2020 - 2021 General Catalogue 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2020 - 2021 General Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs | 2


General Information

The Division of Student Affairs is the component of the University that deals with student welfare, particularly as it relates to the non-academic areas of the University. The Student Affairs Division is responsible for expanding the extra-curricular environment and creating an atmosphere for students which is conducive to learning and growth.  The offices for Admissions, Career and Counseling, Financial Aid, Registrar, Residence Life, Student Activities and Student Life are all Departments within the Division of Student Affairs. Also included as responsibilities of the Student Affairs area: Student Conduct, Student Support Services, University calendar, Hughes Recreation Center, Student Union, Campus Activities Board, Student Government Association, Upward Bound and student organizations. 

Office of Admissions

The Offices of Admissions are responsible for the recruitment and admission of all students who enter the University. Admissions staff are available to assist students in the application process and to provide them with support and counseling while seeking admission to UWA. The Office of Admissions is open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and campus tours are conducted from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. each day. Weekend tours are available by appointment only.  For further information, contact the appropriate office at:

  • Office of Undergraduate Admissions, The University of West Alabama, Brock Hall, Station 4, Livingston, AL 35470 or call 1-888-636-8800 or 205-652-3578. (email: admissions@uwa.edu).
  • Office of Graduate and Online Admissions, The University of West Alabama, Lyon Hall, Station 46, Livingston, AL 35470 or call 1-877-892-1835 or 205-652-3890. (email: goadmit@uwa.edu).


The Office of Student Housing is located in Brock Hall 123. The Housing staff provides information, guidance, programs, and services for on-campus students. It is the goal of the Housing staff to help students create an environment that is conducive to learning, growth, and development.

Financial Aid Center

The Financial Aid Office, located in Webb Hall 334, awards federal and state funds, monitors on-campus and off-campus scholarships, and assists students with financial planning. Although the majority of the awards are based on financial need as determined by a needs analysis (FAFSA), there are loans available that are not need-based. This office attempts to meet the financial needs of the majority of our students through the packaging of grants, jobs, and loans. The Financial Aid staff is available to provide all students with assistance in all aspects of financial aid, from the application process through the disbursements of funds.

Registrar's Office

The Registrar's Office, located in Webb Hall 319, provides a wide range of services to students, faculty and staff, alumni, and various off-campus agencies. The office maintains timely and accurate records of the academic progress of the students who are enrolled and disseminates this information as needed. The Registrar's Office provides students with an efficient system for registration, course enrollment changes, grade reporting, and issuing of transcripts. The office also interprets and enforces the academic rules and regulations of the University.

Counseling Office

The Counseling Office, located in Foust Hall, provides professional and confidential counseling services of a varied nature for all students. The Coordinator/Counselor gives particular attention to students who have personal concerns, as well as those with academic difficulties. The Coordinator/Counselor serves on the Student Conduct Committee, as well as collaborates with other campus professionals to ensure students experiencing problems that may affect their continued success at the university or those in crisis have access to service providers.

Career Services Office

The Career Services Office, located in Foust Hall, is available to assist students who are in the process of making career decisions. A number of assessments and resources are available to help students with this process. The office also offers services to assist students and alumni conducting a job/internship search through résumé and job search counseling, practice and on-campus interviews, career fairs, and a job board. The office also provides assistance to students applying to graduate/professional schools.

Student Support Services

Student Support Services, located in Foust Hall, is a federally-funded TRIO program offering assistance to bachelor's degree-seeking students who qualify. Eligibility is based on family income, and/or educational level of the student's parents (neither parent holds a bachelor's degree). In addition, the student must be a U. S. citizen or permanent resident and must be in need of academic support.

For students who qualify, a number of valuable services are available - all free to the student. Student Support Services provides academic advising, personal counseling, tutoring, referrals to other campus resources, career guidance, assistance with FAFSA, educational and cultural activities, leadership opportunities, and workshops on study skills, test taking, classroom survival techniques, financial literacy, etc.

Membership is by application only. Interested students are encouraged to come in and talk with any member of the staff in Foust Hall, Room 6 during office hours, or contact the Director of Student Support Services at (205) 652-3627 or email at sss@uwa.edu.

Upward Bound Program

Upward Bound, located in Brock Hall, is a federally funded pre-college program for high school students from Sumter and Marengo counties who have outstanding academic potential but whose limitations as low income or first generation college students pose a threat to their ability to enroll in college and earn a 4-year degree. Eligibility is based on family income or the educational level of the student's parents.

For eligible participants, Upward Bound provides assistance with specific academic subjects, after-school tutoring, ACT preparation, critical thinking, goal setting, career exploration, the college application and financial aid process, cultural awareness and personal develop­ment. Participation in the 4 year Upward Bound program is completely free! More specific information is available at (205) 652-3757 or UWA Station 37, Livingston, AL 35470.

Student Involvement

The Office of Student Involvement is located in George C. Wallace Student Union Building (SUB), and is administered by the Director of Student Activities and the Director of Student Life. This office coordinates a number of services such as; Greek Life, student organizations, Campus Activities Board (CAB), University Band, intramural sports, social events, student conduct, Student Government Association (SGA) and the UWA Fitness Center.

