2023-2024 General Catalogue 
    Mar 03, 2025  
2023-2024 General Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Julia Tutwiler College of Education


General Information


The College of Education has as its primary objectives the training of competent teachers for school systems in Alabama, the promotion of improved instructional programs in elementary and secondary schools within the University service area, and the provision of certain services to the other colleges within the University. The College of Education offers educator certification and non-teaching programs.

The College offers programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels for the preparation of school personnel in early childhood, elementary, high school, and pre-school through grade twelve education. It also provides the professional education courses necessary to meet educator certification requirements for educator candidates who are preparing to teach at the high school levels in Biology, Chemistry, History, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. Pre-school through grade twelve programs provide preparation for teaching special education. A program is also offered in elementary education (K-6) which includes certification in early childhood education (P-3). A non-teaching program in early childhood development are also offered. Information concerning graduate programs can be found in the Graduate Catalogue.

The College also offers in-service education to school personnel in the UWA service area. These in-service programs provide technical skill training for school personnel and opportunities for the study of curriculum improvement. The College offers research capabilities to the school systems in the service area attempting to overcome the learning deficiencies of children.

Standards for effective educator training programs are maintained by cooperating with the Alabama State Department of Education, the Alabama Education Study Commission, the Alabama Commission on Higher Education, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, and the Interstate Certification Project. The Julia Tutwiler College of Education at the University of West Alabama is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, 1140 19th St NW, Suite 400, Washington DC 20036, (202) 223-0077. This accreditation covers initial educator preparation programs and advanced educator preparation programs.


The College of Education is organized under the Dean into the following units:

  1. Department of Instructional Leadership and Support
  2. Department of Teaching and Learning

Policies of the Julia Tutwiler College of Education

The following policies should be observed carefully by those students enrolled in the Educator Education Program:

  1. In the event an educator candidate does not complete the requirements for the undergraduate degree within a period of six years from the date of admission to the University, the College of Education reserves the right to modify the educator candidate's program in such a way as to bring it into harmony with current degree requirements, to re-evaluate credits transferred from other institutions, and to require further work in some areas in which the courses are over nine years old. Courses over nine years old may not be used in the teaching field or professional education for certification without approval of the Dean.
  2. The Educator Preparation Program and the Educator Certification Program are governed by the Alabama State Department of Education, and the College of Education reserves the right to change requirements in these programs at any time when such changes are mandated by the Alabama State Department of Education.
  3. All correspondence work must be approved by the Dean of the Julia Tutwiler College of Education.
  4. A transfer student must earn at least 25 percent of credit hours in residence at UWA and must demonstrate proficiency in teaching to receive a teaching degree. Normally, this takes at least one academic year. Also, a transfer student must earn at least twelve hours of credit in each of his/her single teaching field(s) and eighteen hours of credit in each comprehensive teaching field at this institution. Proficiency in teaching methods will be determined by the appropriate Department.
  5. When educator candidates enroll in the College of Education, they are assigned advisors who are responsible for providing general guidance as educator candidates plan their work toward graduation. Each educator candidate, however, is responsible for determining his/her own status in regard to meeting the particular requirements for graduation in the chosen area of study. Exceptions to the requirements stated in the catalogue must be approved in writing by the educator candidate's advisor, the chairperson(s) of all departments involved, and the Dean of the Julia Tutwiler College of Education. A record of the exception is placed in the student's folder in the Office of the Dean and the official record folder in the Office of the Registrar.
  6. Admission to the Educator Preparation Program (EDPP) is required prior to registering for designated EDPP courses, including Internship.
  7. Educator candidates must take and pass the Praxis II Examinations by the last day of the semester prior to the semester in which the internship is to be completed. Only official Praxis II score reports from ETS may be accepted. 
  8. Educator candidates will be removed from their education major after three (3) failed attempts of the Praxis II examination. After the first failed attempt, educator candidates must seek advisement and remediation.
  9. Each graduating senior should file placement credentials prior to, or during, the internship semester. Placement materials may be obtained in the office of the Director of Career Services.
  10. Residence Requirement: A candidate for a degree in the College of Education must be officially registered in the College for at least two full semesters, one of which must be the semester immediately preceding completion of degree requirements.
  11. The educator candidate should be within 12-18 semester hours of completing all course work and must be unconditionally admitted to the program by the beginning of the semester prior to registering for the internship.
  12. Educator candidates who are not enrolled for at least two consecutive semesters may be required to follow the catalogue that is in effect at the time of their return.
  13. Remedial courses may not be used to meet approved program requirements. Additional information is provided in the Educator Certification Chapter of the Alabama Administrative Code.
  14. Transferred courses and/or credits used to meet approved program requirements in professional studies, instructional support, or other approved program requirements (courses other than general studies and Arts and Sciences type courses used to meet academic major requirements) must have been completed at a regionally accredited institution that prepares educators on the same degree level of certification.

