2024-2025 General Catalogue 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 General Catalogue

General Information | 1


An Introduction


The University of West Alabama is located in Livingston, Alabama, the county seat of Sumter County, on Interstate Highways 20 and 59, United States Highway 11, and Alabama Highway 28. It is 116 miles southwest of Birmingham, 130 miles west of Montgomery, and 37 miles east of Meridian, Mississippi.


The University of West Alabama was chartered in 1835 as a church-related female academy and admitted its first students in 1839. After difficult times during the Civil War and Reconstruction periods, the school reopened in the late 1860s or early 1870s. Although it appears that a few male students were admitted following the reopening, a resolution by the Board of Trustees in 1876 excluded boys, and this policy was followed until the beginning of the 20th century.

From 1881 to 1910 the school at Livingston was under the direction of the noted educator and reformer Julia Tutwiler, who succeeded in getting a small appropriation from the State Legislature in 1883 to establish normal school training for girls at Livingston Female Academy. According to statements in the University archives, this is believed to be the first State appropriation in Alabama made exclusively for the education of women. The first normal school diplomas were granted in 1886.

Livingston Female Academy and State Normal College continued as a private institution with some State support until 1907, when the State assumed full control. It remained under its own board of trustees, however, until the Legislature created a State Board of Trustees for all the normal schools in 1911. In 1919 this board was abolished and all state normal schools were placed under the supervision of the State Board of Education. During these early years the school offered both secondary education and normal school programs for the training of teachers.

Dr. G. W. Brock succeeded Miss Tutwiler as President in 1910, and under his tenure of more than a quarter of a century, the institution continued to grow and develop. Presidents since Dr. Brock have been as follows:

1936-1944 Dr. N. F. Greenhill
1944-1954 Dr. W. W. Hill
1954-1963 Dr. D. P. Culp
1963-1972 Dr. John E. Deloney
1972-1973 Dr. Ralph M. Lyon (Acting President)
1973-1993 Dr. Asa N. Green
1993-1994 Dr. James Bob Drake (Interim President)
1994-1998 Dr. Donald C. Hines
1998-2002 Dr. Ed D. Roach
2002-2014 Dr. Richard D. Holland
2014 Mr. John G. Blackwell
2015 - Dr. Ken Tucker

In 1929 the school at Livingston became State Teachers College, Livingston, Alabama, with authority to confer the degree of Bachelor of Science. The Bachelor of Arts degree was authorized in 1947. Although the institution had begun accepting male students soon after 1900, the student body remained predominantly female through the 1950s.

In 1957 the name was again changed by an act of Legislature - his time to Livingston State College - and the following year the mission of the institution was broadened when the Graduate Division was established and the College was authorized to confer master's degrees in the field of professional education. In 1967 an act of the Legislature created Livingston University, with its own Board of Trustees.

In 1995 the institution recognized its broader mission as a regional university serving the educational needs of all the citizens of the area by changing its name to the University of West Alabama.

Mission Statement


The University of West Alabama is a state-supported, coeducational institution of higher learning governed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor. As a regional institution, the University's foremost commitment is to meeting the educational needs of the State and particularly of the West Alabama area. Valuing a diverse student enrollment, though, it also welcomes students from throughout the United States and from other countries.

The primary purpose of the University is to enrich lives through education, service and outreach. The University accomplishes its mission by providing opportunities within the curricula for the development of enhanced skills in critical thinking, communication, leadership, and computer literacy. The University also seeks to provide students opportunities for growth beyond the classroom through a wide range of extracurricular activities, programs, and services and through the maintenance of an environment of cultural and intellectual diversity. Through the total educational experience that it provides and through its encouragement of the free exchange of ideas among faculty, administration, and students, the University attempts to assist its students in developing the important qualities of independent thinking and respect for the ideas of others and in building firm foundations of personal integrity and character in order to realize their quests for a philosophy of life and for self-fulfillment.

At the University of West Alabama, the emphasis is upon the traditional learner, but the institution is also committed to furthering the concept of lifelong learning and to serving the non-traditional student. It considers among its clientele are high schools, businesses and industries, governmental agencies, and professional workers. In serving these diverse publics, the institution employs not only traditional means of delivery, but it also seeks to expand its use of innovative technologies, including distance learning, and to networking with other educational institutions and agencies in order to more comprehensively address the needs of its region.