Student Union

The George C. Wallace Student Union Building (SUB) is the center of activities at UWA. The campus post office, Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Office of Student Life, Office of Student Activities and the Student Government Association office are located on the upper-level of the SUB. In addition, two conference meeting rooms and an open gathering area are available for your convenience.

The lower-level of the SUB consists of the Fitness Center, the Campus Activities Board (CAB) office, SGA conference room and the entrance to the swimming pool. The Wellness Center contains the student weight room, cardio equipment and group exercise classroom. Located on the grounds of the SUB are tennis courts. Adjacent to the SUB are the intramural football and softball fields.

Student Health Service

Rush Medical Group offers direct, basic health care for UWA undergraduate students, faculty and staff. The University of West Alabama Student Health Service program is operated through an agreement with Rush Medical Group and Dr. Todd Vaughan. Students may go to the clinic on a "walk-in" basis or may make an appointment by calling (205) 652-9575. Office visits are covered by currently-enrolled UWA students' medical fee; other expenses incurred, such as lab work, x-rays, or other testing, will be billed to the individual or to his or her insurance.

As the University physician, Dr. Vaughan sees students regarding routine matters. Neither the University physician nor any other University employee will issue medical excuses for missed classes. In the case of illness, each professor will determine whether to grant an excused absence to a student.

Students with musculoskeletal and orthopedic injuries may use the services provided by the UWA Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Center in Homer Field House. See this section under Facilities and Services in the General Information portion of the Catalogue.

After normal office hours, and in case of emergencies, students needing medical attention should go to Rush Hospital in Meridian, Miss., MedCenter in Demopolis, or Bryan Whitfield Hospital in Demopolis. The University will not be able to provide transportation to the hospital, but will arrange for ambulance service, if requested. The student will be responsible for the expense for all hospital services and ambulance transportation, if applicable. On-campus residents should contact a resident assistant or their hall director if there is a medical emergency. The Housing staff member will contact University Police and the University Police officer will determine whether an ambulance should be called.

A student who has family health insurance coverage should be prepared to provide documentation of such coverage in the event he/she requires medical attention other than that provided by the University. 

Rush Medical Group, Livingston
Located on 1221 North Washington Street, accessible from Hwy 11

Monday-Thursday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday, 8:00 AM - Noon

The Rush Medical Group provides confidential services to any UWA student, regardless of the type of insurance he/she holds. Health services are available to all undergraduate students enrolled for seven (7) or more hours and have paid the mandatory $55 student health fee. There is also a $5.00 co-pay for each visit. Expenses incurred for care beyond that provided by the University are the responsibility of the student. 

Students with musculoskeletal and orthopedic injuries may use the services provided by the UWA Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Center located in the Homer Field House. See this section under Facilities and Services in the General Information portion of the Catalogue.

Student Activities

Athletic Activities

The University, as a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, competes in the Gulf South Conference in varsity athletics for men in football, basketball, baseball, soccer, cross country, outdoor track, and tennis. UWA also sponsors a program of varsity athletics for women in volleyball, basketball, softball, soccer, cross country, outdoor track, and tennis. The University's men's and women's rodeo teams compete in the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association. Intramural competition in major and minor sports is provided for the recreation and development of the students. Tournaments are organized and conducted in the various sports.

The Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) consists of a president, a vice president, a secretary, a business manager, a STARS coordinator, an attorney general, and a legislature. The legislature consists of three senators-at-large, two senators from each class, one senator from each college, one senator from the School of Graduate Studies, one representative from each fraternity and sorority, representatives from select student organizations and one representative from each residence hall. Representing the interests of the students, the SGA promotes activities that improve and enrich the life at the University.

Student Organizations

ACCOUNTING CLUB is an organization for students majoring or minoring in accounting.

ALPHA CHI is a national scholastic honor society for men and women who have excelled in their academic pursuits.

ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA is a national social sorority.

ALPHA EPSILON DELTA is a premedical honor society.

ALPHA PHI ALPHA is a national social fraternity.

ALPHA PHI OMEGA is a national co-ed service fraternity.

ALPHA PSI OMEGA is a national dramatics honor fraternity which recognizes individual students for their outstanding contributions to UWA Theatre, either on-stage or back-stage.

ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA is a national social sorority.

ALPHA SIGMA TAU is a national social sorority.

ALABAMA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY is an organization for students interested in archaeology.

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, STUDENT AFFILIATE is a national organization to inform students of the opportunities for professional chemists in business, industry, government and education.

AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION is a collegiate chapter of the most highly regarded marketing association by practitioners and academicians in the world.

THE UWA BAND is an organization open to all interested students who play an instrument, regardless of major. The band performs at UWA athletic events. They perform a variety of types and styles of music from jazz charts, marching band arrangements, pep band arrangements, pep band and concert band.

BETA BETA BETA is a national honor society for students dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending the boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research.