The Educator Preparation Program

The Educator Preparation Program (EDPP) prepares candidates to be effective educators. At the undergraduate level, all programs for the preparation of teachers are built on a liberal arts foundation. The basic curriculum, oriented to general education, is common to all degree programs in the College of Education. In addition, each prospective early childhood, elementary, high school, and pre-school through grade twelve teacher follows a prescribed pattern of courses in areas of academic specialization. Each prospective teacher should be well educated, have a mastery of subject matter, and be capable of understanding and working closely with other people.

The following policies should be observed carefully by those educator candidates who plan to enroll in the Educator Preparation Program:

    Admission to and retention in the non-teaching programs are consistent with the general policies for admission and retention for UWA.
    Admission to the University and to the College of Education does not constitute acceptance into the Educator Preparation Program. Every educator candidate who wishes to prepare for teaching is required to submit a written application for admission to the Educator Preparation Program. This application should be completed in ED 300 , Introduction to Teaching and Learning. This procedure should be followed even though the educator candidate has not completed all required courses in general education. An educator candidate may be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program under the following provisions:

    General policies:
    1. Applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
    2. Educator candidates seeking certification must submit an application to the Educator Preparation Program after completion of 45-60 semester hours but no later than two semesters prior to expected enrollment in the internship.
    3. Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in spoken English.
    4. Applicants must have already completed and passed all required basic curriculum courses.
    5. Applicants must have at least a 2.75 quality-point ratio on all courses in general education, in the teaching field(s), in professional studies, and a 2.75 on overall college work. (No grade less than a "C" will be accepted.)
    6. Submission of the Area of Specialization form as a requirement for admission to the Educator Preparation Program (EdPP) for the following majors only: Early Childhood, Elementary Education, Special Education K-6, and Special Education K-6/6-12.
    7. Three UWA faculty interviews/recommendations designed to provide further information on the applicant's dispositions, interests, and aptitudes, consistent with the requirements for successful teaching, must be on file.
    8. A transfer student is eligible to apply for admission to the Educator Preparation Program during the first semester of residence. Such a student must achieve a 2.75 quality-point ratio on a course load of at least twelve semester hours attempted during the first semester of residence, in addition to having a 2.75 quality-point ratio on transferred credit with no grade less than a "C".
    9. Fingerprint Clearance. A successful background clearance through ABI and FBI is required for admission to the Educator Preparation Program and for participating in clinical experiences in schools. Fingerprinting is completed in ED 300 .
    10. All the requirements listed above must be met before an educator candidate is allowed to register for designated EDPP courses, including the internship.

NOTE: Educator candidates who fail to meet any of the above requirements upon initial application may retake tests and submit new scores, take additional work to improve their grade-point averages, or present other evidence to satisfy any or all of the requirements. In certain cases, appeals may be presented to the EdPP Screening Committee in the form of an e-mail to the Certification Office (certification@uwa.edu).

An educator candidate whose suitability determination precludes admission to a State-approved Educator Preparation Program has the right to due process procedures in accordance with rules from the Educator Certification Chapter of the Alabama Administrative Code, Revocation and Suspension of Certificates and Unsuitability Determinations.

Unconditional admission is granted upon the completion of all requirements specified under the General Policies above, in addition to completion of all requirements in general education.