In fulfilling its mission, the University seeks to employ a vibrant, talented, and diverse faculty. In the recruitment and retention of this faculty, as with all members of the University community, the institution, consistent with its academic heritage, maintains an openness to all qualified persons.

Excellence in teaching and advising is paramount to the faculty, but the members are also committed to providing leadership and fostering positive growth throughout West Alabama through research and public service, with primary emphasis on that which meets the educational, social, cultural, and economic needs of the region.



The University of West Alabama is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, education specialists, and doctorate degrees. Questions about the accreditation of The University of West Alabama may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC's website (www.sacscoc.org). The Julia Tutwiler College of Education at the University of West Alabama is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, 1140 19th St NW, Suite 400, Washington DC 20036, (202) 223-0077. This accreditation covers initial teacher preparation programs and advanced educator preparation programs. The College of Education at the University of West Alabama's elementary and early childhood programs at the initial levels are accredited by The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), 1401 H Street NW, Suite 600, Washington DC 20005. The Athletic Training Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). The Associate Degree in Nursing is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). The University's College of Business is nationally accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) to offer the following business degrees: the Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, Management, and Marketing. The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology and the Associate of Applied Science in Industrial Maintenance degree programs are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)/ETAC Commission.

University Organization and Administration

The University of West Alabama operates under a Board of Trustees, appointed by the Governor of the State of Alabama and approved by the State Senate. In addition to the Governor and the State Superintendent of Education, who serve as ex-officio members, there are thirteen members of the Board of Trustees, including two from the Congressional district in which the University is located, one from each of the other districts, and the remaining members appointed from the state at large.

The organization of the University provides seven instructional units: the College of Business, the College of Education, the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the Division of Engineering Technology, the Division of Nursing, and the School of Graduate Studies. Each College functions with an Academic Council consisting of the Dean, the Department Chairpersons, and two elected members. The Division of Engineering Technology and the Division of Nursing operate under a Chairperson. The Graduate Council supervises the programs of the School of Graduate Studies.

The basic policy of the University is formulated by University committees, most of which have student, as well as faculty, members. The following are now functioning as standing University committees:

The Academic Integrity Committee
The ADA Compliance Committee
The Admissions and Appeals Committee
The Athletic Committee
The Benevolence Committee
The Campus Parking and Traffic Committee
The Campus School Steering Committee
The College of Education Assessment Committee
The Commencement Committee
The Events Committee
The Faculty Colloquium Committee
The Freshman Studies Committee
The Graduate Council
The Homecoming Committee
The Honors Day Committee
The Institutional Review Board
The Library Committee
The Loraine McIlwain Bell Trustee Awards Committee
The Marketing and Communications Committee
The Nellie Rose McCrory Service Excellence Award
The Orientation Committee
The Parking and Appeals Committee
The Research Integrity Advisory Board
The Scholarship and Student Assistance Committee
The Signage Committee
The Social Committee
The Staff Salary Equity Committee
The Student Conduct Committee
The Student Media Committee
The University Academic Council
The University Diversity and Inclusion Committee
The University Strategic Planning Committee
The University Surveillance Oversight Committee
The Written English Proficiency Committee

Buildings and Grounds

Academic Buildings

MATH AND SCIENCE BUILDING contains classrooms, laboratories, and faculty offices for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. It also has the main auditorium on campus.

THE CAMPUS SCHOOL serves children ages 6 WEEKS to 5 and functions as a training facility for students enrolled in teacher education programs.

LUCILLE FOUST HALL contains the Student Success Center, which houses Counseling and Student Support Services offices, is also located in this building.

JAMES P. HOMER FIELD HOUSE contains classrooms and offices for the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance. It also houses the R. T. Floyd Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Center, coaches' offices, dressing rooms, Athletic Department weight room and ATI Physical Therapy.

NELSON R. HUGHES GYMNASIUM contains offices, classrooms and an exercise physiology laboratory for the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, and offices and recreational space for the Division of Student Life.

ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY BUILDING contains classrooms, laboratories, and faculty offices for the Division of Engineering Technology and offices for Outreach Services.

RALPH M. AND MARGARET C. LYON HALL contains classrooms and offices for the Julia S. Tutwiler College of Education, the School of Graduate Studies, and the Division of Online Programs.