BLACK STUDENT ASSOCIATION (BSA) is a diverse organization that encourages student unity and facilitates the improvement of black culture on campus.

BLUE KEY NATIONAL HONOR FRATERNITY recognizes men and women for leadership in extra-curricular and academic affairs. Those eligible for election to membership are outstanding juniors, seniors, graduate students, and, under certain conditions, sophomores.

CAMPUS ACTIVITIES BOARD is the University's programming board. The board consists of student volunteers who provide a wide variety of entertainment programs for the University community.

CARDINAL KEY NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY is an organization for men and women of junior status who are leaders in the University community and who are deemed potential leaders in the future.

CHI ALPHA SIGMA is a National College Athletic Honor Society for the recognition of high academic achievers and sport letter winners at the collegiate level.

THE CONCERT CHOIR gives students an opportunity to develop their singing abilities. Concerts are presented in the University community, and tours are made to towns and cities in the area.

DELTA CHI is a national social fraternity.

DELTA MU DELTA is a national honor society in business.

DELTA SIGMA PI is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business.

THE FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES brings together UWA athletes from all sports.

THE INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL, composed of representatives from each of the social fraternities on the campus, coordinates the various activities of the fraternities under the general supervision of the Director of Student Activities.

THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION promotes the exchanging of cultural values and ideas and serves as a support group for all international students attending UWA.

IOTA TAU ALPHA is a national athletic training education honor society committed to stimulating interest, scholarship, and promotion of athletic training education.

IRA D. PRUITT STUDENT NURSES' ASSOCIATION is an organization of students in the nursing program. It is a chapter of the National Student Nurses' Association.

KAPPA DELTA PI is an international honor society in education.

KAPPA MU EPSILON is a national honor society for mathematics that recognizes students who excel in mathematics and encourages them in their efforts to achieve in mathematics.

THE LIFE is the University newspaper published weekly by students.

LIVINGSTON'S EARLY ALUMNI DEVELOPMENT (LEAD) develops and strengthens relationships between UWA students and the National Alumni Association.

MATHEMATICS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, STUDENT CHAPTER is a national organization to promote mathematics and mathematics education.

OMICRON DELTA KAPPA is a national honor society that has as its purpose the recognition and promotion of leadership of exceptional quality and versatility.

PALS CLEAN CAMPUS PROGRAM is anti-litter organization that promotes and monitors a number of anti-litter programs.

THE PANHELLENIC COUNCIL is an organization of sorority women whose purpose is to promote friendly cooperation among all national sororities.

THE PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL is an organization of sororities and fraternities whose purpose is to foster cooperative actions of its members in dealing with matters of mutual concern.

PHI ALPHA THETA is an international honor society in history that exists to promote the study of history through the encouragement of scholarship, good teaching, research, and publications and to bring students, scholars, and writers together, intellectually and socially, to promote the fruitful exchange of ideas.

PHI BETA SIGMA is a national social fraternity.

PHI ETA SIGMA is a freshman honor society.

PHI KAPPA PHI is the oldest and most selective honor society in the United States that recognizes excellence in all academic disciplines.

PHI MU is a national social sorority.

PI KAPPA PHI is a national social fraternity.

PINNACLE is a national honor society that honors outstanding non-traditional adult (25 years or older) students.

PRESBYTERIAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES is a Christian student organization sponsored by the Livingston Presbyterian Church.

PSI CHI is a national honor society in psychology that promotes excellence in scholarship and advancement of the science of psychology.

SIGMA PI is a national social fraternity.

SIGMA TAU DELTA is an international honor society that recognizes superior levels of achievement in languages and literature and engages in a variety of activities that promote and support literary studies.

SOCIETY FOR PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS is an organization for students interested in journalism.

THE SPORTS MEDICINE CLUB is a student organization that sponsors activities designed to stimulate interest, scholarly attainment, and investigation in the field of sports medicine and to promote the dissemination of information among students.

STUDENTS IN FREE ENTERPRISE (SIFE)/ENACTUS is a business sponsored organization which extends membership to all students interested in community oriented service projects.

TAU KAPPA EPSILON is a national social fraternity.

TOASTMASTERS COMMUNITY CLUB ia an international organization which helps members learn the art of speaking, listening, and thinking through development of excellent communication, social networking, and leadership skills.

THE UNIVERSITY SINGERS is a small auditioned group that performs a variety of styles of music throughout the academic year.

UPSILON PI EPSILON is an international honor society in the computing and information disciplines.

UWA AMBASSADORS are the official student public relations representatives for the University, serving as hosts and hostesses at important University events, participating as tour guides for the campus and representing the University at special community functions.

UWA CHEERLEADERS is an organization that contributes to the development of school spirit by cheering at athletic events and supporting other school activities.

UWA EQUIALITY ALLIANCE is an organization that exists in order to preserve and defend the rights and privileges of equality; to assure student body support for LGBT+ students; to foster a spirit of love among students; to promote citizenship on campus; and to provide a support system for those in need. The EA celebrates diversity by supporting one another as human beings regardless of but not limited to sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, gender, sex, religion, disability, or age through love.

