obtain a master’s degree and Class A Certification.

The Master of Science in Continuing Education degree offers graduate students the opportunity to pursue a general master’s degree. The degree also allows graduate students to concentrate in the areas of Library Media, Guidance and Counseling, and Counseling/Psychology. This degree does not lead toward teacher certification.

The Education Specialist Degree Program (Certification) offers students who are certified at the Master’s level the opportunity to earn a six-year degree leading to Alabama Class AA certification in Special Education-Collaborative Teacher K-6, Special Education-Collaborative Teacher 6-12, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Library Media, and School Counseling.

The Education Specialist Degree Programs (Non-Certification) offers students who are not certified at the Master’s level, but have 18 graduate semester hours in field, the opportunity to earn a sixth-year degree in Counseling and Library Media. Note: degree does not qualify a student for any teaching certificate in the State of Alabama.

The Graduate Catalogue, which is available using the drop down above, contains detailed information on admission requirements, programs of study, and policies and procedures of the School of Graduate Studies. A qualified senior in a non-certification program at UWA, lacking six to nine hours or less for graduation, may be enrolled for up to nine hours or graduate studies with the approval of the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. Students interested in pursuing graduate studies at UWA should write to the Director of Admissions, Station 4, or Dean, School of Graduate Studies, Station 31, the University of West Alabama, Livingston, Alabama 35470.