    Educator candidates may be dismissed from the program for:
    1. Being placed on academic probation or failing to maintain at least a 2.75 quality-point average on all courses.
    2. Demonstrating evidence of either inability or lack of initiative in attaining proficiencies and competencies necessary to teaching.
    3. A minimum quality point average (GPA) of 2.75 with no grade less than a "C" in each of the following areas:  General Studies, Teaching Field, Professional Education, Overall.
    4. Being subject to University disciplinary action.
    5. Giving evidence of academic, social, emotional, or physical problems which, in the judgment of the Educator Preparation Screening Committee, may create problems in teaching or in the teaching profession.

NOTE: Educator candidates dropped from the Educator Preparation Program may apply for readmission to the program through the Educator Preparation Screening Committee when the deficiencies are removed. Candidates who are dropped twice from the program are ineligible to reapply.


The Educator Candidate Internship Program at The University of West Alabama is the culmination of professional preparation for prospective educators during which their professional knowledge and competencies are put into practice for further development and refinement in actual teaching situations. This phase of training is considered to be one of the most important learning experiences provided for the prospective educator. The candidates can expect to spend approximately 15 weeks in an accredited Partnership School System.

Through the guidance of local school officials, the clinical faculty, and the educator candidate interns progressively assume a share of the responsibility for the learning process in the classroom and are given the opportunity of developing their individual capabilities to the fullest extent possible. It gives them opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations, to synthesize what has been learned in courses in professional education, and to reflect upon their experiences in a public school setting.

The accredited school for educator candidate interns should consist of an orientation, a gradual induction into full teaching responsibility and opportunities to explore those experiences of professional teachers outside of their teaching responsibilities. Freedom to relate principles and theories is crucial to internship and field experiences. The process skills of collaboration, application, inquiry, and reflection are practiced under the guidance of the clinical faculty. Continuous evaluation of the growth and development of the intern by the clinical faculty in addition to the constant reflection upon experiences by the intern will lead to a successful induction in to the world of practice. An accredited school site containing these elements should provide the most effective setting for initiation into the profession.

Under no circumstances will the internship requirement be waived regardless of current or prior teaching experience.

Internship Requirements for Undergraduates

General Requirements for Admission to the Internship:

  1. Submission of a written application for the internship program which includes a personal philosophy and its relationship to teaching practices.
  2. Unconditional admission to the Educator Preparation Program.
  3. Senior standing (90 or more semester hours) and within 12-18 semester hours of completing all course work and must be unconditionally admitted to the program by the beginning of the semester prior to registering for the internship.*
  4. A minimum quality point ratio of 2.75 with no grade less than a "C" in each of the following areas:  General Studies, Teaching Field, Professional Education, Overall
  5. Passing score on the Praxis II portion(s) of the Alabama Educator Certification Testing Program must be submitted to the Certification Officer by the last day of the semester prior to the internship being completed. Only official score reports from ETS may be accepted.
  6. Current background clearance on file with the Alabama State Department of Education.
  7. Approval of the Educator Preparation Screening Committee and the Coordinator of Field Experience.
  8. Freedom from any physical, mental, or emotional condition which might impair the student's effectiveness as a teacher.
  9. Good standing of the student, both academic and disciplinary.
  10. Applicants should not seek to do their internship in schools which they attended as students.
  11. Undergraduate educator candidates (Class B level) completing the internship cannot be employed as a teacher or as a teacher aide during the school year.
  12. Interns should not plan to participate in organizational activities and/or University activities that in any way conflict with their internship assignments.

* With approval of the Dean of the College of Education, candidates with a GPA of 3.40 or higher may register for up to four semester hours in addition to the internship. No course work may be taken during the normal of operational hours of the P-12 school.

NOTE: For candidates who are seeking certification in two or more distinct teaching fields, an additional internship(s) shall be required (e.g., physical education and biology).


A passing score on the Education Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) is required for all initial certification programs (undergraduate & Alternate A programs). All University of West Alabama (UWA) student interns must complete and pass edTPA during their internship course (ED 409) for student teaching requirements and Alabama educator certification. A passing score on edTPA is a UWA degree requirement.

EdTPA is a portfolio assessment developed by Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) featuring 3 tasks: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment. It is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by teacher preparation programs throughout the United States to emphasize, measure and support the skills and knowledge that all teachers need from Day 1 in the classroom.