THE UWA THEATRE presents two major productions each year and affords all UWA students an opportunity to participate in all areas of theatrical productions. All students, regardless of major, may participate in UWA Theatre productions.

THE WESLEY FELLOWSHIP is a student religious group sponsored by the UWA Wesley Foundation and the United Methodist churches of the Alabama-West Florida Conference.

ZETA PHI BETA is a national social sorority.

Student Financial Aid

In an attempt to meet the financial need of qualified students, the University subscribes to the following policies and principles based on guidance from the U.S. Dept. of Education: the purpose of financial aid is to supplement the resources of the student and his/her family; it does not exist to replace these sources of support. The primary responsibility for financing a college education resides with the family. The family is expected to contribute according to its income and assets to the student's University expenses. The student is expected to share in this responsibility through savings, summer work, and part-time employment if necessary.

In selecting a financial aid recipient, the University considers not only an applicant's financial need, but also his/her academic achievement and potential, character, and leadership ability. The amount of a financial aid award reflects the financial situation of the student and his/her family and is confidential information which will not be made public by the University.

Financial aid at UWA may consist of a scholarship, a loan, a grant, campus employment, or any combination of these. The Financial Aid Office will attempt to meet a student's need through the award or combination of awards most appropriate to the individual applicant.

Specific information on applying for financial assistance may be obtained by visiting the Financial Aid Office in Webb Hall, Room 334, by email at  financialaid@uwa.edu, by telephone at 205.652.3576, or online.

Financial Aid Disbursement

Financial Aid is disbursed after the last day to drop and add courses each semester. Additional disbursements are routinely scheduled each Wednesday. These disbursements are for students whose file was not complete at the time of the initial disbursement of funds.

Students with sufficient funds are allowed to charge books and supplies at the book store beginning eight days before classes begin. First time students must complete loan counseling and e-sign a master promissory note before their funds will show at the book store.

Refund checks for credit balances are deposited into the student's personal bank account, if the student signs up for direct deposit. If not, they are mailed to the student's local mailing address.

Federal Pell Grant Program

A Federal Pell Grant, is need based financial aid awarded annually by the Federal Government. Pell Grants are gift aid and do not have to be repaid. Pell Grants often provide a foundation of support to which other aid may be added. Pell Grants are awarded only to undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who have not earned a bachelor's or professional degree. The amount of a Pell Grant depends on the student's financial need as calculated by the FAFSA and appropriations by the U.S. Congress. Not all students qualify to receive a Pell Grant. Lifetime eligibility is limited to 12 full-time semesters of study. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year to apply.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program

The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is for undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. An FSEOG is gift aid which does not have to be repaid. 

FSEOG is awarded to students with the lowest Expected Family Contributions (EFC) as calculated by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students must complete the FAFSA application each year to apply.  FSEOG funds are limited and priority is given to students who receive Federal Pell Grants and apply early. The FAFSA application is available beginning October 1st for the next fall semester.

Federal Work-Study Program

The Federal Work-Study Program provides part-time employment for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need. This program allows students to earn money to help pay their educational expenses. The average Federal Work-Study student works 15 hours each week and earns the Federal Minimum Wage. The Program encourages community service, tutoring, and work related to the student's course of study. To be considered for the Federal Work-Study Program, students must apply early and indicate they are interested on their FAFSA Application. Priority is given to continuing FWS students but newly qualifying students are added each year.

Federal Perkins Loan Program

A Federal Perkins Loan is a low-interest (5 Percent) loan for both undergraduate and graduate students with financial need. The school is the lender. The loan is made with Federal and institutional funds. Students must repay this loan to the school. Funding is limited and priority is given to needy students who apply early.

Federal Direct Student Loans

The Federal Direct Loan program provides low interest long term loans to assist in paying for college. The funds are provided by the Federal Government and loaned directly to students. Undergraduate dependent students may borrow up to $5,500.00 per year as freshmen, $6,500.00 as sophomores, and $7,500.00 as juniors and seniors. Independent undergraduate students and dependent students whose parents are denied a Parent PLUS Loan for credit reasons can borrow an additional $4,000.00 per year for freshman and sophomores and an additional $5,000.00 per year for juniors and seniors. Unsubsidized Direct Loans are available for students who do not qualify for need-based aid. Subsidized means that the Federal Government pays the interest while the student is enrolled in School. Loan repayment begins six months after graduation or leaving the University.

Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to apply for Direct Student Loans. The FAFSA is available on October 1st each year for aid to begin with the next fall semester. When FAFSA data is received, the school will review the results and will award the student according to their loan eligibility. Students must complete Direct Loan Entrance Counseling and e-sign a Master Promissory Note online at www.studentloans.gov. The Direct Loan Master Promissory Note is a binding legal document. The student should read carefully and make sure they understand it before signing it.