THE JACK PLEASANT GREENHOUSE contains representative plant collections for teaching as well as providing research space for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

MARY ELIZABETH PRUITT HALL is the location of the Athletics Department. It also houses coaches' offices and dressing rooms for the Athletic Department, as well as the University's gymnasium.

ALDA MAY SPEITH HALL houses classrooms, laboratories, and offices for the Division of Nursing.

JOSEPH C. AND MAGGIE J. TRUELOVE PLACE houses the archeology laboratory, paleontology laboratory, and space for the Black Belt Museum.

JULIA TUTWILER LIBRARY houses the University's collection of books, periodicals, and other materials. It contains reading rooms, offices, a workroom, conference rooms, rooms for special materials, computer laboratory, and other facilities. Books and materials for children and young adults are housed in the Julia Tutwiler Library.

LURLEEN BURNS WALLACE HALL provides instructional facilities for chemistry, physics, English, foreign languages, history, communications, psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, speech, art, music, threatre, and business. The building also contains a small auditorium.


Student Housing

ROBERT B. GILBERT HALL is a suite-style residence hall for new freshmen and transfer students who have earned less than 24 semester credits. In addition, a few rooms are available for sophomores and above.

ELIZABETH HOOVER APARTMENTS, consisting of five buildings, is an apartment-style residence hall for sophomores and above. Four students share each furnished apartment. Phase I consists of two double-bedrooms. Phase II consists of four single bedrooms.

JOHN MALCOLM PATTERSON HALL is a suite-style residence hall for sophomores and above.

NATHANIEL ELMY REED HALL is a suite-style residence hall for sophomores and above.

ARMISTEAD INGE SELDEN HALL is a traditional residence hall with community bathrooms. It is the residence hall for three national sororities. Selden also serves as a low-cost housing option for students that want to minimize their college expenses.

FREDERICK GRIST STICKNEY HALL is a suite-style residence hall for graduate students, faculty, and staff.

Other Buildings

THE ALFA ENVIRONMENTAL HALL is an office, classroom, and research laboratory facility serving the University and the Alabama Onsite Wastewater Training Center.

THE BLACK BELT MUSEUM, located on the square in downtown Livingston, houses collections, exhibits and staff offices.

THE EULON C AND LORAINE McILWAIN BELL CONFERENCE CENTER is a state-of-the-art conference facility located at the heart of the University's campus.

GEORGE WILLIAM BROCK HALL houses the Office of Admissions & Tour center, Housing & Residence Life, Student Affairs, and the Upward Bound Program.

THE CAMPBELL HOUSE contains offices for the Division of Educational Outreach and general use classrooms.

THE JOHN C. CRAIGER HOUSE houses the University Police Department.

THE INTERNATIONAL HOUSE serves as headquarters for the International Program.

KELLY HESTER LAND HALL houses the Division of Educational Outreach, which includes the Center for the Study of the Black Belt, the Department of Continuing Education, and bby Publications.

CALVIN RICHMOND AND SUSIE SLEDGE MOON HALL is a complex composed of offices, shops, and a warehouse area for the Physical Plant Department.

THE PRESIDENT'S HOME is a residence for the President of the University and his family.

THE STUDENT UNION BUILDING provides facilities for student activities and recreation, including an Olympic swimming pool and student weight room. The University Bookstore is also located in the Student Union and is run by Barnes & Noble.

ROBERT B. WEBB HALL houses the University's central administrative offices, the Office of Information Technology, and the Department of Printing.  It also contains a parlor and an art gallery.

ELISHA ASHE YOUNG HALL is the campus dining facility. In addition to the main dining room and the kitchens, there are private dining rooms for special events.

UWA AUDITORIUM is the main auditorium on campus. It is located in the Math and Science Building.

Athletic and Recreational Facilities

THE BASEBALL CLUBHOUSE at Tartt Field houses the coaches' offices, a dressing room, a meeting room, an athletic training room, and concession area for the baseball program.

DORA DAHLBERG BEARD INDOOR PRACTICE FACILITY houses a strength training area and indoor hitting facility for the baseball and softball programs.

THE FOOTBALL STADIUM, known as "Tiger Stadium," is located in a natural bowl behind Foust Hall and serves the football and soccer programs.