All UWA interns will receive support and guidance throughout the completion of edTPA.

For additional information on edTPA refer to the following website: https://www.edtpa.com.

Educator Certification

The educator training programs have been approved by the Alabama State Board of Education (SBE), the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC), and The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Candidates who have completed these programs and who have met the specific requirements of the Alabama State Board of Education are eligible to receive an Alabama Professional Certificate. It is the candidate's responsibility to make application for certification with the University Certification Officer in the office of the Dean of the Julia Tutwiler College of Education. The application for certification and/or appropriate form(s) must be submitted to the Certification Officer within 60 months of the graduation date or the individual will be required to meet the current Alabama State Approved program requirements.

Changes in Education Preparation and Educator Certification Requirements

The Educator Preparation Program and the Educator Certification Program are governed by the Alabama State Department of Education, and the College of Education reserves the right to change requirements in these programs at any time when such changes are mandated by the State Department.

Course Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

For teaching certification students:

All courses required in the basic curriculum with a 2.75 quality-point ratio, with no grade below a "C" (overall and in basic curriculum courses taken at UWA).

A total of at least one hundred and twenty-six semester hours with a 2.75 quality-point ratio.

At least twelve semester hours, or the equivalent, of a foreign language with a 2.0 quality-point ratio.

A major and additional courses in the teaching field and professional studies with a 2.75 quality-point ratio and a  2.75  quality-point ratio in the major/teaching field and the professional studies component in courses taken at UWA. No grade below "C" in professional studies or the teaching field(s) may be used to meet certification requirements.

For non-teaching students:

All courses required in the basic curriculum with a 2.0 quality-point ratio (overall and in basic curriculum courses at UWA).

A total of at least one hundred and twenty semester hours with twice as many grade points as hours on record.

At least twelve semester hours, or the equivalent, of a foreign language with a 2.0 quality-point ratio.

One major and one minor or two majors with a 2.0 overall quality-point ratio in each and a 2.0 quality-point ratio in courses at UWA in each. At least twelve semester hours in the major(s), at least eighteen semester hours in the comprehensive major, and at least six semester hours in the minor must be earned at UWA.

Course Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

For teaching certification students:

All courses required in the basic curriculum with a 2.75 quality-point ratio, with no grade below a "C" (overall and in basic curriculum courses taken at UWA).

A total of at least one hundred and twenty-six semester hours with a 2.75 quality-point ratio.

A major and additional courses in the teaching field and professional studies with a 2.5 quality-point ratio and a 2.75 quality-point ratio in the major/teaching field and the professional studies component in courses taken at UWA. No grade below "C" in professional studies or the teaching field(s) may be used to meet certification requirements.

For non-teaching students:

All courses required in the basic curriculum with a 2.0 quality-point ratio (overall and in basic curriculum courses at UWA).

A total of at least one hundred and twenty semester hours with twice as many grade points as hours on record.

One major and one minor or two majors with a 2.0 overall quality-point ratio in each and a 2.0 quality-point ratio in courses at UWA in each. At least twelve semester hours in the major(s), at least eighteen semester hours in the comprehensive major, and at least six semester hours in the minor must be earned at UWA.

Other Requirements for Certification

Applicants for certification will be required to obtain a background clearance through a fingerprint review conducted by the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI) unless they hold or have held a professional educator or day trade certificate which was issued on the basis of an application submitted prior to July 1, 1997. Effective July 1, 1999, as required by the Alabama Child Protection Act of 1999, a criminal history background check through a fingerprint review conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shall also be required for an applicant who has never held Alabama professional certification or career technical certification. Individuals who obtain background clearances through the ABI/FBI will not be required to obtain another background clearance for additional certification as long as they hold a valid Alabama certificate. Individuals who obtain background clearance for the issuance of an Alabama certificate and allow their certificates to lapse for more than 90 days (holding no Alabama certificate for that 90-day period) will be required to obtain another background clearance for the issuance of any certificate. An applicant whose certificate has been revoked or suspended in another state must have that certificate reinstated by the originating state before any action will be taken on an application for Alabama certification.

High School Certification (6-12)