Institutional Scholarship and Loan Funds

An ever increasing number of individual scholarships and awards are made on an annual basis to deserving students who wish to attend UWA. The UWA Trustee Academic and Leadership Scholarships (for high school seniors and junior college transfers) are made on a first-applied, first awarded basis until all funds are depleted. Trustee and Leadership Scholarships are awarded through the Office of Admissions.  

Civic, Memorial, and Alumni scholarships are awarded by the Office of Institutional Advancement. They can vary by the classification of the student, as well as, geographic, academic major, and other restrictions. These scholarships have a deadline of April 15th each year to apply. UWA Department, Division, or Organization awards are made by applications obtained through the specific individual or group overseeing each scholarship and selection criteria and restrictions vary depending on the award. Listed below are scholarships that are open for the upcoming academic year.

The Aubrey Cecil Lawley (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship
The Baldwin County Alumni Scholarship
The Baldwin Educational Fund Scholarship
The Barbara Taylor Shipp (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship
The Bettye Jo "Ju Ju" Tew (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship
The Choctaw County Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The Chris H. King Scholarship
The Clemit and Vicki Spruiell Athletic Training Scholarship
The Darryl Hutcheson Technology Memorial Scholarship
The Dr. Ivan Parker, Jr. (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship
The Ernestine Lawley Lenoir (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship
The Estelle Scales Accounting Scholarship
The Gatewood Hatcher Memorial Scholarship
The George W. Skipper Student Fireman Scholarship
The Gladys Mason (Wilcox County Alumni Chapter) Scholarship
The Gordon Bridges (Wilcox County Alumni Chapter) Scholarship
The Grace Thompson McLain Scholarship
The Greater Birmingham Area Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The Greater Montgomery Area Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The H.D. and Betty Russell Scholarship
The India Lowry Shields (Marengo County Alumni Chapter) Scholarship
The James Colquitt Languages and Literature Scholarship
The James P. Homer Alumni Scholarship Fund
The Jennie Thacker Lawley (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship
The Joan Kuehl Williams, RN (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship
The Joanne Cobb Smith Scholarship
The Juanita E. Wheeler, LPN (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship
The Lawrence and Nell Malone Fund
The Liza James Howard Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The Louise Sisk McDaris Scholarship
The Marengo County Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The McConnell Scholarship
The McLean/Luke Scholarship
The McPhearson Foundation Scholarship
The Merle Ousley Shepherd, LPN (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship
The Minnie Walker Sanders Scholarship
The Mobile County Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The National Alumni Association Tiger Legacy Scholarship
The Normal R. Lindsey Memorial Scholarship
The R.T. Floyd Scholarship
The Sarah Bell Cunningham (Sumter County Alumni Chapter) Scholarship
The Sharon Smith Pafford Memorial Scholarship
The Sumter County Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The Suttles Scholarship
The Tagged for Success Scholarship (Alabama Resident)
The Tennie Gibson Hensel, RN (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship
The Tex Maynard Busby (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship
The Trustees Academic and Leadership Scholarships
The Tuscaloosa County/Credit Union Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The Washington County Alumni Chapter Scholarship
The Winton and Naomi Wise Scholarship
The Zebbie Lee Lawley (Choctaw County Alumni Chapter) Endowed Scholarship

Alabama Student Assistance Program

The Alabama Student Assistance Program is a need-based grant program funded by the federal government and the State of Alabama. It provides grant assistance to needy students who are residents of the State and who are in need of this additional financial help in order to further their education at UWA. The FAFSA serves as the application.

Alabama National Guard Educational Assistance Program

The Alabama National Guard Educational Assistance Program was established in 1984 by the Alabama Legislature to provide financial assistance to Alabama National Guard members who are residents of Alabama for education at accredited postsecondary institutions within the state. Additional information and applications are available from the commander of each Alabama National Guard unit.

Police Officers' and Firefighters' Survivors' Educational Assistance Program

The Police Officers' and Firefighters' Survivors' Educational Assistance Program is established to provide for tuition assistance and other costs for an undergraduate student who is the dependent child, or spouse who has not remarried, of a law enforcement officer or firefighter killed in the line of duty. Further information and applications may be obtained from Alabama Commission on Higher Education.

Veterans and Veterans' Dependents

UWA is an accredited institution under provisions of all the public laws providing educational benefits for qualified veterans and dependents of veterans. The UWA Registrar is Veteran's Coordinator.

The following individuals shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fees purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill® - Active Duty Program) or chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®), of title 38, United States Code, who lives in Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.

  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the transferor's discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.

  • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school. The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the expiration of the three year period following discharge or release as described above and must be using educational benefits under either chapter 30 or chapter 33, of title 38, United States Code.

  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal State of residence).

  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in Alabama while attending a school located in Alabama (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service who is serving on active duty.

  • Anyone using educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation/Employment (VR&E), also be charged the resident rate. Effective for courses and terms beginning after March 1, 2019, a public institution of higher learning must charge the resident rate to chapter 31 participants, as well as the other categories of individuals described above. When an institution charges these individuals more than the rate for resident students, VA is required to disapprove programs of education sponsored by VA.

