Tiger Paw Student Handbook 
    Sep 07, 2024  
Tiger Paw Student Handbook

Bibb Graves Auditorium

Bibb Graves Auditorium, a cultural and entertainment venue, is located in Bibb Graves Hall. The auditorium has a seating capacity of approximately 575 people.

Student organizations wishing to use the auditorium for a campus event must reserve the facility through the Office of Student Life at least ten days prior to the first date that access to the auditorium is required. In addition to the event, rehearsals and other preparation time in the facility must be reserved. There are specific rules and regulations that apply to the use of this facility and equipment. Events not deemed appropriate for this formal facility will not be approved. Informal events may be more suitable for Wallace Hall Auditorium or Pruitt Gym.

When a student organization is sponsoring an event in Bibb Graves Auditorium, the advisor of the sponsoring organization must be present in the auditorium. This policy applies to programs, rehearsals and decorating/stage design. If an authorized advisor is not present, the media technician or other member of the Student Life staff will require the members of the organization and their guests/audience to leave the auditorium.

Student organizations that need sound equipment (such as microphones or music) and/or stage lighting for their program must contact the media technician, Dustin Prine, at least five days prior to the event to discuss technical requirements.