THE HINES-SPREE RODEO COMPLEX is located on Country Club Road near Lake LU and is the site of the rodeo coach's office.

THE JAMES P. HOMER FIELD HOUSE houses facilities for the UWA football program, diagnostic and rehabilitation spaces for the R. T. Floyd Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Center and ATI Physical Therapy.

NELSON R. HUGHES GYMNASIUM contains offices for intramurals, a recreation room, dressing rooms, and a gymnasium for the recreation program and the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance including an exercise physiology laboratory.

LAKE LU is a 54-acre lake on the University campus which provides facilities for swimming, fishing, boating, and picnicking.  Also included are the Lake LU Nature Trails.

MARY ELIZABETH PRUITT GYMNASIUM facility houses the men's and women's basketball programs as well as the women's volleyball program.

THE SOFTBALL/INTRAMURAL COMPLEX is located on the Wise Loop by the Wallace Student Union.

TARTT FIELD is the University baseball field located in the north campus area and is the site of the baseball coaches' offices and the Dora Dahlberg Beard Indoor Practice Facility.

LAMBERT AND HELEN TUCKER PRESSBOX serves as the baseball press box for Tartt Field.

THE HOWARD VAUGHAN TENNIS COMPLEX is located beside the George C. Wallace Student Union Building.

THE STUDENT UNION BUILDING, with a variety of entertainment/recreational facilities and weight room, is located on the Wise Loop near the north end of campus.

UNIVERSITY CINEMA, located in the square in downtown Livingston, serves UWA student and the larger community.

THE UWA CROSS COUNTRY & TRACK FIELDHOUSE is the locker room facility for the Men's and Women's Cross Country, Men's and Women's Track and Women's Triathlon teams.

THE WINTON AND NAOMI WISE LOOP is a 2.2 mile loop consisting of Stadium Drive and University Drive with a marked walking, jogging, and biking lane.

Facilities and Services


The Julia Tutwiler Library contains over 260,000 volumes of books, bound journals, and microforms. The books are classified by the Dewey Decimal Classification System and are available by author, title, and subject through the online public catalog. The Library also provides on-site access to full-text articles in over 96,000 journals through current subscriptions to ProQuest, Gale, JSTOR, EBSCOHost, FirstSearch, and other online full text databases. The Library also has an extensive archival collection and several special collections of national interest, such as the Ruby Pickens Tartt Collection of Regional Folklore, the Patricia DeMay Collection of Children's Literature and Guisepe Moretti and Geneva Mercer Collections. These materials are housed in the Alabama Room. The Library also houses a 30-seat computer laboratory for use by individual students and group instruction.  Books and materials for children and young adults are housed in the Julia Tutwiler Library.

Institutional Advancement Office

The Institutional Advancement Office is specifically charged with the responsibilities of alumni affairs, legislative liaison, fund-raising, and media relations. Publications of this office include a newspaper and annual magazine that are mailed to all UWA alumni, faculty and staff, and active donors.


The Bookstore, which is operated by Barnes & Noble, is located in the Student Union Building. University textbooks, stationery, supplies, toilet articles, and other items may be purchased here.

Computer Services

The Office of Information Technology is located in Webb Hall. The primary purpose of Information Technology is to provide computer support to the University community in the areas of administrative systems for processing of University related data, academic systems for access by faculty, staff, and students, support for the University computer network, as well as University-wide access to the Internet. Technology accounts are available to all faculty, staff, and students. Technology accounts include access to Microsoft Exchange email, Blackboard Learning system, campus wireless networking, facilities, Library databases, and much more. Visit the Office of Information Technology website for details on UWA's technology infrastructure.

Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Center

The Athletic Training/Sports Medicine Staff and Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Center are available as a service to the faculty/staff and students. Services included are athletic injury prevention, evaluation, management and referral, treatment, rehabilitation, and education. These services exist primarily for the varsity athletic program but are available to the University community and students. There is generally no charge for the services unless supplies and equipment are used. Faculty/staff and students desiring the use of these services should make arrangements with the Director of Athletic Training and Sports Medicine or one of the staff athletic trainers. The R. T. Floyd Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Center is located in Homer Field House 216.