  • Students utilizing VA education benefits shall not be charged a penalty, including assessment of late fees, denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or be required to borrow additional funds because of the individual's inability to meet their financial obligations due to the delayed disbursement of a payment to provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

  • The policy shall be read to be amended as necessary to be compliant with the requirements of 38 U.S.C. 3679(c) as amended.

Complaint Policy for Students Receiving VA Education Benefits

For students receiving VA education benefits, any complaint against the school should be routed through the VA GI Bill® Feedback System by going to the following link: http://www.benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/Feedback.asp. The VA will then follow up through the appropriate channels to investigate the complaint and resolve it satisfactorily.

Satisfactory Progress Policy for Financial Aid

Federal regulations require recipients of federal financial aid to maintain satisfactory academic progress, as determined by the University, to receive assistance funded by the federal government. Satisfactory progress toward a degree is defined in accordance with the following table for purpose of determining eligibility for federal student aid programs:

Qualitative and Quantitative Measures:  Students are required to make academic progress toward a degree by maintaining the minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) and course completion rate on all work attempted, including repeated courses, that count toward their degree in accordance with the following table:

Classification Hours Attempted Required GPA
Graduate EDS
0 - 29
30 - 59
60 - 89
90 or above
7 or above
7 or above

Time Frame:  Federal regulation allow student 150% of the credit hours required to graduate from their program of study, within which, to complete their degree. Exceptions are made for students who enroll in the Nursing Program. Nursing student's time-frames are based only on the classes they have attempted after being admitted to the Nursing Program.

Transfers Students:  Students transferring to the University are assumed to be maintaining reasonable progress. Hours transferred from prior schools will be considered in establishing the class standing as well as being considered in determining the overall time frame allowed to receive financial aid. GPAs from transfer colleges will factor into the cumulative GPA for financial aid.

Course Loads:  Students must be enrolled at least half time in order to be eligible. Half time for an undergraduate student is six semester hours; and three hours for a graduate student.  Enrollment for federal aid is calculated using only the courses that count toward your degree program.

Federal enrollment standards

12 or more credit hours  = full time (full Pell Award)
9 - 11 credit hours  = 3/4 time (3/4 Pell Award)
6 - 8 credit hours  = 1/2 time (1/2 Pell Award)
5 or less credit hours  = less than 1/2 time (Pell depends on EFC)
6 or more credit hours  = full time
3 credit hours  = half time


Appeals:   Extenuating circumstances (such as severe illness or injury, death of an immediate family member, acts of nature, or other mitigating factors) sometimes cause a student's failure to make satisfactory academic progress. When such a situation occurs, a student may appeal to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee for reinstatement of eligibility. The appeal form is available on the Financial Aid webpage. Any supporting documentation (from your doctor, court or police records, insurance claims, etc.) should be submitted with the appeal. Students should, in most cases, be able to clear any deficiencies after one term of enrollment.

Students without mitigating factor(s) can regain federal aid eligibility by completing enough coursework to remove any deficiencies that hinder compliance with the University's SAP policy. Students should notify the Financial Aid Office once the deficiencies have been resolved and request reinstatement of their eligibility to receive federal financial aid.

Reinstatement:  Students who lose their financial aid eligibility because of a failure to maintain reasonable progress towards a degree may reapply for financial aid eligibility reinstatement after clearing the deficiency. Students who re-establish eligibility may not retroactively receive funds for periods of enrollment in which they were ineligible. The University cannot adjust subsequent financial aid payments to compensate students for the loss of financial aid during periods of ineligibility.

Financial Information

All Charges, Fees, Meal Tickets, Dorm Rates, Etc. Subject to Change Without Notice.


The estimated expenses for nine months at UWA are about $19,340. This estimate includes normal academic fees, and room and board, but does not include books and supplies, or the student's personal expenses, which may vary widely, nor does it include special course fees that are required of students in certain fields or other special fees required in particular circumstances.

The normal academic fees for one semester are $5,495. Room and board in a University residence hall is from $3,035 to $4,715 per semester.

Tuition is billed based on the course section location.

Basic Fees (Subject to Change Without Notice)

Each undergraduate student who enrolls for more than six semester hours is required to pay basic fees each semester as follows:

  On Campus Undergraduate Fee for Tuition (14-17 credit hours) - In-State $4,550.00
  Out-of-State tuition fee is two times In-State rate except for the following Mississippi counties which are charged the In-State rate: Clarke, Kemper, Lauderdale, Jasper, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee, and Winston.
  Union Building fee $55.00
  Activity fee $145.00
       An undergraduate enrolling for six or less semester hours $75.00
  Medical fee $55.00
  Identification Card (required of all students) per semester $10.00
  Information Technology fee (required of all undergraduate students) $180.00
       An undergraduate enrolling for six or less semester hours $120.00
  Dining Dollars (required of all undergraduate students taking more than 6 hours) $250.00
  Tiger Bucks (required of all undergraduate students taking more than 6 hours) $100.00
  Athletic Fee (required of all undergraduate students taking more than 6 hours) $150.00
       An undergraduate enrolling for six or less semester hours $75.00

In addition, undergraduate students are required to pay the following fees when applicable:

  On Campus Undergraduate Fee for Tuition (per semester hour) - In-State $325.00
  The above fee is required only in the following instances:
  1. Any undergraduate student enrolling for thirteen semester hours or less.
  2. Any undergraduate student enrolling for more than the normal load of seventeen semester hours (fee levied on all hours in excess of seventeen.)

