Tiger Paw Student Handbook 
    Sep 07, 2024  
Tiger Paw Student Handbook

Honor Societies

Alpha Chi

Alpha Chi is a national scholastic honor society for juniors and seniors. The purpose of Alpha Chi is to recognize the academic achievements of college students and to promote the ideas of scholarship on the UWA campus. Membership is extended to juniors and seniors who have a 3.5 or higher GPA, and who are in the top ten percent of their respective classes.  

Alpha Psi Omega

Nu Alpha Cast of Alpha Psi Omega, National Dramatic Honor Fraternity, recognizes individual students for their outstanding contribution to UWA Theatre either on-stage or back-stage.  

Blue Key National Honor Fraternity

Blue Key, a national leadership honor society, recognizes men and women for leadership in extra-curricular and academic affairs. Those eligible for election to membership are outstanding juniors, seniors, graduate students, and under certain conditions, sophomores.  

Cardinal Key National Honor Society

Cardinal Key is a national leadership honor society for men and women of junior status who are leaders in the University community and who are deemed potential leaders in the future. The purpose of Cardinal Key is to recognize scholarship and leadership of college students. Membership is extended to juniors who have a 3.50 or higher GPA. 

Delta Mu Delta

Delta Mu Delta is a national honor society for students in the field of business administration who have achieved junior status with a GPA of 3.2 or better and rank in the upper 20 percent of students. Delta Mu Delta was founded in 1913 at New York University and The University of West Alabama Chapter was established in 1998. Delta Mu Delta has a two-fold mission: to promote higher scholarship in training for business and to recognize and reward business administration students who have distinguished themselves scholastically. 

Iota Tau Alpha

Iota Tau Alpha Honor Society has been established to recognize and honor those individuals in the field of Athletic Training Education who have through scholarship, integrity and outstanding achievement been a credit to their profession.  Troy University founded the Alpha Chapter of ITA in 2004.  Shortly after, West Alabama became the Beta Chapter in 2005.  Members of Iota Tau Alpha must obtain an overall GPA of 3.0 and an athletic training curriculum GPA of 3.25.  Student members are required to particpate in community service, leadership activities, and scholarly tasks in order to promote the profession of Athletic Training.

Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Delta Pi, an international honor society in education, was founded March 8, 1911, at the University of Illinois. Organized to recognize excellence in education, Kappa Delta Pi elects those to membership who exhibit the ideals of scholarship, high personal standards, and promise in teaching and allied professions. The society encourages improvement, distinction in achievement, and contributions to education. Kappa Delta Pi is an honor society of, about, and for educators. Selection as a graduate or undergraduate member for Kappa Delta Pi is based on high academic achievement, a commitment to education as a career, and a professional attitude that assures steady growth in the profession. Sigma Psi, The University of West Alabama Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, was established in 1992. 

Kappa Mu Epsilon

Kappa Mu Epsilon is a national honor society that recognizes students who excel in mathematics and encourages them in their efforts to achieve in mathematics. 

Omicron Delta Kappa

Omicron Delta Kappa is a national leadership honor society. The objectives of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) are to recognize and encourage exemplary character and superior quality in scholarship and leadership and to join with faculty members on a basis of mutual interest, understanding, and service. Membership is awarded to junior and senior students on the basis of character and specific eligibility of the five major phases of campus life, namely: scholarship; athletics; social service, and religious activities, and campus government; journalism, speech and the mass media; and creative and performing arts. 

Order of Omega

The Order of Omega is a national leadership honor society. The purpose of The Order of Omega is to recognize those students who have attained a high standard of leadership in inter-Greek activities, to encourage them to continue along this line, and to inspire others to strive for similar conspicuous attainment. Membership is awarded on basis of character, scholarship and intelligence, service and leadership in the inter-Greek affairs of the institution. To be eligible for membership, a student must be of junior or senior status and possess at least a 3.25 cumulative grade point average or higher. 

Phi Alpha Theta

Phi Alpha Theta, the international professional honor society in history, exists to promote the study of history through the encouragement of scholarship, good teaching, research, and publications. The society also serves to bring students, and writers together, intellectually and socially, to promote the fruitful interchange of ideas. 

Phi Eta Sigma

Phi Eta Sigma is a national scholastic honor society for freshmen. Phi Eta Sigma extends membership to freshmen who have maintained a grade point average of 3.5 or better. The society's purpose is to encourage the pursuit of academic excellence. 

Phi Kappa Phi

Phi Kappa Phi is a national honor society that recognizes faculty, staff, alumni, and students of superior scholarship, integrity of character, and the highest ideals, as well as an abiding love of learning. 


Pinnacle is a national honor society that honors outstanding non-traditional adult (25 years or older) students. Potential undergraduate members must have achieved senior status, although exceptional juniors may be selected for membership, and graduate students may be selected for membership in the Graduate Division.  A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required for undergraduates, and a 3.4 GPA is required for graduate students.  In addition, students must be involved in at least three campus and/or community activities.

Psi Chi

Psi Chi is a national honor society whose purpose is to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology. 

Sigma Tau Delta

The international honor society for English majors and minors, recognizes superior achievement in the study of languages and literature and provides members with a variety of activities that promote and support literary studies. The society sponsors poetry and fiction readings, attends state Sigma Tau Delta conventions, takes field trips to such places as "literary New Orleans," and participates in other literary activities. 

Upsilon Pi Epsilon

Upsilon Pi Epsilon is the first and only, existing international honor society in the Computing and Information Disciplines. UPE was first organized at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, in 1967. The international organization now consists of 233 chapters at various colleges and universities in North America, Europe, and Asia. The mission of UPE is to recognize academic excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the Computing and Information Disciplines. UPE is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS). Prospective student members are judged primarily on their academic records and must be pursuing an appropriate degree in the Computing and Information Disciplines. In addition, they must have an overall GPA of 3.0 in all college work completed and must have a minimum of 64 semester hours of college credit including 18 semester hours in the basic courses in the Computing and Information Disciplines with an overall GPA of 3.5 in their CIS coursework.