The Sumter County Nature Trust at the University of West Alabama

The Sumter County Nature Trust was established in 1985 through a gift from Doctors Ralph and Margaret Lyon, both UWA Professors Emeriti. The Lyons, who lived in Sumter County for over thirty years, chose this avenue as a means of expressing their love for the county, for nature, and for people. In 2011, the Nature Trust was moved under the University of West Alabama Foundation as the Sumter County Nature Trust Endowment Agreement. The Trust is committed to identifying and preserving the natural resources of Sumter County, informing citizens about such matters, sponsoring environmental education activities, and developing sites where citizens can enjoy and appreciate the environmental treasures of the Black Belt Region. Endowment income provides funds for activities initiated by the Trust, as well as matching grants for individuals and organizations interested in fulfilling the goals of the Trust. 

The Trust is administered by a seven-member Board of Directors appointed by the UWA Board of Trustees. The Board is chaired by a representative of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

Special Administrative Policies

General Rules for Behavior

All University students are required to abide by State laws governing the use of State-owned buildings, among which are prohibitions against gambling, use or possession of firearms except under direct supervision of an authorized University instructor, use or possession of alcoholic beverages, and use or possession of fireworks in any University building or on the University campus.

Every UWA student, in addition to complying with regulations fixed by the Board of Trustees for entrance into the University, is expected to conform to such rules as may be established for the well-being of the University community, including, but not limited to, the general rules of behavior set forth in the Student Handbook. Failure to abide by University rules and regulations may result in dismissal.

Freshman Housing Residency Requirement

The University of West Alabama requires all freshmen to live on campus for up to one academic year. Living on campus provides educational and social benefits not available to students who live off campus. The residence halls provide students with a supportive living environment, proximity to academic resources, and convenient access to organized student activities. Students first enrolling in the summer are required to live on campus during the summer, fall, and spring semesters. Students first enrolling in the fall are required to live on campus during the fall and spring semesters. Students first enrolling in the spring are required to live on campus during the spring semester.

Freshmen seeking an exemption to the housing requirement must fill out the Freshman Housing Exemption Form and submit it to the Director of Housing and Residence Life. The form is available here. If a student has already checked into the residence halls, they must also submit a Housing Agreement Release Form.

Exemptions to the Freshman Housing Residency Requirement may be requested for the following reasons:

  • The student will be 21 years of age or older by the first day of classes of their first semester at UWA
  • The student will be living with their parent or legal guardian within a 30-mile radius of Livingston, Alabama
  • The student is married
  • The student is the custodial parent of a dependent child
  • The student is a transfer student and UWA has accepted at least 24 semester credits (does not include AP credit or dual enrollment credits)
  • The student is a military veteran
  • The student will be enrolled less than full-time (12 hours) each semester on campus

Students who have other compelling reasons of why they should be exempt from the Freshman Housing Residency Requirement should contact the Director of Housing and Residence Life.

Failure to meet the requirement will result in a charge to the student's University account each semester of the student's first academic year equal to the cost of a shared room in Gilbert Hall and an All Access meal plan. Disciplinary action may also be taken.

Administrative Grievances

From time to time students may have questions and/or concerns regarding administrative policies or operations. These questions may involve areas such as financial aid, housing, or student life. Generally, there are logical explanations for situations, and usually most questions can be resolved in an informal manner through discussion with the individual or office involved. In instances where a student raises a question about a non-academic policy or decision (academic matters fall under the Academic Grievance policy), the affected staff member should respond constructively, explaining the situation as carefully as possible and checking to be sure that no error has been made. If it is not possible to resolve a matter through discussion, a student may appeal for further consideration by voicing the concern to the Office of Student Life and Support. Again, in most instances, concerns can be resolved through discussion, interaction and possibly intervention but when this is not possible, the student can formalize their appeal in writing. This policy is intended to ensure that the student is given fair and equitable consideration in any matter that may arise and complies with state and federal regulations.

Campus Security Policy

UWA fully supports the intent of the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act and has taken steps to adhere to its guidelines. In accordance with the Act, the University maintains records on crimes reported, arrests and disciplinary referrals made on alcohol, drug, and weapon-related matters. The University also supports pro-active campus policies and programs on alcohol abuse. Results of student disciplinary proceedings are reported to alleged victims. In addition, information on to whom to report a crime, who will respond to the student's report, campus safety policies and preventive security measures is widely distributed.