Other General Fees

  On Campus Graduate Fee for Tuition (per semester hour) - In-State $371.00
  On Campus Doctoral Fee for Tuition (per semester hour) - In-State $520.00
  Out-of-State tuition fee is two times In-State rate except for the following Mississippi counties which are charged the In-State rate: Clarke, Kemper, Lauderdale, Jasper, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee, and Winston.  
  Online Undergraduate Fee for Tuition (per semester hour) $325.00
  Online Graduate Fee for Tuition (per semester hour) $429.00
  Online Doctoral Fee for Tuition (per semester hour) $630.00

In addition, on campus and graduate and doctoral students are required to pay the following fees when applicable.

Information Technology Fee:

  On campus graduate or doctoral student enrolling for four or less semester hours $120.00
  On campus graduate or doctoral student enrolling for more than four semester hours $180.00
  All online students (per session) $60.00


NOTE: Course fees may be changed or additional fees may be added during the academic year. Students taking HR 307  and HR 407  in areas of science or mathematics will have a lab fee of $75.00 attached to these courses as designated by the Dean.

Special Fees

Certain special fees are required as follows:

  Application Fee for U.S. Citizens (submitted online) $30.00
  Application Fee (paper application) $40.00

Application Fee for International Students (paper application)
(Required of all new undergraduate and graduate applicants for admission - not refundable)


Auditing Fee (per on campus course)
(In addition to special course fee as required. NOTE: The audit fee is waived for senior citizens of Alabama-those 55 or over.)

  Auditing Fee (per online course) $75.00
  Late Registration Fee
(Charged to all students who enroll after classes begin)
  Change of Course Fee (per course change) $20.00
  Graduation Fee (See Graduation Fee Policy below.) 
  Associate or Bachelor's Degree  Graduation Fee $75.00
  Master's and Education Specialist Degree Graduation Fee $75.00
  Doctoral Degree Graduation Fee $75.00
  Returned Check Handling Charge (per check)
(If a student has two returned checks per academic year, his/her check cashing privileges may be discontinued.)
  Replacement I.D. Cards $10.00
  Housing Application Fee (Residential Students only) $100.00


Graduation Fee Policy

The graduation application fee of $75.00 for all students (as stated above) is due before the deadline has passed. A late fee of $75.00 will be imposed on any student applying for graduation after the deadline for applications has passed (see academic calendars for deadline dates). If a student applies for graduation and then discovers that he/she will not graduate in the semester he/she applied, the student must reapply for graduation and resubmit the graduation application fee. The fee and application do not roll over. The application for degree fee covers the cost of processing of student files, diploma print costs, mailing costs, commencement ceremony printing costs and/or degree shipping if s student does not attend the ceremony. There is an additional fee for cap and gown to be purchased from Barnes Noble (Campus Bookstore). Students will receive instructions via regular mail and their UWA email accounts about commencement from the Commencement Committee.


All University charges for tuition, fees, room and board are due by registration day of each semester.

All students must pay their charges in full, have approved financial aid to cover all charges or make payment arrangements by the due date. Any charges incurred other than those required as a condition of enrollment are due in full prior to registration confirmation.

Arrangements consist of the following:

  1. Pay one third of all charges and have guaranteed financial aid sufficient to cover the remaining balance including applicable fees.
  2. Establish an approved payment plan in an amount sufficient to cover the account balance including applicable fees.

International students are REQUIRED to pay all charges at the time of registration. Other students whose accounts in the past have been turned over for collection also must pay all charges at the time of registration. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that fee payments are made on time and in accordance with the policies set forth in this catalogue. Any student who fails to comply with these policies may be withdrawn from classes by the University. The University is not responsible for sending bills or reminders, although statements showing outstanding balances due may be rendered on occasion. A student may access pertinent information regarding their student account on line through their Student Self Service account at any time. Checks for payment of University charges should be made payable to "UWA". No student records will be released by the Registrar's Office until all University fees, fines and other obligations are paid in full. ALL STUDENT ACCOUNTS WITH A CREDIT BALANCE NOT CLAIMED WITHIN ONE YEAR OF GRADUATION OR WITHDRAWAL SHALL REVERT TO THE GENERAL FUNDS OF THE UNIVERSITY.

All costs, including attorney's fees, which are necessary for the collection of any debt owed to the University, must be paid by the debtor. Questions about charges or refunds should be addressed to appropriate personnel in the Business Office in a timely manner.