For additional information, contact the office of the Chief of Police and Director of Campus Safety.

Dangerous Weapons and Firearms Policy


The University of West Alabama seeks to provide a safe learning environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The University is committed to the prevention of crime; the protection of life and property; the preservation of peace, order, and safety; the enforcement of laws and ordinances, and the safety of the University community and visitors; and adopts this policy for possession of dangerous weapons and firearms on campus and at events.


Campus - All property owned, leased, or controlled by the University and any affiliated buildings and outdoor premises, such as parking lots and other outdoor property.

Dangerous Weapon - Includes the following:

  • Any device that shoots or delivers a bullet, BB, pellet, arrow, dart, flare, electrical charge, or other projectile, whether loaded or unloaded, including those devices powered by CO2.
  • Any explosive device, including fireworks.
  • Any instruments/devices that are designed or may be used as a weapon to injure or threaten another individual, including, but not limited to, non-culinary knives with a blade greater than four (4) inches.
  • A firearm, as defined herein, is not included in this definition of dangerous weapon.

Firearm - A pistol, handgun, rifle, or shotgun and any associated ammunition.


Except as otherwise stated in this policy or as otherwise allowed by law, the University prohibits the possession, transportation, and use of firearms and other dangerous weapons on campus. This policy applies to all persons on campus, including faculty, staff, students, contractors, and visitors.

Dangerous weapons are not allowed on campus at any time. Any dangerous weapons may be confiscated.

Faculty, staff, and students may not possess firearms on campus or while otherwise engaged in duties associated with their education/employment, except for a firearm properly maintained in a personal vehicle in a manner consistent with Alabama law.  

Consistent with Alabama law, all persons are strictly prohibited from possessing firearms at locations where guards and other security features are employed, such as athletic events.

This policy will be published in the Handbook for Faculty and Staff and the UWA Student Handbook, and supersedes any contrary provisions.


Persons on campus and in violation of University policy are trespassers and may be dealt with accordingly, including, but not limited to, being removed from campus and receiving a written directive to remain off campus. Contractors and vendors are expected to comply with policy and contract terms. Violations of Alabama law may be dealt with by appropriate law enforcement. Student violations may be addressed in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct as well as other applicable policies and may include sanctions, up to and including expulsion. Employee violations may be resolved in accordance with employer policies, up to and including termination.


This policy does not prohibit use or possession of dangerous weapons or firearms by (1) certified law enforcement officers acting within the scope of their employment; (2) private security, who with express prior permission of University Police, possess firearms or dangerous weapons while in the employ of the University or for a permitted event; and (3) members, coaches, and authorized staff of a recognized team or course who are acting within the scope of activities that University Police has pre-approved. This Policy also does not apply to University Police officers who are attending classes as students. If, however, University Police officers are not in uniform during class, they must keep their weapons concealed. Any other use or possession of dangerous weapons or firearms on campus must be authorized by University Police.

(Revised July 2023)

Policy on Accommodation for Disabilities

One of the functions of the Office of Retention and Student Advocacy is to assist students who have a documented disability and meet the definition of a person with a disability, as defined in The Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. Students enrolled at the university who seek accommodations must identify to the Office of Retention and Student Advocacy by contacting the ADA Compliance Officer, request accommodations by completing the request for services and accommodations forms, and provide appropriate, current documentation of their disability.

A review of the documentation will determine the types of accommodations that are reasonable and appropriate for the student. The Office of Retention and Student Advocacy will provide notification letters for students on campus to retrieve and deliver to their professors. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Retention and Student Advocacy prior to the start of the semester to ensure that notification letters will be prepared and ready for the student on the first day of class. Students should present the letter to the instructor and request a private meeting to discuss how accommodations will be provided. Students are to inform the ADA Compliance Officer if accommodations are not provided, or if they encounter other disability-related problems in the class.

For additional information, students should contact the Office of Retention and Student Advocacy, Brock Hall 121, (205) 652-3581.

The Student Right to Know Act

UWA recognizes and supports the intent of the Student Right to Know Act. UWA understands, accepts and supports the intent of this act and conforms to its requirements. This information will be available from appropriate University sources. This act was designed to protect student athletes and other students by ensuring that they realize the potential for their graduating from college. UWA maintains records on the completion rate of all athletes in comparison with that of the general student population. These records make comparisons by race, gender, and sport. These records will be available upon request and are distributed as widely as possible to all prospective and enrolling students.

Policy on Non-Discrimination

The University of West Alabama is committed to providing an educational and employment environment free of harassment and other forms of discrimination on the basis of: race, religion, hearing status, personal appearance, color, sex, pregnancy, political affiliation, creed, ethnicity, national origin (including ancestry), citizenship status, physical or mental disability (including perceived disability), age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran or military status, predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status, or any other protected category under applicable local, state, or federal law, including protections for those opposing discrimination or participating in any grievance process on campus, with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or other human rights agencies.

The University has designated a Title IX Coordinator who oversees implementation of the University's Policies and Procedures on Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination. The University's Title IX Coordinator is Byron Thetford, Brock Hall 125 (Station 61), Livingston, AL 35470, bthetford@uwa.edu, 205-652-3435.

Any person may report harassment, discrimination, sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, in person, by mail, telephone, or email, using the contact information listed above for the Title IX Coordinator. Such a report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by using the telephone number, email address, or by mail to the office address, listed above for the Title IX Coordinator. For the University's Policies and Procedures Regarding Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination, please visit www.uwa.edu/titleix.


Title IX and Sexual Harassment

The University of West Alabama has and will continue an active program of education for its students regarding the dangers of sexual assault. For information on Title IX and Sexual Harassment, please see the University's Policies and Procedures on Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination found at www.uwa.edu/titleix.


Policy Statement on Maintaining a Drug-Free Community and Workplace

The regulations implementing the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 [Public Law 101-226] require that each institution receiving federal grant funds must certify, prior to the award, that it will maintain a drug-free workplace and community. UWA, therefore, establishes the following policy standard:

The use of illegal drugs and the abuse of legal medication and alcohol threaten the health and welfare of members of the University community. UWA takes pride in its members and, therefore, is committed to eliminating substance abuse among its students, faculty, and staff members both on and off campus.

UWA hereby notifies all of its employees and students, both full-time and part-time, that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance by an employee or student on the UWA campus, or at any other location where the employee or student is performing official duties or representing UWA, or performing any work pursuant to a federal grant, is prohibited.

The primary objective of the University in the area of substance abuse is prevention. Through the presentation of drug, alcohol, and other health-related educational programs, UWA hopes to inform the campus community of the problems related to substance abuse. Although UWA does not independently require drug-testing of students involved in campus activities, the University supports and agrees to comply with drug-testing requirements of all applicable athletic associations in which membership is held. For student, faculty, and staff members who recognize that an abuse problem exists, counseling and/or referral service will be made available. It is hoped that all substance abuse problems can be handled at the counseling level; however, it is the responsibility of the individual to seek help prior to disciplinary action or criminal apprehension, or prosecution, as well as conduct himself or herself in accordance with federal, state and local law whether or not on the campus of UWA.

The use of illegal drugs will not be tolerated by UWA. Members of the University community apprehended for or convicted of substance abuse will be subject to appropriate University action. Indicators of abuse, such as arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) or possession of illegal drugs, will serve as reasonable cause for disciplinary action, whether or not a criminal conviction is ultimately obtained. Those convicted of substance abuse will be subject to disciplinary action and criminal prosecution by the appropriate authorities. Any violation of this policy by an employee or student will render the employee or student subject to disciplinary action (consistent with federal, state or local law) including, but not limited to, expulsion or immediate termination of employment. The University may also require the employee or student to complete a drug rehabilitation program. UWA will fully cooperate with law enforcement authorities in the investigation or prosecution of any criminal violations and may refer any suspected violations to these authorities for prosecution. At all times, members of the University community remain responsible for conducting themselves in accord with federal, state and local law. Substance abuse is counter to the educational mission of UWA. This policy of prevention, counseling and discipline will serve as a catalyst to discourage abuse by members of the University community.

UWA has implemented a drug-free awareness program. The statement above, setting forth UWA's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace and community and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace and community, is a part of this program, but the University also distributes the following annually to all employees:

  1. Information on the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace and community;
  2. Information on the legal sanctions under local, state, and federal law for unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
  3. Information on available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs in the area.