Check Cashing Policy

Students and faculty desiring to cash checks at the Business Office for personal convenience must make checks payable to "Cash". Personal checks will be cashed for amounts up to $50.00 for students if their student account with UWA is current. If a student has two returned checks per academic year, his/her check cashing privileges may be discontinued.

Due to the limited amount of cash on hand in the Business Office, work-study checks will be cashed only if the student makes a payment on their student account.

Returned Check Policy

UWA will pursue all legal means to collect dishonored checks returned by our bank for any reason. Once a check has been returned to the Business Office, the maker of the check will be notified by mail and be given a reasonable period of time to make the check good. Should the maker decide to ignore this notice, the Business Office will send a second notice. The second notice will be sent by Registered Mail. Should the second notice be ignored, the check and all supporting documentation will be submitted to the Bad Check Unit of the District Attorney's Office for collection.

Writing a bad check is a crime in the State of Alabama. Failure to respond to the District Attorney may result in arrest.

Housing Reservation

A request for a reservation in University housing (residence hall room or apartment) must be accompanied by an application fee of $100.00.

Room and Board (Subject to Change Without Notice)

The rental rate in one of the University residence halls or apartments covers only the period when classes are in session.  Limited housing is available during breaks at an additional charge.   All rental rates are set on the basis of multiple occupancy of the room. The rates (subject to change) are as follows:

  Gilbert Hall (Shared Room) $2,800 per semester
  Stickney Hall (Shared Room) $2,380 per semester
  Reed Hall (Shared Room) $2,500 per semester
  Hoover Apts. (Single Bedroom) $3,340 per semester
  Hoover Apts. (Shared Bedroom) $2,960 per semester
  Patterson Hall (Shared Room) $2,500 per semester
  Selden Hall (Shared Room) $1,660 per semester


All students residing in the residence halls of the University are required to purchase meal plans. The semester charges of the meal plans, including applicable sales tax, are as follows:

  All Access Meal Plan $1,375 per semester
  9 Meal Plan $993 per semester

All students that live in a residence hall room (or apartment) without kitchen facilities, are required to have an All Access Meal Plan.  A 9 Meal Plan is required of all other residents.



Regular Session

Students officially withdrawing from the University during the first two weeks of class receive refunds for the Basic Fees as follows: One-hundred percent if withdrawal occurs during the first week (7 calendar days) of classes, and fifty percent if withdrawal occurs during the second week (14 calendar days) of classes. No refund is made if withdrawal occurs after the second week of classes. No refunds are made to students who do not follow official procedures for withdrawal or change of course. The information technology fee, Dining dollars, Tiger Bucks, and the ID card fee are not subject to refund or reduction for students who withdraw after the first day of classes. Refunds are made only upon receipt of an official withdrawal form properly executed. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the withdrawal form is completed. In the case of withdrawals caused by personal illness or call into military service, the total amount of fees is refundable if withdrawal is made on or before Friday of the third week of the semester. One-half of the total amount of fees is refunded if withdrawal is made during the period beginning on Monday of the fourth week and ending Friday of the fifth week of classes. Those students withdrawing due to personal illness or call into the military may be asked to submit official documentation in order to receive a reduction in fees.

Recipients of Title IV Federal Financial Aid are required to have their funds prorated based on the number of days of enrollment, effective through 60% of the semester. Withdrawing from the institution may affect a student's Satisfactory Academic Progress as determined by the Financial Aid Office under federal regulations. Students should consult with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from the University. Students who fail to pass a single class during an award period are considered an unofficial withdrawal and federal funds may need to be returned as a result. All Title IV repayments are charged to the student account and are the responsibility of the student.

4-week Summer Session

Students officially withdrawing from the University during the first six days of class receive refunds for the Basic Fees as follows: One-hundred percent if withdrawal occurs during the first three class days of a four-week session, and fifty percent if withdrawal occurs on or between the third and sixth class days of a four week session. No refund is made if withdrawal occurs after the sixth class day of a four-week session. No refunds are made to students who do not follow official procedures for withdrawal or change of course. The information technology fee and the ID card fee are not subject to refund or reduction for students who withdraw after the first day of classes.

Refunds are made only upon receipt of an official withdrawal card properly executed. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the withdrawal card is completed. In the case of withdrawals caused by personal illness or call into military service, the total amount of fees is refundable if withdrawal is made within the first seven class days of the four-week sessions. One-half of the total amount of fees is refunded if withdrawal is made during the period beginning the eighth class day and ending on the twelfth class day of a four-week session. Those students withdrawing due to personal illness or call into the military may be asked to submit official documentation in order to receive a reduction in fees.

Recipients of Title IV Federal Financial Aid are required to have their funds prorated based on the number of days of enrollment, effective through 60% of the semester. Withdrawing from the institution may affect a student's Satisfactory Academic Progress as determined by the Financial Aid Office under federal regulations. Students should consult with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from the University. Students who fail to pass a single class during an award period are considered an unofficial withdrawal and federal funds may need to be returned as a result. All Title IV repayments are charged to the student account and are the responsibility of the student.